Blizzard... Please make Timewalking Dungeons harder or remove the lockouts

I’m tired of these narcassists dashing ahead so they can lockout the party and force us to wait while they show off. It’s very old. EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER I play has been locked out a boss fight at least once in Magister’s Terrace. Why are there still lockouts in these antiquated dungeons???


I dunno man if I’m locking someone out as a DK then it’s definitely not me.


It’s not me either. If you seen the crap they do, you’d be locked out too. Blizzard needs to clip abilities like they do with shared content for low level players. If I join a dungeon with a low level player, some of my abilities are unusable and my stats are severally reduced. Blizzard needs to do that. Timewalking should be Timewalking. No level 70 should be using an ability higher than the dungeon’s normal character level.

That would totally go down well with the community.

/s :rofl:


I’ve yet to have a single person get locked out and I’ve done llike 15-20 TW dungeons this week. Even level 30s.


Many of the changes Blizzard has made to the game didn’t go well with the community over the last 2 decades, but here we are. Changes and all.

This isn’t about you. Don’t be a narcassist. Just because you haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean it never happens. Denial isn’t a river in Azeroth.

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I noticed when tanks go into that room they don’t realize how easy it is to pull the boss along with the trash. I had the same issue too but I didn’t really care enough when it happened. The rest of the dungeon went smoothly.

On my monk when I tanked that dungeon, I LoS pulled most mobs to prevent anything like that from happening.

TW dungeons still took only about 10 mins per run for me.


You have the ability to right click your portrait and then click on “Leave Party”.


Got the last couple levels done on my Demo Warlock in TW couple days ago, Druids, Monks and Pallies can be frustrating as tanks when you are a caster with little to no instants. I swear they rushed as fast as they could just to see if I’d kill myself with burning rush just to keep up. Not like I actually got to do any damage outside boss fights.

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Buff the challenge and buff the loot to M0 loot.

I’d rather timewalking be Mythic difficulty and award 493 gear than have it be this boring, weedwacking snorefest.

If wish you would have gotten the tank I had today. They wanted to do another dungeon right after and even though I needed another dungeon I couldn’t deal with that type of nonsense.

They don’t need to make the mobs harder - all they need to do is stop them from being attackable for the first minute or so.

What, force the party to AFK for a minute before doing the dungeon? what would the point of that be?


If you are leveling, you still get XP, even if you dont tag anything. You can literally just press W and nothing else and get levels. If you are max, you have access to plenty of movement abilities/buffs that can get you to the boss.

For example, look at my gear. I put speed stats on it like a freaky lil person, then add in my Talents movement speed buff, PLUS the movement speed buff from my pet, PLUS a movement phial?

If you are getting locked out, its either not a problem or its your own fault.

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If it is boring to you then just do Heroic/M+/Raids. Problem solved.


and you have the right to not respond with your sarcastic and unconstructive comment guided purely for egocentric stimulation from id, but we know that will never happen…

The only projection I see is your repeated attempts to win a disagreement on a video game forum for personal image. What you said wasn’t constructive. It was condescending. You know full well this game isn’t new to me and this thread isn’t about new players.


I also have the right to respond, so I did.

It was a serious and constructive comment; many forget they have the power to simply leave a group they are unsatisfied with.

Projection, as evidence from every post you typed in this thread. Cheers.


idk, sometimes it’s kinda nice to be grouped up with people who basically give you a free carry through the dungeon and all you gotta do is run around and loot. Probably more applicable to casters, because there’ve been times where even if I stop to start casting I only get one or two globals off before the pack is dead anyway.

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Timewalking was more difficult than Mythic, imo. Players actually had to use mechanics or they’d be stuck dying multiple times until the party disbanded or some were replaced with players who actually knew the fights. When players commit to the mechanics, the dungeon is super fast. Is it really a Timewalking dungeon if a Tank can solo it? It actually takes longer for the Tank to solo content. All I’m saying is it’s not fun when players are excluded so 1 person can speed run a dungeon originally meant to remind players or show new players the difficulty of previous expansions. This is an MMO. It’s a group effort.

So you’re the one slowing my runs down constantly doing 0 DPS. I should call the cops for all the time you’ve stolen from me.


and you’re the one being facetious to have a laugh at other player’s expense.