Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

Oh WoW So YoU’rE SaYiNg WoW ShOuLd Be LiKe a JoB?!?!

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Oh, so we’re completely ignoring the fact that horrific visions with a rank 15 cloak and the tree unlocked (which are both easy) can give a 470, 465, 460, 455, and 450 piece every week guaranteed? Ok.

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To top it off, the first three bosses in Heroic are cakewalks and they drop some Azerite, weapons and trinkets for those people who are struggling to get those items.

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Start spending that WoD and Legion gold and you don’t have to participate to get carried to a 2k Raider IO.

The number of people I’ve seen with 2k Raider IO that clearly don’t know how to play the game is astounding.

this person had specifically said they DIDN’T want to do any sort of group content. they just want heroic level gear by playing solo and casually.
so i was listing off the rather large number of options that do exist to get there without ever needing to set foot in something ore difficult than lfr or a mythic 0

What’s Raider io?

Find a better community. Our guild is pretty open and anyone serious about trying to join us in raids usually gets keystone carried. We carried two new folks last week and we were happy to do it. We usually have a couple of keystones we’re not worried about upgrading and can throw away to help others gear up.

I sincerely hope you can find a group of players you enjoy being with and will take you along, regardless or in-game knowledge or skill, but because they enjoy your company and want to help you progress.

basically its just a resume showing what kind of experience you have running mythic+ and what the highest levels you have completed are.
thats really all it does, but for some people, having a way to prove their experience (or lack of it) is terrifying.

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Good for you? I’ve got the same ilvl as you yet I haven’t killed every boss or did a M+15 key and most of my alts are all in the 450-460 range as well.

I complain about the addon because I get into these groups and I’m like, great, this is going to be a good group, everyone has 1500-2k Raider IO and I’m sitting at 800 or 900. The group starts and the tank seems like it’s his first time playing, the healer can’t keep anyone alive, I’m the only DPS doing interrupts and mechanics while also putting out 30-40% of the groups total DPS.

As a pug tool, Raider IO is junk.

Ah, I don’t see it needing to be banned then. It’s just another raiding tool.

Granted, I don’t raid, and have no interest, but I also can see how it can be used to bully newer raiders, so I can see how people are upset…

But at the end of the day it’s just a tool. The people who want to gatekeep are going to regardless. No reason to punish the majority for the actions of the vocal minority. Especially if the punishment isn’t going to fix things.

I know, but doing the first three in heroic are super casual. Unless you have a crippling anxiety of joining a group, you should just do them. I knocked out the first three on like 4 alts this week in the course of a few hours on Tuesday. Got some trinket and weapon upgrades for those alts. Trinket and weapons are generally harder to acquire.

I’d actually go as far as saying that Heroic is almost as easy as Normal and LFR.

If raider io was banned I would just look you up on the armory and see that you have no gear and no experience and I wouldn’t invite you.


exactly, and below a certain key level the vast majority of people really don’t care (or even know) what your score is. yeah there are the weird elitists who have unreasonable requirements. but if your building your score up, just join one of the many, many other groups that don’t have those requirements.

the problem is, there are quite a few people who think that putting in the work to learn the dungeons and mechanics is beneath them, and want to jump straight into the +14’s, 15’s, cuz “Thats where the best gear is” despite having barely ever ran anything above a +5. and then getting upset that the people who do put the effort in, don’t want to carry them, or waste their time when their inexperience ends up burning the key.

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Where is a good place to find some of these communities. I’m a very patient dude and I often get a lot of thanks for sticking around groups that I could’ve just raged and left despite the wipes. I personally find it a waste of time to not finish a key even when it fails.

I actually haven’t been in a serious guild since WotLK when the whole Ulduar/Trial fiasco killed my raiding guild. Just don’t really have the time to stick to a “raid at this time every week” due to a job that often requires me to work late hours on random days of the week.

Was thinking about trying to seek out communities that are available to do stuff like this and was super excited when they announced implementing the community tool in WoW but then when that dropped, the feature was such a trashy fiasco too.

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Nah, you got to put the work in.

I’ll be the first to be like “I don’t want to raid” and I’ll even defend things like LFR because that means it’s easier for me to blow through content I really don’t want to do (I.E. Groupfinder getting me through the Ally dungeons so I could finish Pride of Kul Tiras)

That being said, questing shouldn’t give raiding level gear. The gear you get at LFR levels shouldn’t be the same as M+. I’m currently sitting at about 420 for my main. That’s good enough for me. If you want the top end stuff. You got to be willing to put the work in for it. Period.

You have to be able to reward people on scale with the challenge. And you should have to rise to the challenge to get that reward. Progression fore everyone is nice, but it should still be progression.


Imo raiderio is born out of the fact people can ruin your keys.

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Honestly, you just shop around just like you would shop around for a guild. We have an expected level of maturity that never crosses the threshold of personal attacks nor abuse. Nobody burps into microphones or yells at each other but there is a friendly level of banter and sarcastic jabs. Our raids have been described as “Chill” by a bunch of people, never abusive, loud or stressful.

We’re all young-ish professionals, I’d say our median age is 25ish and some of us even have families, so we have a mutual understanding of peoples schedules and do our best to work around it all.

I don’t get upset. Like I said, if groups require some third party score, it’s not a group I want to play with.


Though, losing one level cause of a booched run doesn’t really ‘ruin’ the key.
If it’s that big of an issue to someone, don’t run with pugs, it’s not that hard to find 4 other people to run with if you’re not a toxic sperg.

The horde does not need weaklings. Go play with the alliance.

Also raider io is the only reason why I am still subbed. Get rid of it and you definitely wont find people to take you through keys anymore. Stop looking for a carry, make your own group, win.