Blizzard please release p3 PTR

I agree, but still I think this gives guilds a chance to slow-down and split run with alts to funnel gear to mains for next tier. Now that I’m full BiS I dont plan on raiding till new content releases, but even if it stales out quick I’m really excited about it anyways. I was just a little kid when TBC first launched so it’ll be new content to me regardless. I’m having alot of fun on SoM with jom’s population and wpvp, which is a new experience as well since I rolled on a pve server during classic.

Parsing high and doing high dps are two separate things. Just bc you play a high dps class doesn’t mean parsing is any easier. Dps is your personal damage per second which is comparable to everyone, parsing is associated to your class and spec. My parse percentile is not compared to a ele shaman. Meaning every class has the same level of play to achieve in order to parse. If it was just how much dps you do then it would not be possible for ele shams to parse above 90 when bracketed in with the high tier hunters locks and mages.

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So you suggest catering to their majority player base. The afk bots that farm primals, nodes and dungeons all day at level 59 in slave pens. Blizz should try to make the game enjoyable for everyone. This is the reason heroic raids were introduced in wrath. To allow the hard core players a challenge and a way to show off their skills are have fun, while allowing the normal version to be played by casuals and soft core raiders

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If u like black morass you’ll like hyjal. I always fell asleep in hyjal. BT will be fun until the 3rd or 4th time.

Except everyone did heroic raids cause the normal ones were too easy. This is why they eventually introduced mythics.

Only if they want $$. And being a business i think the minority should be an afterthought

Love also how you miss that massive middle gap between speed runners and afk bots. Like if you arent speed clearing then you have to be that.


You dont give two craps about the challenge. If you did you’d ask for no PTR and that every guild just get thrown in as blind as possible. You are looking for the opposite of a challenge


This release schedule feels slow af.

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Because it is… if they stuck to original timeline we’d already be in BT


Ptr/ private server/ Blizz server, what does it matter, the challenge of the content is still there. If you prog on ptr you still go through the challenge of clearing it and killing everything. Of course there are people in between the bots and the speed runners who play the game. I was not disavowing the player base of the need for changes and better management from blizz. I wouldn’t have brought up the intro to heroics as a good addition to keep both groups entertained and engaged if I either thought that there is no group in-between. You missed the joke and the point I made about the bots and gold farmers being the majority of the player base, but that’s alright.

No you killed the challenge. You sat there and practiced it to make it more familiar and easier for when it actually matters. If you want a challenge then do no PTR and toss every guild in there on the same level. Then

And see who really has the “skills”

blizzard does not know how to test their own raids tbh. it was bad enough with p2 launch and all its bugs and they were getting feedback for months.

ie. we need ptr because i dont trust blizzard on testing their own game

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If the normals were too easy which caused players to do the heroics, even if that introduced mythic a fix would be to not make the normal as easy as they did. Even so Mythic is another good addition as it allows for 3 difficulty’s. All games that have a difficulty scale will usually have 3 or more selections typically being easy normal and hard. This adds more variety to what the player can do with their given skill and not have the issue we have now. This issue being that the exceptional guilds are bored bc they have been 10/10 for months and want new content apposed to farming the same fights every Tuesday and raid logging after another week of crap loot, while the beginners, casuals, intermediate, players are struggling for hours on end to escape the 8/10 pit hole that alot of them are in. (Side note, if normal is too easy, why does lfr exist?)

Fine say that then. People here trying to church it up under the false guise of “We need the challenge” when theyre looking for anything but that

I see where u are coming from but blizz cant fix their own game, more or less test it. look at som last reset. naxx geared people in bg’s rank 12s everywhere. Kt bugs vash bugs, retail bugs that have been going for months. I don’t trust them to test it fully, nor be creative enough to try some of the dumb things the player base has done and figured out cheese’s for. As far as the challenge that we are wanting on the main server would only be for world and server first’s. Practicing on the ptr is the same as private server practicing. Also killing illidan for the first time on ptr will be just as hard as killing him on the main server. Its not like we will be able to keep the gear from the ptr while we are testing their game. Practice or no practice for the top 5% elite its going to be a cake walk. We all have access to it as well so it is not as if progress gets 3 months to do ptr and the rest of the guilds and players cannot test or see any of the fights.

I would be fine with that but give us a date

Game would literally be dead without WCLOGS. Same with sports: they would be dead without competitions.


Yeah, playing this game for fun is totally over.
When I try to get into pug group the first response is “checkin logs”

P3 is on PTR.

It’s up

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make sure you practice teron gorefiend lolol

Naxx was on PTR for 7 weeks. SSC/TK 8 weeks. So we probably looking at late Jan. or early Feb. for Phase 3.

Edit: Switch that. Naxx PTR: 8 weeks. SSC/TK: 7 weeks.