Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

There’s a tool to find guilds and communities. Doesn’t get much easier than that to find like minded folks to play with.

what key are you trying to go into? if its +2 +3 sure ill take you. You have like near no gear but w/e its only a 2 key or 3 key. If you are trying to apply to my +15 keys (or higher) then yeah no. imma slap that down right quick. You not only do not have the gear / damage to help me time the key, you are probably not informed on how to tackle the mechanics of the dungeon along with the affixes for the week. Let alone the full understanding of your class toolkit.

mad cuz bad

first im going start with L O L i needed a good laugh this morning… and no im not going tell you to go MAKE friends you can play this game with ZERO friends and still be able to do EVERYTHING you cried about in your little ban raider io addon rant… man where to start let me stop you with the whole classic is 10x harder thats your opinion and irrelevant to your argument. your saying that raider io is some how STOPPING you from gearing up at max level… i mean is raider io physically at your home and stopping you from playing? im going assume not… quickly quote you " You reach lvl 120, get everything readily available right off the back no need for Class trainers, and then you join Premade groups to obtain that sweet gear. Simple as, that is your Destination . BUT OH WAIT , you can’t! you’re Not cool enough because 50000000000+ Io score neckbeard said so even though he’s never ever seen you play even though who knows maybe you got top DPS on every dungeon finder dungeon you did while leveling so you had some confidence there! But will it matter in the end?" …so let me help you out with some ways to “get around” the big bad raider io bully…
Option 1 - Make your own group.
Option 2 - Find a guild/community/friends and run with them.
Option 3 - Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and earn that IO, one step at a time, so that you can get into those groups that you want to be in!
Its really that simple… This goes for everyone complaining about things like IO. If you really want to do content, work for it. There are many many MANY ways to tackle it, stop asking that the bars be lowered and instead rise to the occasion. You have the tools, only you can choose to take advantage of them or not. Also do you think banning raiderio addon is going stop people from just taking ur in game name opening up a browser window and searching for you on the website? or i can go to armory click this link and see for myself you havent done any content or even attempted to but you want to join my mythic + key? at the end of the day get over yourself you cry baby make your own groups or strap up and earn a spot like everyone else ffs

Non-exhaustive list:

  • Combat logging
    • Damage meters
    • Threat
  • Armory
    • API
    • Website
  • Inspect function in game
  • Absolute numbers on weapons/armor
  • Addons
  • Macros
  • Players that need an accessible game (requires addons and macros generally)
  • Controller/keyboard support (pick one)
  • Multiboxing (due to other coordination support)
  • BOEs
  • Non-generic gear mogs (to hide if someone has a good piece with a specific appearance)

That’s about it that I can think of… at that point you’re basically gutting the game.

My biggest shock is how the OP hasn’t been forced to name change yet.

OP just make your own group since no one is obligated to take you on their key and I wouldn’t even let you take on my 12+ key without doing any 10s.
I bought a 13+ with gold so build your IO like everyone else.

Timers & mandatory group size made the need for raiderIO thus making all the benefits and drawbacks of raiderIO.

Frankly speaking, If there wasn’t a garentee’d chest with goodies at the end of the week to spark hope, raiderIO would probably not be as powerful as it is now. It would be contained within the Mythic plus community and not cause envy in others.

It seems we have a never ending cycle of reward systems demanding new systems be made in order to make things fair again…It’s newist baby is the tower.

I’m of the mind that being rejected from someone’s group isn’t an act of toxicity, whether it’s for gear, spec, io score, whatever. If I make a group and I see a warlock and a rogue and I pick the rogue over the warlock because I’m already playing Balance with a long interrupt cd, I’m not being toxic to the warlock. Just as an example.

But I do think you’re right, there will always be a system that people use to gate. If not raider io, then armory. If not armory, then in-game inspect, etc…Personally I tend to support raider io on the premise that a person’s score is typically linked to the effort they put in. I believe that Raider IO is actually a proponent towards people bringing specs that are commonly viewed as bad. My partner plays Feral, she has a decent score that she built up, and I wholly believe that she’s able to get into more groups for it than outright being rejected because “feral”.

