Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

Chat* my bad I edited it. Thanks for correcting me :+1:

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raider io is for pugs.

You can still run with your guild, or make your own group.
If your guild won’t take you, get a new guild.

raider io is not the problem here.


No, I honestly thought I had missed something. Like I said, I don’t raid a lot, so I just thought it was something I wasn’t familiar with.

That does make more sense now though.

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Wouldn’t it be interesting if blizzard actually implemented raiderio rather than considered it the enemy.

Why is raiderio so prevalent? Its because it works.

Blizzard want players to find their own groups and form social ties, social ties are usually formed by finding common ground. In the M+ case its completing the dungeon and pushing the key/earning the rewards.

We should have a system that helps with that, right now the only metric in game is ilvl, which has vastly been obseleted by corruption, essences and azerite along side the long standing player skill metrics that it cannot track.

Giving the more skilled players tools and data to form “smarter” groups, would help.

Maybe even have very short skirmish modes where m+ groups can queue up to face a pack/boss to see if they want to tackle content together?

Why do you think blizz considers it the enemy? they increased the capacity of runs listed on the leaderboards for it.

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Enemy is probably wrong word, I think if they were able to focus more on the social dynamics of the game it would yield a far far greater return for shareholders than making more content.

All DPS players will have a hard time trying to pug M+s. This is not a problem of raiderio, there are just a hellalot of DPS. If so many players are applying for the same group, people will just pick the ones that seem to be more skilled. Sometimes i can spend more than an hour just to find a group, but there’s nothing i can do about it. If i want a more quick invite, i just log into one of my healers, i have 3 of them and i never spend more than 10 minutes looking for a group.

Expect to climb gradually, you cant jump into a +10 if you never did nothing more than a +4. This is not elitism, is common sense. There are some people who just ask for way too much relative to the content they want to do. Just ignore them, they are looking for a free carry, dont waste time on these.

And finally… join a guild. Even if it is just a random one, it will make your life easier. Take a trip to the most populated cities on your server, take a look at the players and their guilds. Look for one that you see pretty often, that means they will have a lot of active players, and if they have a lot of active players, then many of them will be looking for people to do M+ with, like yourself. With a guild, not only you have more chances of getting a group, but you can maybe get into keys you would never be invited by pugs, and probably have a way better experience even if you fail.

M+ is for equal to raid level content giving equal to raid gear. It’s like complaining as a casual player that people aren’t inviting you to do mythic raiding without any experience. Why would someone waste their time inviting you to a +15 when you aren’t going to be able to do the content? Why would you try to join a +15 when you aren’t going to be able to do the content. Raider IO is 100% needed to keep M+ pugging alive because the alternative is people wanting much harder to get achievements linked to prove your worth.

Seriously if Raider IO scares you and your a casual level player then you aren’t going to be able to do the content raider IO affects without carries.

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what we actually need is an in-game IO system, like we have for PVP but better. Blizzard told us they were working on something like this long ago (making an internal mythic plus score system).

Yea they eventually made the gear score addon built into the game. And with them trying to make M+ a more competitive option kinda like Arena I don’t see why they wouldn’t add a official rating system of some kind.

Sometimes I think WoW was always toxic and certain add ons and feature just make it more it more apparent.

I also sometimes think that the only way I can get into a mythic +15 group is to kidnap the person’s family and send them a body part each time I get declined but that’s just me. /smile

No, it is not because you do not understand the Dungeons, not even for the new Affixes system, and that you would not tell a veteran who had +17 at least in Legion Mythic +, that’s why there are raiderio like a website, not as an addon.

Unfortunately there are people who due to some mishap or a problem in their life that failed to buy the next expansion on time as a result of losing a large part of the expansion (or are new players), and that includes not being up to date with the seasons in Mythic+ and PvP, and has recently been able to play this expansion by completing as far as you can trying to stay up to date even with achievement that are only limited in this expansion.

and worse still people LIKE YOU :rage: who did not want to understand that problem making them enter and complicate more in trying to complete and overcome these challenges as they did in the previous expansion and overcome it on time and as quickly as possible without the use of a carrie, unlike people who I spend all of the expansion trying to work each season as you probably do.

That is what the addon raiderio did, further harm the gameplay as if it were an invasion of bots as seen what happens in WoW China and show a selfish image of players that in reality thanks to its success in mythic is nothing more and nothing less than the effort of other people who do not deserve their credibility to achieve such a goal.

Therefore I am against this addon and it shows that it is not very good so much as for the website that helps the player experience as in the experience of the video game itself.

When your feats are only YOURSELF and you don’t depend on a group and an addon, you let me know, but in this game, I don’t want to know anything about your life or what you have done please.

It is for a reason that dungeons are done in a group and not chosen or carried, or as Lord Illidan says:

That has nothing to do with the ilvl that the raiderio points. that’s for another thread.

Anyway, I thank Blizzard for reopening this thread knowing that it is not an offense if it is what you think to these fans that it seems that they only depend on these toxic addons as if it were their daily bottle that even affects both on the website and the same MMO in its experience that provides us with a better service in the game.

