Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

Once again you are describing a minority.


Show me stats like your whole “everyone buys carries for score” “score is completely unreliable”

And like I said before you are in the MINORITY, MINORITY. Its capitalized because you haven’t been reading it. People don’t shell out hundreds of thousands of gold because they want a shiny 1k io. And they also don’t do it to slightly improve their pugging abilities.

Show me the average casual player who’s sitting on enough gold to buy several longbois, because that’s what it takes to buy a +15 carry every week. And if you only ever do a single +15 of each dungeon with no other significant history? Then guess what, your own history has outed you as a carry-buyer.


Where did I say ‘everyone’ ??

Strawmanning my point doesn’t do you any favours.

It’s just amazing to me how not being invited to someone’s group is now an article of toxic gamur culture.

The people ranting and raving for all of these addons to be banned just to make it easier to get carried and argue about it with other players, that’s not toxic. Nope, definitely not.


No it does not. But guess what, the minority of players since it isn’t everyone doesn’t matter. Because the system does what it is supposed to do 90% of the time. And thats good. If you argument is only that 5-10% of players pay for their io (which is likely too high a number) then it is not a reason for the addon to be bad as that is a high success rate.

I’m a casual player, and Raider io makes me feel like I get something from a dungeon even if I don’t get any loot. I get a higher score, which, at least, is something.


It also is the only incentive to push high keys in the game.


exactly, its not like its even hard to get a carry. i’ve seen plenty of “my key, your carry” listings… and guess what… they fill, i’ve even joined more than a few. cuz there are lots of people in the m+ community who don’t mind helping people get geared up. and if you are posting your key up as one of those, the people joining really don’t care what your IO is cuz they are going into it KNOWING its a carry.

Good point! Although I will probably never do a key above 10 (lol), I think that it’s a way for people to have fun, so I say keep it!

Hmmmm… Not all casual would like to have RIO banned or destroyed.

I think that is a good tool to check and avoid literally wasting your time for nothing.

RIO is not toxic… People is and not all people that uses RIO is toxic.

I don’t see why these people argue that they should ban it, I mean RIO is the equivalent of not taking a fresh 120 to the latest raid.

People are toxic but neither you, me them or Blizzard can fix that.

You need to stop pulling numbers out of thin air. There’s a reason why I never used words like majority, minority and everyone. It’s the same reason why I didn’t throw percentages into my posts, because I don’t have any hard numbers and neither do you.

As long as paid carries are a service, there will be people who will have more gold than experience and they’ll use that gold to buy their way into groups. That’s a simple, undeniable fact.

And that’s not even touching on folks who will use the illegal ‘pay $$ for carries’ services that pop up, or the folks that are carried by their friends because they want to get them geared quickly.

You’re reliant on a system that can be gamed by anyone with a fat wallet. It’s really as simple as that.

That hasn’t stopped you from implying that carry-buys are commonplace enough to render RIO useless.

I never said useless. I said it has a major flaw, which it does.


Every system which has ever been designed to oversee anything, throughout the whole entirety of human history, can be and has been gamed. RIO is a more consistent, reliable predictor of success than the ilvl gauge that came before it, and vastly superior to pulling a number out of a hat like some of you folks suggest we do.

I can fool tools like Raider IO into thinking I have more experience than I actually do. [/quote]
Raiderio also keeps track of how many keys a player has timed in a given bracket, for example 10-14 or 15-19. If I see a player with two timed keys in the 15s bracket and zero in the 10s bracket with no previous seasons score, I’m skeptical of that player’s experience. That looks like carries to me. But a player with two timed keys in the 15s bracket and 20 timed keys in the 10s bracket probably pushed those keys themselves and likely understands the dungeons and affixes. Coupled with a decent ilvl, and I can make what I believe is a better decision about whether they will be able to help time my key. It’s not fool-proof by any means, just another source of quick data.

Can they ban you? Thanks.

OP! World is not black and white.
M+ does not consist of “elitists” and “noobs”.
I am a tank so I could pick and choose if I wanted to.
But guess what, when I (used to) do my own keys (usually <7), I set a min. ilvl and generally invite the first DPS that show up.
I usually avoid stacking classes but I really don’t care.

My key rules are “don’t care about the timer”.


R-aider’io is really toxic and my experiences with it since returning to wow have been nothing but bad from the kind of people to the conversations surrounding to the encounters with people focused on it, it’s very very bad tool combined with the already dated horribly implemented lfr tool, blizzard is just slacking.

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If you’re having trouble getting into groups, join me for some completion runs! I don’t care about the timer, I just like to do the hard stuff and hang out with friends. I (and other people who run these groups) don’t check rio, I just care that you’re trying.

Other people really like it, no need to rain on their parade!


Start you own groups and break the trend.