Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

I smile. I laugh. I’m Happy. Bozomojo is a great mentor to me, has taught me to have fun in this game, without having to deal with them…


Please, share this massive flaw. And next time I get a 470 raider baby apply who hasn’t timed a +10 I will invite him to my +15. Or I could just check his armory and see he hasn’t timed a +10, oh wait thats raiderio.

oh look, another lie, your ilvl at the time was 405, 8.2 emissaries dropped up to 415. and benthic could go up to 425

so you had no where near the “best you could have off world quests and such”

would you like a shovel or are you good digging your own hole?


You say you’re just “having fun” yet you want to ban something that other people are using.


I love how you just took a sizable amount of time out of your day to write this post, only for it to not be read by anyone because Raider io is a good addon. Kek


The only people who don’t like raiderio are the people who don’t do mythic+.

Sure thing.

Running something plenty of times does not mean I have skill. Not in the current WoW climate where paid carries are a thing. You could be looking at Raider IO for your +10 key, looking for someone who has done plenty of +9 keys. It’s fair to do that. But let’s say I paid for plenty of +9 keys and got carried to victory each and every time. Do I have the experience and skill you’re looking for? Absolutely not. Meanwhile someone who may have only done 3 or 4 keys, but has experience, has gotten passed over for me because I opened my gold pouch and they didn’t.

Gearscore had the same problem. People could get carried to higher gearscores, or, at least in the early days, they could fool the system by wearing high end gear that was not for their spec, thus allowing them to get into groups, before they’d swap to their lower quality spec appropriate set.

As long as paid carries exist, you cannot guarantee that the person you’re searching for in Raider IO actually has the experience/skill you’re looking for.

Serious question, and not trying to be facetious: how is it being openly blocked? What is preventing you from finding folks with whom you agree with, and running the content you want?

But you are running different dungeons. If you run a Tol Dagor at a 10 but haven’t timed a Shrine it doesn’t matter if you are applying to a shrine dungeon. Unless you have timed a Shrine at like a 7.

No one does that. I swear I see this arguement by every person and no one pays for carries as often as you insinuate. As someone who has done at least 100 runs this season none of them have ended because I thought one of our players was boosted. I’d remember.

But their prevalence is greatly exaggerated. The people who pay for carries don’t pay so they can pug, they will just keep paying because there is no reason to pay a metric ton of gold when you can easily do it yourself.

Its ignorant of you to say an addon should be removed when your main argument against it is paying to increase score. It is far more beneficial to the majority than the minority of cases you are talking about.

Instead you can rely on their word. Which is worth nothing. Statistics are a harder fact than human decency. And yes it shows if they are good. Because it shows experience. Before you argue “but some people have timed a 9 and are still bad” look up a normal curve.

this would be good for the game, honestly. even in my own guild, we’ve looked at raider. io and ilvl to determine if we want someone…reducing a player to numbers is a useless indicator that they’re any good even if they have aotc or some other crap.

Well the first step is to nerf the dungeon difficulty to pretty much Heroic-Mythic 0

Or they just disagree with your narrow philosophy of how the game should be played. I’m not a fan of raiderio, couldn’t give a dam about it either way. But you just had to increase the font size to its maximum possible limit just so you can visually portray your ineptitude.

You’re making a bigger deal out of something than it needs to be. Chill.

Been a while since I’ve seen one of these. looks like someone is upset no one wants to take their Undergeared/inexperienced butt to the M+ keys.


If we’ve got a guy who isn’t breathing and needs to be intubated, I can choose the guy who’s done a few hundred intubations or the guy who’s done five. Which do you think I will prefer?

If you can consistently do a thing successfully, it means you can be relied upon to do that thing consistently in a manner that results in success. In the absence of personal, first-hand experience with you, that’s a good enough substitute.

You folks always like to insist upon “carry buyers” as somehow invalidating the concept of RIO, even though those individuals are vanishingly rare due to +15 (formerly +10) carries costing a couple hundred thousand gold per run.

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That’s a lot of text OP. I didn’t bother to read most of it.

Sounds like you’re angry at a tool players use to gauge experience. Banning it won’t do anything. We will just come up with other ways to prevent no-talent bads from wasting our time…Hardly a crime to optimize our time in-game.

Apart from all the good suggestions which have already been stated (eg. Make friends, do your own keys etc.) I can offer you one final suggestion if you’re too lazy:

Paid carries.

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If you’re bad, and can’t get a decent score even on your main, I don’t want you in my group. It’s incredibly simple really.

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and how many players have the tens of millions of gold to spend on enough +15 carries to not look suspicious immediately.

i’m sure some of them exist, but what you are describing is such a miniscule number of people that its really a non-issue.

nothing is being blocked, you just need to put the work in, bare minimum get your legendary cloak, that right there will give you a nice ilvl boost, on paper at least. then start applying to 5’s and under, any 5’s and under. sure you’ll get denied for a whole bunch cuz dps is a dime a dozen but even when I was starting out it rarely took longer than 10 minutes to find a group. and at that lvl very few people care about io score (many don’t even know what it is)

run those, get gear (which at your ilvl you can still get improvements) try to get at least 1 timed run in each dungeon at that lvl, that right there will boost you up to around a 600-700 score, then start applying for 8’s and 9’s. which again you can still get gear upgrades from so its not like you are “wasting time”

now going into 10’s and higher is a bit of a jump cuz the current affix DRASTICALLY changes the routes and the pulling of dungeons, but if you’ve got timed 8’s and 9’s on the board you will be sitting around a 1k-1.1k score, which should be plenty to keep you going.

all of that can be done through pugs, sometimes its a pain (the jump to 10’s and 11’s is particularly painful cuz so many people have no clue wtf they are doing) but once you push past that it starts smoothing out in the 12 and up range.


And again, I can pay for carries to all of those. As demonstrated by the fact that plenty of people have the Brutosaur, there’s no shortage of folks with large amounts of gold, and as long as paid carries are a service, I can fool tools like Raider IO into thinking I have more experience than I actually do.

Plenty of people do that actually, in fact I happen to know several people in guilds that I’m in who would rather pay for a carry than put in the effort to earn their way to that spot. They simply do not care enough to earn their stripes, not as long as carries exist. But the odds of getting rid of carries are about as low as getting rid of Raider IO.

I support you and your post pal. Everyone says “just do it with a group of friends if you don’t have the raider IO, nbfd.”

With this standard, they get to play an MMORPG, while their answer for you is basically play Dungeons and Dragons with 4 people you may know. For them, they can group with whoever they want at the drop of a hat. Everyone else with the lower Raider IO is bound to doing it with only a group of people they play with IRL, at which point, why even play an MMORPG? They present you with the falsest of choices.

I used to be against Raider IO… but I realized that the only reason why people complain about it is because they’re either:

  1. Entitled and think they deserve to be accepted into groups based on their perception of their skill level.
  2. Impatient that they won’t put in the work to do what it takes to boost their IO.

If people put half as much time into grinding dungeons as they do complaining about how “unfair” RIO is, they’d be able to get into groups. Instead, we have a lot of people that feel like they deserve a spot in a group that don’t even want to put in the work to learn the dungeons.

And trust me, I’m not someone who pushes high keys. I’m the person who was one or both of the list above, until I realized how idiotic my mindset was about it.