I don’t know why people take rejection so personal. If I make a group and 20 dps apply, I can only take 2-3 others, is it raider io’s fault that the other 17-18 got declined?

I can’t speak for others, but I honest to goodness tell people to make their own groups because that’s what I do/did and it works for me. There’s no sense in whining about a problem that has a clear solution.

If I’m going to buy a book to read, I can’t choose the book by the actual contents now can I? Chances are if I have to make a decision given no outside information, I’m probably going to make my decision based on which book looks the most interesting based on the cover. I can choose to pick one and random without looking at the cover, don’t get me wrong, but you’re effectively saying that everyone who doesn’t choose at random is toxic? I don’t believe the situation is to ban book covers here.

This isn’t something that Blizzard does. In fact, it’s not even something IO does. If you have a score of 500 and it takes you 2 hours to complete a +10 for whatever reason, provided you complete the dungeon you gain points, you don’t lose points. It’s literally just a measure of what you’ve accomplished, even if it takes you tripping and falling 50 times to get there. It’s a better system than just getting outright declined because of some other metric. Maybe you don’t have the proper corruption, whatever.

Again, not sure why it has to be this personal attack against group makers or Blizzard. What is the solution here? What do you do when you have 20 applicants to a 5 man dungeon? You can’t bring everyone.

i agree. Get rid of iO.
I have no reason to do the content required to build an iO score.
My useful loot pieces come from…Kings Rest, H/M Raden, H/M Wrathion, and Visions.
I have no reason to do anything else, except to build iO score. Which im not going to do.
Since KR,Raden, and Wrathion are all i do my iO score is rather abysmal and it makes it very difficult to get into groups to do anything above M5(even though im ilvl460 and very experienced at the content im queing for.).

We alrdy have acheivements and gearscore to gate players from experiencing content. Why there is some new, 3rd party program doing it, and being allowed to do it, is beyond me.

if we don’t have Raider-io then we have ilvl, if we don’t have ilvl then we have gearscore, if we don’t have gearscore then we have armory search, if we don’t have armory search then we have inspecting your gear in front of orgrimmar bank.

point is, raider-io is nothing new to this community, it is just the current iteration of how we find people to join our pugs

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It’s a popular response, but it doesn’t work for everyone.

Yeah, but you’re talking about a very small fraction of the total player base. The vast majority of the people using aren’t buying carries.

Just because it can be gamed by a very few people doesn’t mean we should toss the whole system out.

I guess it takes less effort to claim that information is toxic than it does to actually put in effort to make yourself worth the spot over other individuals.

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It doesn’t.

Posts like these do. RIO is a tool that displays information. That’s all it is. It actually allows people who host content, like me, to make groups within a reasonable time frame.

This is a delusional lie.

Nothing is beyond your control in this game at this point. This entire post wreaks of entitlement.





No one is stopping you from making your own groups and running content the way you enjoy it. There is 0 gate keeping. NONE. Everyone gets a key. Everyone can use LFG. Everyone can use the tools they want to make their groups.



If they don’t use RIO to check your character, they’ll use other means. They always have. You won’t get into groups easier if that is your goal. There is always a metric you’re going to have to meet in order to play at levels higher than what you can prove.

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They could ban RIO today and it’d change very little. People will always find a way to discriminate. In-groups will continue to form, and gatekeeping will continue to happen. That’s just people. Even if they didn’t have a simple numerical value to attach to you for this purpose, they’d still find some way to weed people out.

So long as there is a competitive aspect or value attached to m+, people will continue to hedge their bets and eliminate as many variables as they can.

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Raider IO is really just a statistics website, It’s the people using it to be toxic that are the problems, and trust me, these same people will find a way to be toxic without Raider IO.

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