>>BLIZZARD<<. Please make 21+ only realms

Nostalgia and hope.

Only problem is that we have abuse victim hope. “He treated me good once, if I stick it out maybe he will start caring about me again”.


You think someone’s just going to go onto the internet and tell a lie?




Yeah. Give social security number to more people. That’s safe, right?

Also, that guild name.


Will the realm have bouncers at the log in?

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What would a 21+ server be for? Wouldn’t be for the people who run their tongues with foul language. Most of the people who talk like that are in their teens pretending that cursing is cool. If you want it for certain…extra curricular activity reasons, many RP servers have you covered. If it’s because you’re constantly getting pegged for using bad language, just…stop? Curse words are quite boring, but getting creative when you’re not upset is a lot more colorful and entertaining. And less prone to being silenced or suspended for.


This is the real question here. I mean, they already have moonguard for people to roleplay… in that way. People who want to read cursing can simply turn their profanity filter off. So what is the point of the 21+ realm?

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Really, the whole game needs to mature a bit to keep pace with the players. When you have abilities with names like “eviscerate” you’d think bad language would be more tolerated by GMs.

The gameplay isn’t going to attract a younger audience. Cute races might, but that will be short-lived. I don’t have any interest in them, but Goblins, Gnomes, and Vulpera obviously appeal to current players who are very likely over 21. Which is fine, but I get the impression they’re still trying to market the game to teens.

I think a big part of the disconnect between WoW devs and the playerbase is not understanding who their target audience actually is.

Thats information about me that blizzard doesn’t need to have.


Game seems plenty mature? Just because you can get flagged for using curse words doesn’t mean it isn’t mature. It just means there are limits to what words you can use. Maturity is not synonymous with freedom to say or curse whatever words you like?

Honestly, I would love WoW to be more mature, with less curse words, and more interesting and fun discussions about how awful the gameplay is, how terrible the writing is, etc. But we do have a lot of teens who will find ways around the language barrier to be as awful as possible to anyone who disagrees with them or tells them when they’re doing something wrong.


What would this be for, hmm?

An added bulge slider for undead males, hmm?
Sign me up :joy:

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The game rating is Teen in the US. M15+ in OC.

Exactly. My point is that the “bad language” shouldn’t be an issue. I believe it wouldn’t be one at all if the game was marketed towards mature players who have already grown out of cursing for fun.

While I do think that having censorship is a form of immaturity, that’s just my opinion. I’d argue that the writing doesn’t appeal to many adults either, though. Plot holes and “coz magic” tend to put off adults interested in the story.

Only if the females get bust sliders and bust animations…


Not a bad idea if you could implement. Wouldn’t bring people back to the game.

Oh I could write pages upon pages upon books of everything wrong with the current story in WoW, but I’m going to try and refrain from that in this thread. If you see me around, you’ll know how I feel about that.

I don’t know, perhaps we have different philosophies, but if there was absolutely no censorship it would be that much more cluttered with horrid language. And I know the rating. Ratings exist for a reason, it’s why PG-13 movies ban most curse words (though I believe there is a rule allowing them the use of the f word once).

That’s my main issue I guess. I wouldn’t mind the word filters as much if the story was written for the adults that actually play the game.

I don’t have any other games to use as reference, but (in my anecdotal experience) mature areas are more open to discussion and less interested in dropping the latest trendy curse word.

I don’t think the story is written for anyone in mind. It’s just…it’s that bad right now. Fanfic writers could write a more compelling narrative…

It just depends on what the “mature areas” are made for. A lot of people request it so they are allowed to use whatever foul language without repercussions. If it was actually a place for adults to hang out and discuss things, it might be worth having.

Listen, I know the OP is just trying to stir the pot, but I just wanted any young person reading this to know…

As far as I’m concerned, if you’re 18, you’re an adult lol. That is when you’re old enough to make your own decisions, age of consent, driving age, voting age etc. I am very concerned with a situation in society where people are treating legal adults as children not capable of making your own choices.

To me it doesn’t matter what anyone else says to me, once you are 18, you’re an adult, end of story lol. Not 21, not 25, not 16…18 is the age you are an adult.

This is at least how it works in Australia. Shocked how in USA, they don’t consider people an adult until 21.

Elaborate please.

This will never work, especially if the Gms have to be extremely active to make sure no one under 21 is on the server.

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