As I said I am not against the Raiderio website since that is the most important for me than its addon, I say that unfortunately the community is being misused for our mythic + and they do not make it judge correctly among a good player, among the veterans, among the novice and among the toxics like those who support this game and only prejudice even more in the experience of many.

PS. If someone asks about my absence, it is the stupid idea of Blizzard that if you do not have your subscription active for at least more than 3 days, you cannot post in the forum either, and that is what happened.

I really have only 1 major complaint with raider io.

Earlier today I finished a +13 ToS with a +2 upgrade. Every 14+ ToS I then applied to after that I was denied because my “io score is too low”. Same thing with +13 AD finishing with a +1.

And this is the major disparity here. By all notions, I’m more than prepared for 15, but because I haven’t cared enough to really get good scores in the other dungeons, people who use this tool deny me entry into the groups I’m more than capable of healing.

I wouldn’t mind if raider io gets completely removed. However, at the very least, place the individual dungeon rankings at the top of the page because attempting to boil down a player to an individual number when I’m more inclined to run specific dungeons has harmed the experience a bit for me.

That being said, I’m more likely to be investigated after typing this and I’ve started this character roughly 2.5 weeks ago.

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But that is already a problem of the site, something that should not affect you, the problem is that it would affect you if you use the addon, something that would already be unfair to the perverts who fix your experience to see if you are accepted or not for a good mythic.

That is to say that the real responsible is not the website, it is the addon and the toxic players who do not know and do not even know how to use that addon more than to complicate others in playing this system better.

Just because you did Legion mythics, does not mean you can do BFA mythics. Especially when most of the people that I’ve come across in pugs don’t know basic dungeon mechanics. Why? Because they don’t take the time to learn the dungeons which is exactly what you’re showing me right now.

Your backstory, while tragic, doesn’t give you an excuse to circumvent the system. RIO is the check for things like this. You’re not an exception, no matter what the reasoning is. You don’t get a pass just because you weren’t able to play. You either learn or you get rejected from groups because you do not put in the time to learn. If you are as good at mythics as you tell, it shouldn’t be difficult.

It’s not that I don’t want to understand, it’s the fact that I’ve been in enough failed pugs to realize that RIO is a good tool for me to use to determine the level of commitment a person has into their character. I’m quite lenient when it comes to who I pug. If I see an honest effort in someone trying to better their score, I’ll invite them. But when I see someone with a +6 and a +8 done trying to sign up for a 12-15, not a chance that they’re getting in. RIO allows me to see that before these types of people get into my group. The ones that don’t know dungeon mechanics or mythic plus mechanics.

Again, your Legion experience means nothing to me. If you did it then, you can do it again. Plain and simple. Stop trying to shortcut your way into dungeons.

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Join a guild

Because Ilvl means nothing, dosent indicate skill, and at this point wont even give you an idea of the DPS someone puts out.

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I don’t understand why so many people bio tch and moan about others that have more then them. Nothing is stopping you from gearing up but you. Put in some effort you might be surprised. This entire concept of “duck successful people” needs to go away. It has seeped into every aspect of our society. Put the work in and you’ll get something out of it.

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anything goes, anything goes, that’s what the Raider io is for, to demonstrate our experience in every WoW expansion that comes in either Legion or BfA, and speaking of being different from the other expansion.

Here is a problem that I have noticed not only in the Addon but the website itself, which would be good to fix to give a better experience in the wow players.

with the new season change system, also applied to the change of the fourth affix when you reached +10 in Blizzard as well as the pvp arena points was reset after a change of season in WoW plus the new patch.

When it is in Raiderio, the new change of season does not affect it as if it were mythic + in Legion, and only a second score appears where it only indicates what you earn by doing mythic + in this new season, so almost nothing matters and what is worth more is the sum you have made in all seasons in this expansion.

This means that many players who have just played the entire expansion add all their points from what they have done, while what just entered this expansion in the last patches of 8.2 and 8.3 has little score.

But does it affect the experience between what scored a lot of points, and the new players, be it what WoW has just experienced or veteran players who have low scores?

Well the answer: not for the toxic players who like this addon, because in reality the experience changes a little when receiving the new affix, either with the new abilities it receives, the changes of some classes, and the damage that affects the new affix, so I would not see as experienced a player who only has a higher score but no experience to the new ones that arrive this season.

Which is why the addon does not detect any of that, but the new record that it has this season, and the total score you have in the entire expansion, the result of which is bad and is a waste when accepting players who still He has a better experience than a player who cut his life to get a better score and he is not even a good player.

Which is a reason why either the system of all the raiderio changes in the case of the reset seasons, or only its website serves and not its addon that only harms players even more and is only an accumulation of elitist and toxic that It need not be worse than what is happening with bots farm and abuse of over-trade in WoW China.

and the experience of the new players does not have anything to do regardless of whether or not they are a veteran, with the accumulation of scores regardless of the reset of the seasons and the new affix that changes and gives a new experience to the players in each patch.

the guild of this new expansion aren’t same that the guilds from vainilla to Cataclism times.

Not sure,where you are getting the idea that your RIO score does not reset every season.At the start of a new season the addon shows last seasons score,as well as the current season,not some mythical total for the entire expac.