Blizzard please fix your mistake... Do not ignore it

No its not thirty seconds later second bubble, heal to full. Thirty seconds later lay on hands heal to full. Now be honest about it at least.


We have two of the top players in PvP saying it’s OP and laughing and asking when it will get a nerf.

Even they think it’s stupid in its current form.

If you CANT find a way to use it in RBGs, 3v3, or M+ (As I already have used it multiple times, and actually am almost 2.4k now because of it :wink:), then it is YOU who deserves to lose.


Well, they’ll nerf it later and buff an Alliance racial so they can sell more services. This is not a surprise.




I’m just very disappointed that blizzard is really going this route.

I already pay $15 a month to play the game, and buy services… all I ask is they do their job and make the game fun and actually try to balance it instead of trying to pull money out of my wallet :sob:


Deliberate Dev Engineered Horde Edge confirmed…

I swear I genuinely believe they love just sitting back laughing at us.


While rolling through the money we are forced to throw at them to actually play the game…

Can’t even pvp competitively without this racial rn…

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I dont think people understand math. 25% every second for 4 seconds is not 100%.

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  1. noone BUT the very best in the world wouldve been able to pull that off (the video)
  2. its 2v2
  3. only rogues, paladins and mages can do something remotely useful with regeneratin’, and only in 2v2.
  4. its a inferior competitive racial to at least 10 other races in the game, including but not limited to: orc, undead, human, gnome, dwarf, DID…
  5. you’ll never see this race in a AWC scenario outside of maybe a paladin, so its ok.

LMAO, an alliance player complaining about something being OP. This is hilarious.


It’s not rocket science to run behind a pillar as a healer, dispell yourself, and cast the racial.

Nor is it hard to LoS someone for 2 seconds as a dps.

And…? The same can easily be done in a 3v3? Ever heard of cross CC? Peeling?


They did the same thing with Death Knights and Demon Hunters. Make them OP to get people hooked, then nerf them later on. Sounds like the old bait and switch scam, but people keep falling for it.


Look, I just want to commend you on making sense, but right now that isn’t what’s needed.

We need more “I told ya so” posts, showing a 2v2 video using the troll racial in the hopes of getting it removed.

get yo race changes in fast…


Except she ignored everything that makes it OP…


Anyone that thought this wouldnt be OP in PVP is delusional. There are ways to get off long casts, espeically in coordinated play. Greater pyro mages and destro locks have been viable because of long casts for an expansion.


it’s 2.5 mins and how is using the bubble and Regeneratin’ and different than using bubble and flash of light? Granted, the flash of light uses mana and doesn’t quite get you to full health, but VERY close and the end result is the same.

Much ado about nothing.



Does math. 25% every sec…add the one…multi…divid…4 seconds

Pretty sure its 100%


Because CC and line of sight don’t exist in the game… Sorry but when a mage self heals for almost 1 million health there is something wrong.


Bubble is a 5-7 min cd depending on talents.

Hard to do when one faction’s endgame pop has been decreasing over time, and the devs do something to speed it up.


five minute to two and a half minute. Take the talent it lines up really nice with the racial. I know I have a pally as well. Now bubble, flash heal to full. Thirty seconds later second bubble, racial heal to full. Thirty seconds later lay on hands heal to full. At least be honest dude. heck a smart pally could even get away not using it with a bubble. Just hand of freedom, horsey out of there, for a los, cleanse and racial. Very viable to get a full heal without bubble, for four full heals in a minute and a half time.

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