Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

Why don’t you have your legendary cape? Why haven’t you conquest capped at least once for a 440 weapon?

You’ve put in the absolute bare minimum in getting your character geared up and you’re expecting people to just walk you through challenging content?


Most people will actually do the bare minimum of calling 911 if they think someone might be in trouble. Trust me, we get enough early-morning callouts to “unknown medical, man down” for some hobo that we know by name, specifically because so many people can’t just pretend they didn’t see anything.

So no, you’re not gonna sell me on the “People are absolute garbage” pitch. I know better. I know it firsthand.

You’re 419. If you’re joining anything but a M0, you’re competing with literally one or two DOZEN other DPS players with higher ilvls and better dungeon records. It would be flabbergasting if you weren’t struggling to find PUGs willing to take you.

I exclusively PUG M+. I still manage to get where I need to be, every single season. Because I’m competent, AND because I put the legwork in to prove that I’m competent for a given level.

They were you, once. They put the work in, and they progressed. You keep insisting that you should be allowed to skip steps. Sorry that they aren’t in any hurry to carry you.


Only because you’re horde.

If you’re trying with this toon, you’re way undergeared for m+. Luckily that’s easy to fix unless you spend all day chilling in wherever horde chill these days.

I pug stuff pretty regularly, both m+ and raids, and this almost never really happens.

Bonus: I’ve never checked anyone’s IO when making my own group, because I don’t run anything high enough for it to matter. I only choose based on ilevel and class depending on the affix .


I have leveled 4 characters to 120 this expansion, coming back just before 8.3. I have ran through the same gearing process for each of them that goes:

  • Get minimum gear for m0s (literally takes like 2 hours of play time after you ding 120)
  • Gear up by running m0s/do WQ/assaults/professions/conquest
  • Join low keys/normal raid and gear up through there. I have never had a single person tell me I can’t do a sub +6 because of my IO.
  • Join mid keys/heroic raid. RARELY I will have issues joining a group I have the gear for.
  • Move on to high keys.

Seriously the game literally shoves gear in your face. It legit takes less than a week to hit 460 ilvl. It’s not raiderio that’s screwing you, it’s that you are competing for a spot with many others who are on paper better than you.


And that’s the crux of your problem right there. Because you feel like you’ve been wronged, you’d rather be self destructive not only to the M+ scene but the game as a whole.


If you bothered you would notice I hardly run mythic+ content but that said, I understand the value of “IO”. If you don’t want to be judged upon your experience in mythic+ content then form up your own groups until you boost your score.

Blizzard is not going to ban it, because they freely give out the data “IO” uses to anyone that wants it thru a public data feed. Hell they even liked the concept so much they integrated a cut down version of it on our armory profile.

I don’t like Raider IO.

Its not because I don’t like the add-on or the people who made it. I dislike how its sometimes used. Raider IO is an imperfect solution, but is probably the best option we will ever have.

Linking achievements doesn’t mean much when you are carried.
Having Raider IO show you completed a +15 key doesn’t mean much when you are carried.
My biggest issue is the elitist attitude from some who use it.
Ive seen people requiring stupid high level gear and and Raider IO scores for low level keys.
Ive seen group leaders with trash IO scores themselves demanding stupid high levels of gear and Raider IO scores
I pretty much know when the group leader in the queue has a high level IO score I will pretty much get turned down for the key, even lower ones, and I’m at 463 with almost 900 IO score.
Ive joined some great groups where we steamrolled everything and Ive joined groups where the people in it shouldn’t even be in a key that high.
I was in a group last night of three people in the same guild. The healer and I were brought in to the group from the queue. Then they proceeded to kick the healer right when the final boss was killed so he couldn’t get loot.

I’ve mostly ignored Mythics this expansion, but I’m one of those people furloughed due to the virus which gives me some free time so I decided to hit them like the fist of an angry god the last week or so. Some of what I see is both amusing an irritating and I used to be a fairly hardcore raider years ago when I had the time for it. None of us want to play with scrubs, but certain players and their elitist attitudes need to be punched in the throat.

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Ten minutes of truth.

People who think raiderio is what keeps them from running M+ are the same as incels.

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How about another joke, Caargon?

I don’t joke.

Your problem is you-centric. Your inability to progress is not due to anyone except you.


This is a huge part here. People seem to only be interested in the destination but don’t care about the path they took to get there.


I’m struck by the irony of someone who thought that character name was appropriate being concerned about toxicity.




Also, apparently someone who doesn’t know how to post links properly.


OP had to fall back on the tried and true “ban raiderio” post as there hasn’t been one in a couple days. Shouldn’t you be lambasting Torghast? That’s the new hot button!

It just means people are getting bored bashing on multiboxers.

Everything’s cyclical. RaiderIO, multiboxers, FOTM game mechanic… They all get their turn at the podium.

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Nonintimate relationships are transactional. Who are you to me? Why should I take an unknown amount of time out of my rec time to carry you unless I feel like doing some charity work?

I don’t know you. That means I care about what you can do. I have an immediate goal I’m trying to accomplish. What do you bring to the table? Okay, prove it. I’ve got things to do.


You abandoned yourself first. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves.


The worst part of having a low io score is people expect you to behave as if you don’t. :slight_smile: