Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

You may be right, but you also have to consider the addon toxic because it helps contaminate your gaming experience with its mediocrity.

That happened to me because they detected that my raiderio points is very low due to the fact that I started the expansion in 8.2, which has a higher score than 1000 raiderio points in player thats play in 8.1 or 8.0 patchs mythic runs.

But the problem is not because I do not have experience in the game, NO, it is because I have just played this patch expansion, which would be different if I were to notice my raiderio points but in Legion.

That is why this addon is misused as well as the system that has the website is bad, so if before damaging this system that helps us show our experience internationally, and also the same social experience of the game itself far from what That mostly that less used by the community of guilds, I say that this addon dies for the next expansion and is not used even if it is by the same rules that control the mythic+

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I dunno. When Gearscore came out back in late BC, I thought it was the devil…in some ways it is.

But I think we’re much better off with a way to determine a players approximate power level than without one.

I just came back from a 10 or so year break and in two short weeks have gotten my character to like 445 ilvl before I am started to begin to see a glass ceiling on my current trajectory.

If I stay the course , I imagine I can put my way up to 455-460.

Alternatively, I could apply to a guild. Which is what I did.

Because ultimatley, nobody is gatekeeping you but yourself. The opportunities are there you just have to reach out and seize them.

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I would think it would help with the quitting problem, since people are more likely to meet a certain standard of play.

It is very much an exaggeration. People actually manage to gear just fine without doing mythic plus dungeons in pug groups.

This is the very reason why RIO is actually good. You started in 8.2 with no understanding of the dungeons. You expect to be taken to dungeons based on what… Legion experience? That doesn’t apply to BFA. Yet, you feel like you deserve a spot in a high key because you did well in a different expansion? No thanks. Learn the dungeons, grind your RIO score, and then queue for high keys.


Do you think some players just randomly start at 2k io or something? No, those people just worked their way up, while the rest come to the forums to whine and complain about something that isn’t a problem, just so they don’t have to do that work.

Push. Your. Own. Key.


raider io allows you to play with people who aren’t OP.

This is also true, when i’m pushing my own keys I will try and stack the group with people I know will help time the key, but if I see someone who looks “okay” but I can tell would benefit from being able to time that key (maybe they have timed keys 1 or 2 lower, or maybe they have that level but didn’t manage to time it) i’ll bring them along as well. if the rest of the team is solid i’d rather fill the last slot with someone who is working their way up the ladder same as me.

This is one of those situations where Blizz has done a thing and didn’t realize the ramifications of what they have done.

RIO isn’t the problem. It is just a symptom. If RIO got poofed out of existence today, the problem would still exist.

Blizz keeps up with all your info and makes it available to anyone. RIO shows the stats and data that Blizz keeps on you. If RIO went away something else would just come along to read that data and make it conveniently available.

Who can know the reasoning for it, but Blizz makes your history publicly available and RIO is just the latest way to brand you with it.

Clearly it creates a toxic field of fully justified gatekeepers able to excise anyone they want from content and progression. They tell you to make your own group but they know that will just keep you out of their way.

Now people get prejudged and sidelined out of hand. They know you before you even show up. Why bother with the book, just glance at that cover.

And of course Blizz can’t walk back their decision to reveal your every misstep, it might look like they were somehow wrong or that it had some kind of negative outcome. Can’t have that.

There are those who want even more of what you do in the game recorded and revealed. The trend is toward even more exclusion.

Its tempting to point the finger at those using RIO to make a narrow lane to content that they control, but its just mindless application. They are given the tools to exclude and so they do. Its just that simple and you probably should not expect more from them than that.

It is Blizzard that created this community in this image, a community of distinguishing marks so you can be culled appropriately.

And I don’t think it will change any time soon.

Your only option is to work with it rather than against it. Struggle in the low key foam until you have enough notoriety to get into something higher.

If you don’t want to go through the process of making your own group and managing all that headache, then there is only one way.

Just one.

Do it or don’t.

People have the right to invite who they want by any measure they deem appropriate.

All you’re asking for is for your information to be hidden because better players don’t want to take a risk on you.

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this is why i love raider io. lets me filter out people like OP

still not taking you in my +15

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Raider io is fine. No wonder you can’t get into any groups you’re 419 ilvl. I wouldn’t take you to a +2.

You get one like me and I’m not lying either.You have to take steps in progression I’m at the point to go up in progress it takes awhile but this is how get there.Don’t rush it because you see other there ,be you.

This isn’t the game for you

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People aren’t “born” into their io scores, you can just as easily make your group and push.

My guild isn’t a big m+ pushing guild, and my score isn’t amazing, but I built it up myself to a point where I can pug into weekly 15s reliably. Don’t go into the system expecting a carry, and don’t go in thinking you “deserve” a spot against the several other applicants.

It’s not the addon gatekeeping you, it’s your own expectations.


As long as people exist they may be misrepresenting themselves. RIO gives the best information available about the character, allowing the leader to make the most informed decision. That’s all you can do unless you want to play a single player game.

Exactly. There are players with 2k+ IO who aren’t great, and there are players with sub 1k IO that are amazing. No one is denying that, but as a stranger pugging strangers, I don’t know who the outliers are, and if I’m interested in pushing, I’m going to use what information I have.

Graduate school gave me twin super powers called skimming and scanning. Very useful for diatribes.


No, their answer is to make more friends or join a guild/community. Both of which are at the core of an MMO.

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Then you have ppl like myself who, for most of this xpac, haven’t participated much in anything outside of raiding that would make my RIO score shine brightly. Matter of fact, you can check my armory(‘you’ in general, not you personally :wink: ) and you can clearly see I haven’t done CRAP lol my activity for Season 3 was on my monk, and it was something like…358??? lmao and I 100% support RIO.

It’s far more convenient then having to tab out to check someone’s armory to see if it’s worth inviting them to a key grp(I’d say a +15 and up, but that’s MY personal preference, how someone else wants to run their key is shocking opinion here is up to that person b/c it’s…omg…wait for it - THEIR KEY but hey lol opinions + butt-holes = we all have them right?)

My apologies, Sanariar, I’m honestly not being snarky or sarcastic towards you, I just find the excuses ppl use for why RIO should be broken, or banned just ridiculous.

TLDR: If you want to run a key, do a M0, then MAKE YOUR OWN GROUP!!!
Other ppl are not OBLIGATED to invite you to THEIR key if, in their opinion, the grp will not benefit from your xp, or lack there of in the key.


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