Blizzard Please Listen

I’ve had no issue with that player in any way …so wouldn’t know bout that.

We know who you are, don’t have to hide behind a classic account lmao

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we do?


Never knew that I’m a middle aged woman now…all while being in my 30s. Dang do I feel that old now :frowning:


It’s all downhill after 25.


I suddenly get the urge to go take a super hot shower and scrub with a brillo pad …ya all have fun :slight_smile:


8 horda in this IOC game!

SAS has always had a no politics rule in chat. Perhaps if you knew the whole story instead of posting baseless ‘facts’ you’d change your tune. Somehow though, I doubt it.

This goes for most of what you’ve been spewing in this thread.

nobody seems to have a whole story, everybody is running on assumptions and rumors

Can you tell us the whole story?

Absolutely not on public forums. Straight up toxic on here.

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its a neutral moderated forum

what would be the point of that?

Well well well. If it isn’t the leader that hasn’t played with his community in ages and all of a sudden crashes in pretending he knows everything. Keep lying or do something about it wuss.


Mr. Literate over here has apparently missed the countless posts where solo players complain about EBG cheaters, and the massive heart reactions against it, as opposed to for it.

30’s are considered middle-aged

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I actually asked google on what number is considered middle aged and this is what I came up with.

(of a person) aged about 45 to 65. :grimacing:

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ain’t no way we’ve gaslit ourselves into thinking 30 is middle aged…

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huffing copium in here

I would never call out your age, Ine, us girls have to stick together.

Dont upsey Gwiyomi, she might disband another community