Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

So there is one thing that I have never really understood. Why do you need BIS gear if you’re not going to be doing high end content?


It’s an Mmo. I hear skyrym is a great fantasy RPG game sorry “more solo oriented players”

If you want to play solo you are in the wrong genre

Nah, this games always been doable solo.

Also “group” content is nothing but Raiding and Mythic+ neither of which remotely interest me. Neither are worthy of my time nor energy.

And it still is :man_shrugging:

Then why do you need the gear? If you are not going to do the content the gear is intended for why should you have it?


Yep, doesn’t mean I can’t advocate for it to be changed for the better.

The squealing of elitists haven’t bothered me for years, it’s not going to start now.

Same reason everyone wants better gear? To make completing content faster.

Just because my end goal isn’t the same as your end goal, doesn’t mean being more efficient isn’t desirable.

Why do you care if a solo player who has zero interest in raiding or mythic plus, has slightly higher item level gear?

well good news for you. they added a vendor to buy the things that help you complete things faster, corruption. as of now the only benefit ILVL adds is more hp

They just need to have the same rules FF14 does to third party addons.

Eventually. Sure.

The corruptions themselves don’t really help me personally. If anything they are more of an annoyance than a positive.

To push higher and harder content? Only reason I want gear.

Well, that’s your opinion and your welcome to it, most people get better gear to make things easier, and faster.

I’m personally not a fan of diablocraft.

This was so entertaining to read, all I’ve been doing since I return is leveling characters but I dont recall leveling in dungeons being that taxing.

Regardless I would love to be friends with you.

Sorry bro, you need AotC, twenty +25 timed runs, 2400 arena rating and [Thunderfurry, blessed blade of the yiffseeker] to join my group for +2 FH


I don’t know if this has been pointed out, but op trolled the pizz out of you… He was quoting Joker half way in, and no one even caught on

Everyone started with 0 io.

What’s your excuse?


Cuz no one read al of they. At most we just skimmed thru it.

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TL;DR May be a troll post but w/e

I just started playing 8.3 and already done every boss in the last raid on heroic with the exception of N’zoth and did a m+15 key caught most of my alts back up and they’re all 450-460+ ilvl and on top of that I already got a 475 weapon with twilight devastation on it.

The people that complain about those that use addons like are the same ones that refuse to do the work themselves and expect to be carried despite not pulling their weight.

If I can quit in 8.2 and come back a week or so ago and accomplish all these things as a solo player with no friends playing the game right now then there’s literally no excuse for others to complain and whine about others using a tool to achieve good results.

You don’t have to use it and no one else does either. But demanding that others be brought down to your level as a means to make things “fair and balanced” only harm those that are smart and willing to put the effort to screen people from joining their runs to ensure victory. What you’re doing is communistic and that never works out, people yearn to be free and go at their own pace and their own standards and don’t want to be held down to ensure some equality that can and will never exist in the real world.


You know what should be bannable? Fetishizing a normatively negative physical trait and boiling down a person’s essence to said characteristic. It’s childish and repugnant, and your name offends.

Your point is ridiculous. RaiderIO is literally just transparency. All it does is display your experience. It’s no more “evil” than the inspect function.

Get off your high horse and go apologize to every person you know for being a toxic individual.

This is a terrible idea. DPS meters have been in since day 1, and it’s one of the reasons “serious” players pay WoW and not FF.

FF is fun for everybody and everyone gets a chance and a hug and it’s just so omg gushy. It’s also not challenging. It’s the epitome of a casual MMO.

WoW should be WoW, and FF should be FF.


Remember when Gearscore ruined Wow? LOL
Times never change. Raider io is way better than gearscore was at least because now you have to at least participate in the content in some way to be judged