Blizzard please release p3 PTR

Do we know what things will be available this phase? Things like badge gear or possibly dark moon cards. Need to make a loot list

Darkmoon cards should be, but there’s no changes to the badge vendor thus far.

SSC/TK was 2 months? No way. Not a chance that’s true… Hmmm I guess I gotta dig

EDIT: Okay i checked… SSC/TK hit PTR on 7/29 and was live on 9/15. So, just shy of 6 weeks. But yeah Naxx was up for a while. Naxx had horrible timing with the holidays IMO

This is straight up false. Hardly anybody did heroic raids. Most of the player base didn’t even raid.

I swear. Some of you guys really need to step out of your bubbles sometimes.

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Okay cool, was not sure if dark moon was ZA or not.

Humm, might need to put madness of the betrayer at the top of my list then since I am never getting a DST or Tsunami Talisman.

I had that backwards. Naxx was 8 weeks. SSC/TK was 48 days or 6 weeks, 6 days… i.e. almost 7 weeks.

All good. woulda been so weird to be doing SSC TK since july 15th on PTR for to not get it until September… oof

I love the STRONG pivot that took place in y’all’s back and forth. They went from, “I want a challenge … show off my skills … parse parse parse.” to “I don’t trust blizzard to test their game man.” :joy:

You called them out and hit the nail on the head. Now they’re embarrassed they need to practice for months to be good at this game and parse high early.

Imo PTR is kind of a joke and brings 0 challenge to the game. Let bugs be hot fixed when they’re found idgaf.

In an ideal world, they wouldn’t have public PTR’s so loser PvE heroes couldn’t effectively progress months before anyone else. However given how buggy Tier 5 was DESPITE a public PTR, it seems we need it for QA.

Parsing high is ez. The ptr just allows for easier testing to hit world/server first. Either way ptr or no ptr your class plays the same as p1 and p2. if you can play well and parse well in p2 u will in p3. The bosses will still be fun and challenging to down in the ptr as they will be on release. If they didnt have ptr you would be crying about people testing on private servers. It is also available to everyone so if you say it is “unfair” you are completely wrong. It would be like you failing a test vs a person passing it with full credit. both of you had the same time to learn the material and figure things out with the same tools available to you as the others. its your fault for not doing your research, not the faults of those who did theirs

Where in my post did I say anything remotely close to the word “unfair” that you’re citing from.

My post was calling you out for wanting PTR to act like you’re good when release comes out. Cause that’s exactly why you want it. Don’t act like you want it for testing purposes.

Not my fault for calling it like it is. Idc what you do or want to do. I’m expressing my opinion and observation of your conversation. Stop acting so incredibly defensive. It’s embarrassing for you.

I wasnt saying you called anything unfair. I was putting that out there as a general statement. Since most people who are against ptr state that it gives an advantage over the rest for the new tier. Also I was clarifying on my past statements on how the fights will be challenging but full clearing will not be.

Best of luck to you buddy.

My bubble is what I am basing off. People like u is why I stay in my bubble and circle of trust.

I just check your parse and omg its bad. P2 Gruul is so horrible. How a hunter can be bad like that ?

Yea none of what you said makes any sense. If you’re speed running, you’re usually speed running the CURRENT CONTENT, whatever that is. Nerfed SSC/TK will be the current content… so you’ll run that as fast as you can. How hard it is really doesn’t impact anything because you’re all still just trying to speedrun the same instance.

Also I’m not sure hour and a half SSC’s constitute “super sweaty…” I think that’s about a server 100 here…

Lol? I haven’t even played this hunter in phase 2 and I was in garbage pugs. But I don’t need to explain anything to you scrub. My point still stands. Blizzard will not cater to the sweaty guilds who consist of 5% of the player base who want to speed run, min/max 2 minute fights and think they’re good. Earth to Jacky boy, 2 minutes fights aren’t hard. You stand there and dps and hope you have a good raid comp because if you don’t there goes your so important parse. Raiding in tbc is literally the equivalent as normal on retail. Here. My normal logs on retail. Similar difficulty as tbc raiding except raid comp won’t decide your parse like in tbc.

Why not play P3 when P3 is released?

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