Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

The meta numbers are based off how high of a key you have done, and your time. If you duplicate a dungeon at the same key +, or lower, it wont change anything. The amount you get to your score tends to be low as well, i think i only had a 900 the last time i was running Tyche though them, because i tended to stay in the +10-15 range and didn’t push higher and pushed my first low keys and never dropped back down.

A has some merit to it, and so dose C. B however is fairly false. Yes there are some people who put up lowbie keys and expect a high score. But if you are putting up your own lowbie key then you will still notice not as many people applying, the reason is how easy it is to gear up, they want to skip doing the lower keys and jump right into higher ones. That is what caused IO to be a thing to start with.

You are right, i have seen rage quitters with a high IO score, and people who had no clue what they were doing. But that is also a minority. IO doesn’t tell you everything you need to know, it gives you a general idea.

By giving you a rough idea of what they have done and what they bring to the table for your group. If you know how the score is calculated, then it is much easier to guess how they will preform.

Not longer, same as it always has been. It’s just harder to skip content now and jump into something you might not be ready for.

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Did the person complete a needed key? Yes or no. I don’t need to be dictated with some, third party’s “score”. Not needed unless some group of users judges and gates via the “score”. To hell with your “scores” and exclusiveness.

Not when there are “checking raider io” all over the group finder from 13’s, down to 4’s.

Then, you admit that it’s not anymore effective than using ingame data. It’s great for exclusive elitist, though. For years, the elites hated us “filthy casuals”, so now they have a “tool” to make them truly separate and “better” than us…rAiDuRr I0.

You say this after:

So…which is it? You should grab a bandaid after falling on your own sword.

More of the “no ur wrong” assumptions.

If your going to argue and quote me, use the full quote, since it didn’t fit your narrative, i will do so for you.

You get maybe 1-2 of those people for every 50, that is a FAR better odd’s then you do just blinding guessing on who to take.

Really? +4’s you say? I think i have seen… maybe 5 +4’s that had a 'checking raider IO" comment to it. Are you sure you didn’t get declined because they just chose one of the other 50 DPS who applied? Did you talk to every single person who declined you?

And yet, as it has been said multiple times. That’s what Raider IO tells you.

So, i have been about as ‘filthy casual’ as you can be since about MoP. Yet i don’t find myself being excluded from content thats within my range. I feel like your just angry at this point and want to take it out on something.

No, more of “There has ALWAYS been droves of DPS applying to everything, aim for what is suitable for your level and it is much quicker to get in.”

I also would like to add as you brought up +13’s… you are not geared enough for that, your IO score had no impact on that at all. At your current level, you should be capping yourself around +8 at most.

EDIT: Since i know your going to rage and argue more, while ignoring any point made and trying to half truth quote or just repeat the same lie after it has been exposed, i’m going to take this as my time to bid adiu and let someone else argue with you now.


Tl;Dr I’m entitled to your time and Blizzard should MAKE you let me join you


Unless you have evidence, that’s speculation. But, it does and will happen, regardless. How can you say that it’s better odds without evidence of comparison? You can’t.

Nope, I wish I was joking.

I never apply if there’s anything mentioning raiderio. I look for something else for an hour or so, and then I just stop.

As also what true, is unneeded, irrelevant “score”.

I’m not interested in feelings. Only the topic of the discussion. Tell me what you know.

Therefore, I wouldn’t be looking to get into one. Why are you assuming that I would? The same RIO fankid argument, is applying assumption as fact on my would be behavior, that is rather illogical.

I could see the scenario being geared for an 8 and applying for a 9…but that’s too close for a logical statement from RIO fankids. The exaggeration of the assumption of my behavior, has to be a lot.

I am not “raging”. Label a challenge or countering argument as “raging” (translated: u madbro) and won’t be taken seriously.

Because your ability to accept differing viewpoints is done. Or, you can no longer construct any original and critically thought points.


Raider io allows me to not invite the guy with no relevant experience to my groups, regardless of whether they’re a causal or not.

I’m good with that.

are you telling me you don’t have a “start a group” button on your UI? you should probably submit a bug report.


a low “Score” that I and the rest of a small group, participate in; outside of ingame standards to play content. I’m good with keeping out anyone that this app tells me, or that the cult tells me.

I’ve addressed this over and over. And you can keep making circular arguments, because you can’t construct an original one.

You’re a bug, I’ll report you. lol

raiderio tracks everyone, you don’t have to participate in it. It pulls data from the API.

Yes. I’m 100% comfortable not inviting the guy to my key who has no relevant experience.

If you’ve never done a 10, I’m not bringing you to my 17.
if you’ve never done a 15, I’m not bringing you to my 21. heck, if you’ve never done a 20 I’m not bringing you to my 21.

I am 100% ok with not inviting someone based on their lack of experience.
I’m 100% ok with not inviting someone based on their class or spec.
I’m 100% ok with not inviting someone if they don’t fit into the group comp.

player made groups are up to the individual player. If you don’t like how someone makes their groups, the solution is to make your own.

Literally anyone can get a key
literally anyone can start a group
literally anyone can find the patience to wait until that group fills.

is everyone comfortable doing that? no, but that is on them, not the game, and certainly not on any other player.


Apparently, I do; which is why this discussion exists. A lot.

First off, this is the irrational, exaggerated scenario I was talking about. Someone geared for a 10 would not ask to go to a 17, unless they were buying a carry…which happens. A lot. This argument fails on every level.

And this is the problem, mainly.

I never said you should or shouldn’t, as long as it’s reasonable and logical. Otherwise, it’s intended abuse of exclusiveness.

We’ve been around this, also. Circular reply, as usual.

Apparently, false. Otherwise, multiple threads like this, wouldn’t exist. You choose to say it’s not a problem, because you’re part of it.

If you can’t get a key, submit a bug or go to bug report forum.

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I found friends while pushing keys. Make sure and invite them to discord. If they join you on discord they likely wont randomly drop your key. If they choose not to join on discord, F them kick them and replace them.

Join Mythic plus focused communities. Then within the community ask for people to help out and push YOUR key. Don’t try and get into someone’s that is higher then your skill level. I personally enjoy helping friends push their key when i’m not running with my push group.

Mythic Plus Friends
Wipes on Trash
Mythics for Regular People

All are large communities focused on Mythic plus and most of the time open and helpful to entry level M+ players. Can’t expect they will all always be wanting to run your key.

Basically, use the WoW in game feature called communities. Find several that sounds like something you want to do and join them. Ask in those communities instead of using LFG tool.


I pushed from 0 to 2k raider io score in pugs with no friends.

You just gotta work up slowly.

Advice for you though since you’re only 419 would be to get your legendary cloak first then try to do regular mythics/LFR/Assaults/Visions/World quests until you are about 430-445 then you can start doing +2s and up.

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/notes repeated troll post
/sips tea

Good suggestions, and well made points. I quit mythic a while ago due to this infantile, intolerant and toxic “community”.

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I only stated the things i did to find my M+ push group.

this fake conversation is very strange and not organic at all

They should just have a queue for people like the OP. Just an ilvl check. Only caveat is week long bans if they come to the forums asking for nerfs because it’s too hard for random groups of people with no experience.

The only gatekeeper is your own experience and willingness to get it.


The chat function can be used to bully, quick ban the ability to communicate! :roll_eyes::snowflake:

What’s the cost function?