Blizzard, Please don't nerf our gold

Won’t inflation “nerf” gold in TBC anyway? Saving up gold now seems a bit unrewarding considering how easy it will be to get the same amount of gold at 70 from things as simple as quests.

Not sure if it’s a very popular opinion, but I think a gold “squish” would be a great middle ground option. It’s a fact that inflation is currently out of control, but it would be unfair to punish people who have farmed hours and hours for their gold.

If every 10g was squashed to 1g we would have the same buying power as we currently do without everyone getting epic flying on day 1.

By all means, take everything with you. Oh, and please lock the door on your way out. Thanks! :wink:

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OK, $25 per server’s entire stable of characters. Or perhaps the original cost of the TBC expansion for those who want the ability to transfer their classic characters to the expansion.
You drive a hard bargain.

It is merely a mechanic to separate fresh from those who want to carry their gold bloat from classic.

Lots want to play TBC fresh without the horrid existing bloat due to blizzard inaction.
Lots want to bring over all of the horrid and largely ill-gotten bloat they accumulated in classic.

I could care less about those wanting to carry over the bloat, but support them doing so. Just separate from those who want to get away from that.

The entire system is tainted by the existence of RMT currency. Just because you “worked hard” to earn it, does not remove the stigma of the currency itself.


You guys aren’t bringing all your gold lol. Don’t kid yourselves and you’ll have a much better time prepping for TBC. A LOT more people will leave the game if this broken gold buyer market makes it into the next iteration.


No. I’ll keep the gold I earned thanks. You give yours away…


There is a real problem if we transfer with all our gold; it will allow farmers/bots to transfer with all their gold which mean that right from the start, people will be able to buy gold.

If people didn’t play Classic for long, or at all for any reason, they will be able to buy gold directly from Day 1 or might feel that they have to in order to keep up with the others.
It might deter too many players from playing TBC …

So not restricting the gold is going to be a problem. I don’t like it but it is what’s best for the long term of the game. Then again, I get we are on the US Forum here, meaning the individualistic ego prevails over logic but well


It’s not a mechanic. It’s a financial cost that can get quite steep if a person has several 60’s. You keep making the erroneous assumption that people want progression to keep their gold. I’m sure some do. But I’m so poor none of my 60’s has an epic mount yet. For me progression is about time. I’m fine with the no life losers getting a fresh server where they can relevel all their 60’s all over again. But I have a life and I don’t have time to do it all over again.

I get that people like you don’t have to pay rent to use your mom’s basement to play the game and that frees up a lot of time for you. But some people have jobs and can’t play 10 or more hours a day. I’m retired so I could play more than 10 hours a day but I also have a life. Video games aren’t the only thing I do with my time. Fun is only a part of my life and I do other things for fun besides sit at a computer and play wow. There’s a real world out there and I spend time doing things in it.

I don’t care what blizzard does if they think they can make money doing it. And it seems like there are enough no life losers who do nothing but play wow and are simple minded enough to do the same thing over and over again with out getting bored. Make a couple of fresh servers for them. But I’m going into BC with all my 60’s and my 650 gold or I’m done playing wow forever.

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I really hope they nerf gold just so I can watch all the crying.

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You farmed your gold in Classic, not TBC. There was never any indication that you would be able to take it to TBC.

You should absolutely be able to keep your hard earned gold on Classic. No one is trying to take it from you.

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Are you trolling now? The indication was Jan 16th, 2007.

In Jan 2007, every server converted to TBC. Vanilla servers ceased to exist. That isn’t the case this time around.

There will be transitional servers and fresh servers. It wouldn’t make any sense either way to have one and not the other. I imagine with the amount of people that tbc will attract, fresh servers will be much more popular.

I think it’s just 90 days PER CHARACTER. You could transfer 10 characters in a day I think. It’s to prevent server hopping manipulation for PvP rankings and economy exploits.

they will wipe all gold or cap it or else TBC is RUINED before it even starts, its as simple as that…


alsop…who the f cares about the gold…MOSt, the LARGE MAJORITY was gained through exploiting one way or another…so there is no loss in leaving all this gold behind


Im taking thousands with me one way or another :cocktail:

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Ah yes tbc will be ruined. The only reason any of us wanted to ever play tbc was because of all the exciting new gold farms and the grind for epic flying. If it wasn’t for the gold grind tbc would be garbage.

Don’t sweat it. Deleting gold is a great way to get people to quit playing, and they don’t want that. “Fresh” is a tired meme.

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