Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

no, you got it in a 5+ freehold on jan 12 at 08:18 utc, and, from the looks of it you got carried pretty hard since except for the tank every other person who ran it with you was a good 30 ilvls higher than you and had 1k+ RIO scores. it was also one of only 2 Mythics that you have ran, EVER, and the only other one you got carried by those same people.

if you HAD run a +9, not only would it show on your RIO record, but you would also have rank 2 focusing iris instead of rank 1…

so not only did you lie about your experience, what little experience you DO have was getting carried through 2 low keys. and this is exactly why RIO is handy, cuz people lie, this way we can check.


And here we see the true beauty of things like RIO: Calling out lies and BS.


Where is your legendary cloak? Why don’t you have a 440 weapon from conquest capping? You can also get a random piece of 445 loot from conquest capping from the weekly PVP chest.

You refuse to even attempt to make yourself attractive to M+ groups, and then you’re surprised that nobody wants to give you the time of day.


i’d like to see it banned.

i don’t have any interest in doing mythic dungeons or anything that’d require it really. i just hate seeing people so reliant on a third party addon.

like to see that damn coordinate addon get disabled too. that one actually screws me over, since i don’t use any addons. people just silently linking numbers all the time. hopefully shadowlands puts a stop to that with the new linkable waypoints.

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youre right, ive never done a 9 only 5 successfully, and a failed 6 in tol dagor once off premade groups now that i cheeked my screenshots folder. my memory isn’t as clear, remembered the 6 as a 9 but i still stand by what i said about it…

and those people, were only there, because of my good friend trying to elevate me, in an otherwise, intolerant community, to help me get better gear, to go higher…but even then its limited. and now, i have no one…

ahahaha… and you know, im glad i stopped caring, my friend bozomojo has shown me the way

It is not an “intolerant community” that refuses to carry you through content literally 30+ ilvls beyond you. That’s not you being a contributing party member. That’s a carry. That’s pure charity.

You want into those groups on your own merits? Put some god damn effort forward.


I never liked the concept of raider io, just like I never liked the concept of gearscore back in Wrath.

In fact, even though I know it will get me denied by groups, I registered a raider io account just so I could tell the entire system to hide my characters. I don’t agree with the system existing, so I’m not going to let my characters appear in the system.

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Doesn’t look like you’ve done any this season. And you do understand that they change things up each season?

So again, you need to help yourself before you can expect anyone to want to help you.

Get your legendary cloak. Get a 440 weapon. Get some 445 gear. Do your emissaries for gear. Get people to notice you when you queue up for Mythic+ instead of scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Raider IO isn’t an issue if you play with friends.

So, why aren’t you playing with friends?

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then they will inspect your gear in stormwind/org and kick you for not having the right enchant like we did in bc/wrath
problem solved? lol

MY gear at the time that i still have was the best you could ever have off WQ’s and such, before 8.3. Had exceptional DPS.

They never cared for me then, why should i care now? Why do nzoth capes. What will i gain from gearing up now, when i know its gonna be the same tale over and over again? It’s a waste of time

You’re all the same, you expect people be gods at the game, you never think about what its like to be the other guy. You’re all so full of yourselves

I used to think my gear was a tragedy, but now i realize, its a comedy.


Funny thing is that they can even make their own group in the quickest way and they choose not to.

They have what you want. What do you have that they should want? Because you are clearly doing a dreadfully poor job of selling that something, if it exists to begin with.

Personally? I expect people to either pull their own weight in a group, or pay money for the carry.

Also you’re no-joke starting to parrot the more well-known soundbytes of incels. Perhaps you should do some thinking on that attitude.


Why do you even want to do Mythic+ if you don’t care about getting geared up? Just do Heroic dungeons.

I don’t intent too, i stopped caring.

Put on a happy face, and smile. The denizens of Duskwood, ‘LOVE’ me very much…

So why did you want banned again?


I love Raider io

Run your own key. That’s what I do because any pug with the option will take a prot war over a blood dk for good reason.




You’re right you only get to experience it if you actually apply yourself and do the dungeons. You aren’t going to get into a +10 if you haven’t done the dungeon before and you shouldn’t expect to.

If you are annoyed at my first couple answers well hey, I have timed all +15s and several above that only through pugging. And I think the system is fine.

OP people made these same arguments against Gearscore back in the day, because it effectively did the same thing. It created an arbitrary gateway between players and getting into groups.

And like Gearscore, Raider IO has a massive flaw in it, but just like gearscore folks will leap to its defense because it makes things ‘easier’ for them.

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