Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

LFG dungeons are not a great place to judge lol. Join a heroic guild if you want, the bar to join is not very high. You can heroic raid and M+ with them.

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Well like I said, it has potential to break the community apart. If they wanted to make steps to have the game be more about community again then cool. But personal opinion here, the WoW community is pretty trash to one another. There are plenty of good people for sure, but for every good person I seem to find +3 bad ones in their place.

Also, I think the current iteration can exist but there needs to be more of an emphasis on both guild communities and server communities as a whole. And no, I’m not talking about “pandering to the guilds”.

Why do people care so much about what people want to bring to THEIR group. If it bothers you so much run with guildies or make your own group. Two simple solutions.


Got a question,since it is about rio,can this be applied to world boss raids?

TD;LR same poster complaining that healers are invulnerable in pvp.

Either a better then average troll, or just someone whos mad they can’t just roll their face on their keyboard all the time and get the best gear.

There, saved you all a read.


Yes, that is the crux of the problem.

It’s definitely a gamble, but it often feels like tearing the whole thing down and hoping the community rebuilds itself is about the only solution left at this point.

… nothing else has worked.

Every dungeon and raid in classic is easier in every way than literally every dungeon and raid in BFA. What key level do you think you should be in a group for? I will take you into any key you want along with an equally geared person of higher io and if you perform as well, I will tell you that you are a god and classic is the hardest game ever. If you are wrong, edit your post and say you are an idiot.


Classic content is far, far easier than modern content. The only thing the two share in common is the source code.

You start with M0’s. then you graduate to +2 and +3, maybe +4 if you get lucky. You do that for about a reset, trying to hit as many dungeons as you can in your schedule for both drop upgrades and RIO boost. (PS no one checks IO at +4. No one.) Then you start working your way into +7’s. Then +10’s. And so on. This continues at a rough pace that you move on to the next key level when you’re roughly out of upgrades from the current level.

If you want to skip ahead in line a little? Roll a tank. You didn’t. You rolled DPS. There are roughly a thousand of you for every tank, and a couple hundred of you for every healer. Play the overpopulated role, you better expect a harder time getting parties. That’s the life you chose.

An RPG without actual progression. So a bad RPG. Sounds terrible.


You can be full 445+ from Emissaries, solo Visions, WQs, Conquest, Warfronts before you ever touch Mythic+


There’s so much wrong in your post, I’m just sticking to this. I took 3ish years off, nobody I used to play with is around. I got myself to 120 and hit the guild and community button. Looked for a group that had casual interests like me. Took a day to find a place full of friendly people.

Obviously you may not get it on the first try, but it really can’t get any easier to find a group to play with regularly. It’s a million times easier than doing the same in vanilla.


If it drives away all the progression-obsessed try-hards? Good riddance.

At least every other aspect of RPGs would remain intact… just not the ones which attract the trouble-makers, which I can gladly go without. Gear progression is terribly boring anyhow, I’d like to be able to actually customize my toolkit again without having the optimization mantra overpowering everything.

Such as? Because every RPG I’ve ever played in my life, from Baldurs Gate to Dragon Age to WoW to Elder Scrolls, makes building a character a very central consideration.

Don’t even pretend that the Warcraft setting can ride along on its story. No one is that banal.


I started doing that actually, resubbed not long ago because my friend kept begging me too. After all, my transmog looks, off.

For you but not for me perhaps. I have a hard time meeting like-minded people and i will not force myself to play with people that i am not as comfortable with, that would be bad for them, i make real friends not phony friends. I’m very selective. This is more of a me thing than a game thing though.

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I think Classic has actually shown Blizzard that their pushes just aren’t working. Just to be clear, I don’t think Raider IO is the problem but it’s more about the community. I also think M+ has been a good addition to the game overall. Having the ability to filter your group to be as best as it can be isn’t a problem to me personally. And the M+ scene has shown that it’s very popular with the current playerbase.

Not to change the subject of the thread, but they really need Torghast to be the opposite of the dungeon sprint and bring back the dungeon crawl experience. That’s what I’d be pushing for more instead of looking for ways to change something a clear portion of the WoW playerbase already enjoys.


it’s not going to change, time to get used to it

Pretty much. There doesn’t need to be more “cutting edge” small group content. M+ already exists. Torghast has enormous potential to be the kind of crazy stupid fun that “pick up and go” gamers love. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone actually in favor of what they’re doing with the timers, at best a grudging acceptance of why they believe it’s necessary. Screw that. Let it be crazy stupid fun.

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Can we add in a ForumIO for creating long winded posts?


Yep. And to me personally, I’m gonna call bull if they come out with a similar statement as to why it took so long for Azerite gear to get changed. It’s a literal timer, it already existed in the Alpha, they should just pull out the Torments and make it about exploration. If players want to play a bit more risky, then they could add alternative pathways, secret bosses and even rooms with said Torments that players have to push through. But make it all by choice of the player.


In theory, it’s pretty cool to see stats. But i take issue with player filtering it makes the experience bad for everyone. I mean sure, yeah in terms of booting people for being undergeared yeah it’s understandable and the players in question should know better if they arent ready for something that’s too high.

Filtering removes opportunities. Forces you into a overly long grind just to prove yourself, and not many people have that much free time. This, isnt an issue in Classic.

I just hop onto a dungeon from people off chat, and off i go. that simple. Gear, obtained.

Longest post wins.

… so clearly not this one.