Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

Absolutely. Io is the carrot to chase. Just got 3 io and am closing in on that 2600. The hunt continues for more io.


Oh just noticing this was necro’d from a year ago… mb guys.

Troll dude… really???

I award you the second Necro Lord of the Day Award.

Someone else beat you to having the Day First Award. :sunglasses:

Guess what…Im starting to get accepted to 20s now…and I’m not a meta spec. What happened to that bottleneck?

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“I want free mythic plus carries but raider io is shining a spotlight on the fact that I don’t do anything myself.”

Raider io isn’t a problem, the problem is people wanting to skip the climb. Want to get into 15 pugs? Then climb the io ladder like everyone else. Start low and build.


Bump even though this thread didn’t age well and is pointless now; but the people need to see the TRUTH

Blizzard must have already banned it because I’ve been playing a long time and I’ve never seen or heard of it before.

It’s honestly like they think that people with higher io just started there. I didn’t start at 2k I have filed my fair share of +5s etc as I’m sure everyone else with high io has too. I started by doing a mythic 0 and getting a plus 2 key like everyone else.


Hello 2020 , we all hate you and your pandemic


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that io is just fine, necessary for the m+ community, and the only people who have a problem are the ones incapable of forming in-game friendships?

that truth?

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It doesn’t even require making friendships. Yes it will lead to a far greater enjoyment of the game but if people start on the first rung of the ladder then start climbing like we all did then they can do well too.

The problem is that people see other people who are well on their way up the ladder and want to jump to the same spot. It doesn’t work like that. Stop being jealous and do the climb that everyone above you a has already done.

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The irony is the higher you move up on keys you the smaller the population pool so you run into the same players frequently doing keys. Friends get added, discords joined, etc.


Definitely, I was just meming. Blizzard made rader io baseline in the game anyway; so I guess this guy got his wish that you don’t really need the addon anymore xd

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You are right, that was a funny joke.

Im sympathetic to both sides tbh.

On one hand I get wanting to have some kind of metric to try and ensure that you arent wasting your time and key by bringing in someone unqualified.

On the other hand, these kinds of performance metrics are what make working jobs in the real world hell and it doesnt make video games any more fun for that matter…

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because they can.

If you’re the average player, as OP states he/she is, RaiderIO doesn’t affect you because you’re only doing 10s or under anyway, and RaiderIO is primarily used for anything above 10s.

Unless, of course, by “being average” OP really means (s)he has average ability and average time commitment but wants access to above-average gear that comes with above-average abilities and above-average time commitment. In which case, it does affect him/her.




Deleted deleted yes i deleted

hmmm no id much rather point out the flaw so you dont do it next time.

I might as well reply and give my two cents on this subject. I’m KSM on both SL seasons, nothing special.

I agree and I disagree.

My thoughts before were that I completely agree. Screw this system, remove it completely, shut down that website and remove this sort of toxicity.

Here comes the problem, though. I disagree because it’s 100% necessary. Allow me to explain.

Let’s say you’re looking to raid higher difficulties such as Normal, Heroic, and/or Mythic. Your guild doesn’t raid, or you don’t have one, so you check LFG tool. You sign up for a few, and you maybe get invited to one. You get there, everyone is ready, fight starts, and you guys keep wiping because people are either messing up or pretended to know the fight, and this lasts until the leader replaces people or the group flat out dies. This happens quite a bit.

What do you do in that situation? You have three choices. You can look at their #/10 bosses killed, their “AOTC/CE” achievement, or take a chance.

How does this translate to Mythic+? It’s the same idea, except there’s only two options. Your Mythic+ Rating or taking a chance.

Let’s say you’re making an M+ group. You get some big pumpers with low/no rating that are around 245-250+ each, and you know that x class does a lot of DPS because you actually take the time to research the DPS/Healer/Tank rankings and whatnot. You guys start the dungeon and, somehow, one or more of these big pumpers are flat out terrible in more ways than one.

Next time you get people with high ilvl and rating, great. You guys start, and it somehow still goes the same way. How is that happening, even with everything being “correct”?

These systems are in place because they are necessary. You may not like it, or you may not agree with it, but they serve a purpose nonetheless. If you’re worried about RaiderIO, you can easily build up your rating with no effort. Start low, if you really have to. Do all 4s, then all 6s, then all 8s, then all 10s, and before you know it, your rating will not be a problem anymore.

Personally, on this season 2, I started on all 8s, then 10s, then 12s, and then finally 15s. Some of these took a really long time for anybody to even bother inviting, especially as a tank. It took applying to a hell of a lot of groups, but I skipped to all 8s because my ilvl was already high. It’s really up to you how you do this, but it is certainly possible and not an issue whatsoever.

But then comes the biggest concern out of these systems. Boosts.

You’ll find people with high rating or 10/10 bosses killed, AOTC, etc, but you have no idea if they used a boost or not, so no matter what, it is always a gamble unless you find a coordinated guild or group of friends that you have real good synergy with. I know this may seem quite difficult, but believe it or not, I was in the same spot until I made an ad on the “Guild Forums” here and found a place, even though my server is dead.

I used to think that I was stuck because the game wouldn’t physically let me progress, but the truth is simpler. It’s always you. If you don’t take the steps to do so, then it will not happen.