Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

crafted gear goes up to 470 now, weekly quests and heroic warfronts can drop 460 gear. all of which can be done through lfr, timewalking, and mythic 0’s at worst. so yeah it requires a “little” bit of group content, but basically the easiest group content in the game. don’t need to set foot into m+ to get geared up for heroic.

I think the fact this thread has 362 posts and you only have 58 likes OP you should drop the topic.

Raiderio bad

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LOL!! Pretty sure i just used benthic gear while raiding Eternal Palace only because it “looks good”.


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Yeah benthic was bis by a long way.

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I ask this of anyone who dislikes IO, so I’ll ask those in this thread as well.

Do you want hard content to be in the game and for it to be possible to do it with a PuG group? If so, groups for it cannot be random (See: N’Zoth LFR). And if that’s the case, then by what criteria would you like groups to be judged? Ideally you’d base it off each player’s individual abilities, but without playing with someone for a long time, this is impossible to know. All you can know about a player that the game records is 1.) Your gear, and 2.) What dungeons you’ve done and how frequently. While both of these can be “gamed” by getting carried, if you factor in not just the highest dungeon you’ve done, but how many, it becomes much harder to game.

So if you want hard content to be puggable, it seems to me that a system that judges you based on having done a large number of high level dungeons is best, which is exactly what raiderio is.

And if I’m wrong somewhere along the way in that discussion, where am I wrong, and what is the alternative?

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And if you don’t have a crafter? Heroic warfronts have not consistently given me anything good. Time walking gives 445 gear (From the meta quest, not the dungeons), the Mythic Dungeon Cache gives 1 peice of 460 gear… every what? 7 weeks? Better hope for no dupes. (Or azerite peices with terrible powers)

Mythic+0’s only give 445, LFR is 445, AoO is 445, Dailies Caches are 445, N’zoth Assults can get up to 445, and basic horrific visions without at least 2 masks are 445.

Most of the typical content seems to cap out at 445.

The elitism of Raider Io is why I completely gave up on retail WoW.


I’ve given you multiple options for exactly what you asked for. just because you choose not to take them (by not having a crafter) does not mean that the game should be adjusted to hand you gear if you aren’t willing to put even the bare minimum amount of solo casual work for it.

typical content may cap at 445, but there ARE casual content options that go up to 460/470 yeah they are more rare, but they do exist.

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It’s really not as severe as some players make it out to be.

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So, I shouldn’t do professions I enjoy, I should just do whatever gets me the best gear?

There’s plenty of things I put the “Bare minimum effort into” and I still don’t get stuff and upgrades, because it’s all RNG. :woman_shrugging:

Hence, the idea of a Benthic style system, in which you can get upgraded slots up to 455 (Since that’s about what the last benthic system was) for all slots.

You’re awfully dismissive of people wanting a reason or way to try to progress their characters, without participating in content they simply don’t enjoy.

if you care about getting good gear, then thats one of the ways to get good gear. just because you CHOOSE not to take advantage of it doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. the fact that you don’t want to use the methods that are already available, doesn’t mean they should go out of their way to make new methods specifically for you.


They wouldn’t be going out of their way making new methods.

They literally had the system in the game last patch, it’s nothing new, just keeping it up to date.

Why do you care what other people get gearwise? It’s all going to be useless in a few months anyways, and most of the higher item level stuff is pointless if you don’t get corruptions on them if your a tank or dps. :woman_shrugging:

Who cares if some casual players get some slightly higher item level gear, to which just makes their other activities they enjoy a bit easier and smoother?

Why are you acting like item level is the end all be all for items? People can participate in whatever they want or feel comfortable doing, and still get shafted by RNG.

Your really latched onto that crafted gear thing super hard though.

People’s end goals are all different, pretending everyone should have, or does have the same end goal is silly.

Because every mythic raider had to play the benthic lottery and we shouldn’t have to.

You are saying you want better rewards but then saying you choose to not have the professions so you are choosing to not have better rewards. That’s your decision you need to live with. Or change your mind on. Neither of the above options are complaining about there not being stuff for you to get though because that simply isn’t true.

I have my info on my main characters blocked on raider io. If someone doesn’t want to invite me because of some weird score, then I don’t really want to play with that kind of person.

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Ah yes, the elitism. Elitism like actually being able to prove you’re capable of doing the content you’re signing up for. . .

You know, if I’m hiring somebody for a role, I’m going to want them to have provable qualification to do the job depending on what it is. Not going to take a rando who never worked a similar job on their word that “Youtube videos showed me what I need to do.” Yeah, hard pass.

My sympathy for the mythic raiders getting screwed over dried up when they screamed for something I liked to be flat out removed, not fixed. :woman_shrugging:

The crafted gear isn’t worth dropping the professions I’ve had and enjoyed for about a decade now.

A benthic-like system should have stayed in place, sure there were problems, but people act like people getting access to higher item level gear is somehow an affront to the existence of wow, despite lower item level gear constantly being better than higher item level items due to sockets / corruptions.

Once again, overly grasping at the one example with crafting. :roll_eyes:

You have access to it already. Do the content get the gear. Or continue to choose not to and don’t. It’s pretty straight forward.

No you should not get heroic raid gear from world quests.


Nah, the content isn’t worth it. :woman_shrugging:

I’ll stay where I am, and continue to advocate for a path of gearing for more solo orientated players, Benthic gear was perfectly fine, except for a few minor issues that could have been fixed, but blizzard decided to instead just scrap the entire project, because the mythic raiders whined and threw tantrums they had to do stuff to min-max.

and you should afford them the same courtesy and no hate if they chose someone with experience to help them succeed over a more uncertain variable like you would be. anyways, theres plenty of groups that form to boost their io and get experience that would suit you better