Blizzard, please do something about trust levels

Some blood elf players can’t take a joke.

You need to spend 6 months of non stop blizzard worshipping.

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I don’t know about that. Try telling it to this guy:

basic member (TL1) can post direct links to youtube videos that aren’t age-restricted. i notice now that the summary page shows trust level as ‘basic member’ or ‘member’. not sure what TL3 shows but i should have TL3 earned back by the end of this month

Nice try hotshot-desu. I was linked that enough times, I actually have the video ID memorized in the link-desu. You should try a mirrored version of that rather than the official one-desu.

Need level 3 just to post a link!?
Just what were they thinking?

It says regular if you’re trust 3.

You couldn’t even post links for like over a decade on the old forums and the version previous to that as well. No pictures, gifs or videos either. Grinding trust 3 is annoying but it does have more features than the old forums ever did.

I can’t even get out of basic, I’m just so basic :frowning:

I pretty sure you can post link in the old forum, just that you have to actually copy the link and not click the link like what we current have now.

You can do that here too, by putting a grave mark before and after the link. Like this:

There is functionally no difference besides formatting. You can also do the above method with trust 1. You don’t need anything special for it. Links with trust 3 are clickable instead, like this:

Which hasn’t existed since like, the wrath version of the forums or even before.

Yeah this is the one I’m talking about, I though you needed lvl 3 just to post one normal link like this

Same here, working on my third time. We can do it!

buhahaha! :joy_cat:

how do you find out what lvl you are at now.

You can look at your profile.

It should say something like “member” for trust 2 or “regular” for trust 3.

just says member

So in order to maintain trust I have to pander to the majority opinion and not have a voice of my own.

Now I see the brilliance behind Grummbles….offend no one, offer every one cookies. Hmm how about I start from scratch and just pass out muffins with my new alt and never ever say anything meaningful. Yup… I think that’s what Daddy Blizzard wants.

(gives you a Muffin)

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