Blizzard please rework enhancement the spec is bad really bad

This post is scaring me from jumping backon my Shaman Main, who was a crazy dual wield enhance shamy.

if you havent played in a long while you would be like wtf did they do to enhancement.

Just to avoid dissuading newcomers to the forum/class, I need to say a few things:

  1. Yes, Enhancement needs some tweaks to its fundamental design.
  2. No, it isn’t “bad, really bad.”
  3. It’s really fun and with enough gear you can do a lot of damage in raids, M+, and even casual BGs, and even duel some of the stronger specs in WPvP and arena scenarios.

I find the biggest issues with Enhancement, in both PvE and PvP, are the following: a) slow DPS and PvP CC/defense ramp up, b) non-impactful button presses, c) PvE versatility means PvP clunkiness.

All of these issues are directly related to each other, which is why people often feel the entire spec needs a rework. In actuality, combining some effects and abilities and moving power out of Stormstrike/Stormbringer and into other attacks would be able to resolve all 3 issues in one fell swoop.

I’m cautiously hopeful new talents, Covenant abilities, and the reintroduction of legendaries in Shadowlands will all improve Enhancement at a similar magnitude to how BfA improved the core spec (loss of Artifact aside) after Legion.


Oh no here he goes again :roll_eyes:.

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Wrong I main enh start and stop every exp as enh. Stop spreading lies.

In pve it’s fine for sure. Sure dhs/rogues bring more but we aren’t the only melee in that camp. Our damage is good and our utility decent.

PvP though? We cannot duel the stronger specs lol… We can duel the average ones maybe. Dh/rogue/ww will absolutely murder you if they’re even half competent. We can litteraly play turbo and that’s it right now and that’s still a super sub par comp.

Everything about it feels clunky. Seriously give me back any version of enhance that comes from before legion. This version feels bad to play (especially in PvP).

Unfortunately I can’t get behind anything other than monk so I’m stuck playing it and remembering better times.


The problem with this is that most melee are now one trick ponies. In other words, 50% of damage comes from one ability (including procs to buff etc). Ret, UHDK, ENH, AssRogue, I digress.

Hopefully when the do open beta for SL we will see damage being split to other abilities you press. Currently it just feels like a time sink until your main damaging ability is pressable again to do damage. Messing up that rotation/priority feels like there isnt much of a penalty to it.

As for ranged, Destro and Fire Mage feel strong because they feel how casters should actually feel outside of DoT casters. You should get punished for bad positioning, you should get punished for making mistakes. Ele used to feel that way, but does not hence why they are not considered elite. I could say the same for boomie, frost mage, etc.