Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

therefore, the addon does not help, it affects a lot, I do not know how it will be when Shadowlands arrives, but there is a mixed community that agrees or disagrees, and it affects much and more than what an AOTC would ask you in the raid group finder and need for a Guild group.

Sucks to suck bro.

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Gearscore was still the RaiderIO of its time. People used it in the same way. I’m not saying Ilvl holds nearly as much value now. But it did hold value when they built it into the game.

It wouldn’t be too outlandish for them to build IO into the game. Of course using their own system. But at the same time they don’t really need to as long as RaiderIO stays updated. As I think the M+ pugging scene would die pretty quick without it.

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What is that blob of confusing text? Are you saying RaiderIO puts together every score you’ve ever earned and doesn’t reset each season? What?

RaiderIO resets every season and only shows your previous highest score so you still can get an idea of what’s going on going into a new season. Somebody who just started in 8.3 could get the same score as somebody who played the entire expansion just as easily as said person who played the entire expansion.

By playing the game.


The Raiderio Addon are sucks.

But gearscore It was worth it, it was more fair, obviously you would not bring a low 1k of gs to ICC 25h, because it would be a reverend hindrance and could not bear anything DoTs attacks like Sindragrossa.

Not like the Raiderio Addon, that anyone can be kicked out and rejected just because they just bought the expansion during 8.3 so to speak.

It is a discrimination and for that reason it would also have to be a reason that I wait for the next expansion seeing the kind of people that you are and accept the addon as if nothing.

reset but does not change the score, and the other marker that shows the new score you do this season, has no absolute value only what you do in the entire expansion.

All the total score, so the addon does not help to grade you.

So you should be aware of what Blizzard does, or ban it from the list of necessary addons to the game.

RaiderIO is equally effective to gearscore. If you do not have RaiderIO then odds are extremely good that you won’t be capable of doing the content. There’s some bad invites where people have too high of an IO for their skill level. But rarely too low. As it’s very easy to build up.

There’s absolutely nothing stopping a fresh player from climbing up IO. Somebody who started in 8.3 has the same IO scoring system as somebody who started in 8.0. Nothing super relevant carries over from season to season.

But it’s not fair like gearscore, and in fact it doesn’t help evade carries either, which is already part of Blizzard whether it’s gold or not (I mean free).

Raiderio sucks anyway.

Gearscore doesn’t evade carries either. Gearscore is completely RNG. RaiderIO is skill based. Yea carries can adjust it incorrectly. But even competitive games with actual skill based ratings can be adjusted by a good enough carry.

people who like it and want it will use it. people who dont like it and dont want it wont. why are you trying to force your own way of playing onto others just so you can personally benefit from it whilst harming others?

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Agree. It’s a pain to get an M+ group as a lock bc I can’t get invited to groups to Show that I can run them.

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It’s not harming anyone. If you aren’t using it, you aren’t going to be trying to push endgame content anyway. So IO won’t affect you.

In other news, FF14 blocks dps meters. Also the SL alpha blocks dps meters. Interesting eh?

Try to do lower keys before jumping into higher keys. Why would I invite you to content several levels above what you’ve done in the past?

ofc it is harming other people if hes trying to ban a system that many people like and want to use, wth? this post is literally about that, look at the title

Wow won’t block dps meters. The alpha is a limited testing environment that’s under heavy development.

I honestly didn’t even know what you were responding to. I see now.

Oh I know. But it just goes to show what blizz could do when it comes to add-ons if they want.

/Mourn WQGF.

Duh? They make the API addons use.

Yea but I’ve come across some peeps who swear black and blue that they can somehow get around blizz’s limitations. Always makes me chuckle.

Yea fair enough. Truly blizzard could stop just about any addon they want if they really wanted to stop it. They have ultimate control over what’s allowed.