Blizzard, please allow us more reports

So I make a simple discussion thread and what do you know.

Trolling. Everywhere. Not going to name names but one in particular has 5000+ post and never gets in trouble for obvious trolling.

Please allow me more reports in the 24hours, or just respond to them faster. The toxicity on these threads is so bad because its allowed to fester until its ever dealt with.

Edit: There’s a user on that particular thread that has the most responses, and only 1 of them is even relevant to the thread itself. Come on Blizz!

Edit 2: Yup that thread is chaos now.

Clearly someone either works for Blizzard or has a buddy that does. Can’t believe moderators let people use such language on the forums.


Hello bonerover, i would appreciate if you not insult me by implying i’m trolling thank you.


I think if someone read the post linked they would see the obvious troll.

yes,but i am the one highlighted,don’t assume people are always so perceptive.


In my humble opinion, if you are running out of reports every day you are abusing the report system.


It’s not their fault that your idea was bad.


I want more classic forums. At least one for PVP so general can be Myself, Dot, and Glinda RPing.


Other way around. Someone knows they can only be reported so many times so they can troll way beyond that amount.

I used all my reports on 1 person, that was destroying a thread. I wouldn’t need so many reports if Blizzard didn’t allow toxicity to fester.

If they discussed how bad my idea was, so be it. But they offered absolutely nothing relevant to the discussion. A literal troll.

You can’t callout people, on the Forums. I do agree with wanting a higher limit of Reports we can issue out.

Would be nice,people just use multiple characters for it.the ability to block people in general would also be nice, i miss the old forums.

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Actual toxicity gets deleted reasonably fast here. However, if you label everything you don’t personally agree with as “toxic” then yes you are going to become frustrated.


Glinda the Lock is my new deity

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maybe if you stopped replying to glinda… .just ignore her


That’s not allowed, either. If you do it too much, you get punished for it.


Trolling can be subjective. Posting a thread asking for a Cataclysm-era addition to WOW Classic fits that definition for a lot of people. Nothing about playable goblins is authentically vanilla, and there’s consistent opposition to the constant Plussers who ‘thought they did, but didn’t’ because they can’t seem to be satisfied with vanilla content.

That means your “simple discussion” feels like it was intended to get attention and stir up people - aka troll. That people chose to go a playful route instead of flag your post into oblivion is actually surprising.

If Blizzard responded to trolling reports faster, you probably wouldn’t even see the results you hope for. The whole thread might go poof and the people you’re so upset at would still be posting in other threads.


That’s usually the easiest path. The 2-3 word spam replys are pretty easy to ignore.

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asking for gobin starter area in classic when it was not in game until cata can aswell be considered trolling or extreme selfishness


Every thread/comment/reply could be considered trolling by this logic.

There’s one person who purposefully derails threads. They could as easily ignore the thread but instead they go out of their way to ruin the comments.

Trolling has lost it’s general meaning overall, much like the former joke term ‘‘fake news’’ it used to be the onion now fake news is just news i don’t agree with.
Trolling was and generally is simply the act of saying insensitive or unpopular things with the implicit goal of making people angry to illicit a response.
Nowadays, trolling is like fake news.

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