Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

Well now we’re getting somewhere. I would start with no weekly M+ chest unless you time a key. That would solve the problem of easy gearing up. It makes no sense to get rewarded for not timing a key even though a player has completed the run. So basically, spend an hour or more for a +15, and get rewarded for failing (intentionally).

No it isn’t. Uninstall it and play with everyone, regardless of skill, since that’s what you want. Have fun with that.

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Idk. This sounds more like it would incentivize and empower trolls.

I’ve seen it several times, where someone just bombs the key. Leaving literally seconds after the keystone is put in. Just for fun. And it’s not a punishable offense.

The community would freak out if Blizzard removed participation trophies, since that’s essentially what it is. I’d be all for removing all rewards unless the key was timed.


If this is about pugs, then yeah. Pugs are in general really terrible. Pretty sure even Blizz stated back in Legion M+ is not meant to be pugged, but sometimes people have to.

I’m not dumb. To push anything high via pugs, you have to use the addon.

But see, therein lies the problem. This shouldn’t be something requires to play the game. No addon should ever be.

Stop using it and invite randoms then.

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Isn’t it okay that there’s some content that just shouldn’t be puggable?

Or at least only puggable by high standards?

It’s not that. It’s the timer and significant penalty for failing that is the issue.

If your raid group fails on a Mythic boss, and the raid disbands, the leader isn’t penalized. He can just form another group.

That’s not the case for M+. Your key will be downgraded, and then you have to run and time a dungeon just to get it back to the level that it was, to try again. And it won’t even be the same dungeon, then, lol.

lol… what planet did you live on?


Not that I’d ever know, but I don’t think I’ve ever been rejected for a low io score. Granted I’ve been rejected as a 454 dh cause a 471 dps signed up too. Actually, that’s the main time I’m rejected. Higher ilvls.

Just keep quiet and pay for your carry like the rest of them. I’ll do a 15 carry for 120k gold btw

Nah, I’m pretty sure it works for everyone. Peep the Bug Report section of the forums if it somehow doesn’t work for you; I think something would be broken then.

Another person quoting it specifically out of context of the original post.

The originaly post was I wanted a Benthic-like systems, one that let people grind gear solo over a long stretch of time.

I was then accused of saying I wanted Mythic Raiding gear to be given to people (BiS gear) for not raiding.

And I stated that in the context of Benthic gear as a system, it was not meant to be, nor was it intended to be BiS gear.

Poor balancing and the fact sockets are over valued over item level is what lead to the unfortunate situation that happened with benthic.

Which is why I said a benthic-style system, not the exact same system.

“LFM +15 Troll Thread, checkin io”

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Well…unless Blizz decides to make it go poof one day. It’s happened countless times before. Just sayin.

so what level of gear would you consider to be an acceptable “cap” for what a player could slowly accumulate over time without having to do any difficult group content. cuz between world raid bosses, lfr, crafted gear, warfronts and the weekly quest. its easy for someone to grind up to heroic and even mythic level gear without needing to set foot inside an M+ or real raid.

Well, Benthic gave 425 gear as the max apex, while the heroic gear was 430+ at the time.

So, with N’zoth stuff being 460 on heroic, I’d be fine with gear that could scale to 455. :woman_shrugging:

Perferably with blizzard ya know, not messing it up this time.

Still not heroic raiding level, but 445 feels like it’s slightly too low of a cap.

It doesn’t encourage toxic behavior. Just buy a carry and you will be fine.

Honestly, that game has changed too much. You can buy gold and buy runs for easy gear.

It actually shocked me recently when I was playing some +6 to +11 keys how truly bad other players are. Even doing heroic raids, it amazes me that people with easier class and a higher iLvl than me are putting out half the DPS.

I saw a Paladin in a raid the other day putting out like 30k with a 455 ilvl and I just don’t understand that DPS. Is he just auto attacking?

All the gear my Hunter has acquired has been mostly from easy “gimmie” content and I feel like I’m done at damn near a 465 ilvl unless I want to go in a guild and start doing Mythic or trying to pug Carapace + N’zoth.

My hunter logs in once a week and does the assaults and 5 mask + 4 mask vision and then I log into an alt for the remainder of the week.

Why? Because it’s depressing getting into a +11 - +15 key and finding people around my ilvl doing half my damage. Unless I start searching out communities to regrind content for a little better gear, I think my hunter is done with the xpac and hope the systems change for the better in Shadowlands.

At the end of the day, Raider io is too easy of a system to juke and that leads to a toxic environment.