Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

And I can almost 100% promise you that if they were to be able to get rid of RIO…rest assured there WILL BE something created that does the same, and quite possible could be used in a “much worse way(according to RIO protesters)” than RIO is…which lol there is no problem with RIO. /shrug

Just to reiterate -

Almost every single BAN RIO thread has no solution to this. It’s just more blanket “OMG SOMEONE DIDN’T CHOOSE ME FOR THEIR KEY RUN BAN RIO IT HURTS MY FEE FEE’s!!!”

I am so sick of this single minded thought process.

Ok, so you don’t like RIO, you don’t like “Gear-score”, you don’t like anything that works outside of your gaming level - OK then give suggestions, make an add-on that works in favor of ppl who may “get slighted” b/c of RIO(although it really isn’t, if I ran keys, and they were 15 and above, you darn well best bet I would be critical of who I chose to run said key b/c heck no would i be willing to spend eons in said dungeon key, and best bet I’d be p/o’d if YOU were the cause of the key failing, time wasted…and you’d definitely go on blast somewhere.)

Btw, anyone who uses RIO for keys 10 and below, well consider yourself lucky if you were declined for that grp…I mean seriously are you that much of a sadistic soul that you’d want to subject yourself to ppl who have that mindset?? RIO saved you going on quite possibly a very “toxic” run. You should be thanking that addon, not wanting it broken or banned.



Shout out to the people that reported my post. I’m hoping everything works out for you.

Edit: Nvm, that was fast. Sorry folks :frowning:.

Huurr durr GiT gUd U sKrUb LoL U LiK wInDoEz

THIS ^^^

If simply knowing someone’s mythic history isn’t “gUd EnUfF”, then whatever. Find some one who will run it.

Calm down, Karen. There are plenty of solutions, rAiDuRrR HuRr fankids don’t want to hear any, and /cry when RIO is criticized. You don’t want a solution, you don’t want criticism, you people only want to circular argue, and make ad homs to throw off the other person’s focus.

I (and others) try to explain logically but this is the typical “discussion” from RIO fankids:

Me: I think it needs to go as it’s toxic and exclusive.

RIO fan: U dnt know how it wrks, u jst r prviledged!!!

Me: Nope. It tells you nothing needed, and it is a different, useless meta.

RIO fan: FoRm Ur OwN GrOuP No0B LOL

Me: I can’t because RIO gates the special people from us regular “casuals”. If I can’t start a group or get in one, how can I run a key?

RIO fan: But U sed U can Run key So u dn’t mke sence! Git sum frends noob!! lmao

Me: :neutral_face:

Is there something wrong with your “Start a Group” button? I would report that.

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I would report your lack of comprehension as a bug, but…

I have explained this long into the thread. I’m done having circular arguments.

Obviously all this tool is interested in is complaining…absolutely nothing constructive to contribute other than rio bad it hurt my feelings b/c I can’t get into a grp!!!


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Toxic would be the people who rage quit keys, thus wasting them. This also keeps them from building a IO score.

It tell’s you people have done the content and completed it, giving you a better understanding of who is applying and if they already know the different mechanics of the bosses/affixs, and if they are more likely to stay.

So this bit has nothing to do with raider IO if your using your own key… the sad thing is just not many people running low keys after the first few months of a new xpacs teir. If you are trying to piggyback and get someone else to bring a higher key, then it IS a raiderIO thing, and refers back to why it exists.

people don’t know you, they don’t know if you know the affixes or mechanics, they dont know if you are a rage quitter, and your IO gives them a easy way to make a quick assessment of if you will be helping push that key. People (esp DPS) Apply in droves to Mythic groups, raider IO lets you scan though quick and make judgement calls quicker.


You haven’t explained why you can’t hit the start a group button though.

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Why do the toxic players get a free pass but a program that is doing nothing wrong gets all the heat?

Shouldn’t people just report a person if they are being abusive? :frowning:

It isn’t going anywhere so this whole argument is moot. Banning it won’t solve a thing anyway.

About all getting rid of raider IO would do, is make it even harder to get into content, as people would swap back to ilvl, and aim for those who overgear it.

And leave some specs just fully out in the cold, rather then give them a chance due to their IO score.


True, but irreverent to the topic.

And adds up it’s own meta of numbers of their own “score” that is outside of Blizzard’s. This “score” is only used by those who wish to impose the outsider app numbers, and this creates exclusiveness, killing the community. It’s just a tool to tell someone that they are unique and this number system is even more exclusive than the game’s…

Circular argument is circular.

Because everyone else either: A) are getting carried B) are struggling with raiDURR IO C) said screw this, like I did, a while ago.

Even with your third party RIO, you still won’t know.

By removing self thought and telling people who to reject with a number “score” that isn’t even the game’s standard, that not everyone should adhere to.

Yup, always have, and it’s longer and much more of a struggle do to raiDURR huurr IO.

I have, though. Learn to read previous comments. I’m not repeating myself, troll.

No you haven’t. If you can’t push the button, I would report it as a bug.

You can’t send a ticket to Blizz and say they are breaking rules by using it. You can report them for being a d-nozzle, but that won’t get anywhere.

Troll elsewhere.

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You first.

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I pugged just fine with it so I don’t know what you’re talking about.