Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

Their keys, their group, their rules. If you don’t like it then there is literally nothing stopping you from making your own group.

and there are also a lot of pugs running sub 10 keys that don’t even know what RIO is.
different people have different standards, and its their key, they are entitled to fill their group with whoever they want. you however are not entitled to join any key just because you want too.
Ignore the groups that have standards you can’t hit, and join the ones that are more relaxed, work on it until you DO meet the higher standards and before long you will barely have to worry about it.

y’know how I know this… cuz I managed to work my way up from a freshly dinged 120 in january with zero m+ experience, to a 470+ ilvl and a respectable (but hardly impressive) IO score almost exclusively through joining pug groups.


Make a group, boom, done. You don’t have to have friends, random people will join, and they don’t harass the key owner over io


It’s a good tool to measure experience and to estimate capability. Blizzard should incorporate it into the game with their own tool.

It’s not a secret how to increase your score. Literally the only thing holding you back is yourself. It doesn’t restrict anyone based on anything other than one’s own laziness or desire to be carried.

In fact, it’s the least discriminatory system you can get. Otherwise you’re judging off of achievements or gear score.

What attitude?

The one that makes me not want to sit in the same dungeon for 2 hours because someone can’t be bothered to read how the mechanics work?

That isn’t elitism. Or toxicity. It’s how you play the game.

Wow, you can fill out yet another third-party resume on how you can do content. It’s so immersive and engaging to hit yet another wall after more walls. M+ should build a community but, nah let’s tribalize and judge instead of uplifting and helping.

What a downward spiral…

My point is WoW always had a condensing attitude, even in the times of Vanilla WoW.

I neither say I support

But, generally speaking in terms. People need to understand removing Raider. IO won’t remove how people see each other. Thank you.

Just like Gearscore was such an invaluable tool when it came out during Wrath. Such a garbage excuse.

I mean, that’s any game lol.

And IO is a much better system.

The point is that something will always be there. This system is the best that’s come so far, and I can’t imagine what would be any better.

REALISTICALLY, what’s your solution? Everyone hold hands and sing Disney songs while pugging difficult content? That won’t ever happen. Ever. You have to make your own community or social circle for that.


it wasn’t about just filling out numbers, it was about learning the dungeons and how the affixes worked, what routes the tanks take, etc. I remember quaking for example used to cause me a TON of problems, i’d spend almost more time spell locked than not, but that didn’t matter as much when I was running 6’s and 7’s… getting spell locked that often in a 15 could well be fatal for the group, or at least fail the key.
literally all IO score is, is a record of your experience with the dungeons. if people are wanting to get a run done quickly and smoothly, and they have the option of 2 people of the same class, same ilvl, heck even same gear down to the corruptions. but one has a bunch of proven experience running that content, and the other doesn’t. which one do you think they should take?

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Nope. If it’s not .IO it’s some other measurement to check and see if you are qualified for the content. No you are not entitled to anyone’s key. Make your own group and don’t use .io and have it ran into the ground yourself.

If io disappeared tomorrow people would still find a way to evaluate you. Don’t act like this is something new. WAY back in the day it was meeting on the org bank for inspections.

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I have at least 4 toons 470+ and at least 3-4 more that are 460+ lol. I don’t even try to raise my IO score and I’m sure most of the high IO people probably think my score is mediocre at best (I don’t even know what my score is off the top of my head, but I think my warlocks was like 1800 give or take). I use the add-on to see what the highest timed dungeon level is for the dungeon they’re queuing into, but that’s basically it. I don’t want someone doing my 15 key if the highest they’ve timed is a 6. 🤷

Raider IO isn’t preventing or gatelockimg any gearing. In fact, I’m getting bored with dungeons at this point because they don’t drop anything for me on my warlock or my monk. The highest they drop is 465 and all of my gear is 470+ (depending on what spec I’m playing). I work 5 days a week so I don’t get to infinitely play, either. People are just using Raider IO as a scale goat for their frustrations.


Yes, that is their answer. While they fully expect to pug and group with anybody random they please. While everyone else should only do things with friends, exactly like I said, like Dungeons and Dragons. They want the MMO part for themselves.

Isn’t that what guilds are for? You M+ the hard keys with your buddies and pug the lower keys on reset?

But nah, Raider. IO gating for +5 keys and up. Such a flawless system using an arbitrary number, again.

I’m not saying it should be removed, but it’s just another player-made wall.

There will ALWAYS be these “walls” or as I like to call it “reasonable expectations for success”.


So just use one and not four. Stop re-inventing the wall.

Idk, I kinda get it. I have a 470ilvl ret pal who I just do certain dungeons on and it takes me forever to get an invite to a decent key. They aren’t looking at ILVL, they are looking at you under a microscope and making a super informed decision.

It means you HAVE to push a 15 in EVERY key just to get an invite to one. Even if you’ve already done that one and even if your dps is super solid.

Uh… yeah. That’s exactly what I said in the next sentence. If you had a guild to run with you wouldn’t be on the forums complaining about it. It’s a total non-factor in that situation.

IO is for pugging. Pugging is fun when it’s efficient. IO is a good system to determine how efficient runs will be. The number is actually less arbitrary than any other measure that’s been used so far for player knowledge or capability.

Just because a wall is player-made doesn’t mean it’s inherently bad. This was made because time and keys are valuable. People don’t want to waste either one.