Blizzard Player Housing?

Why couldn’t put everything from Class Hall into your garrison and add little items for achievements that would pop up in your keep. Would help on individuality of the keeps. Might make them more popular.

Absolutely not, no way can we do that. Do you know how many people that would make happy? We just can’t do it.

We worked really hard to take away flying and even harder to ensure no one ever has flying in any meaningful way again. That didn’t just happen by itself, you know.

We hinted at high elves and the ba-boom, void elves! You don’t get that kind of bait and switch from armatures. This is quality conmanship here, triple A stuff.

I mean sure, housing would keep people in the game longer, pad up the time played metric, make us look great both in the stats and at the board meetings with our corporate masters but wow… that making players happy thing is a real deal breaker.

What if we gave you like an icon of a house, but you had to grind three weeks of Elwyn rep for it. That sounds way more like the blizzdev method.

Yeah, we have tons of old icons laying around, we can just reskin one up for you.


Ahh well. We tried. Back to making 25$ flying mounts for the store I guess.


We do have player housing. It’s called the Garrison.

It’s just too bad that the devs completely abandoned it in Legion.

WOD tried player housing in a sense and was also named the worst expansion of all time. You think you do, but you don’t.

Do what? Every player has a DIFFERENT idea of “what player housing should be”. You can imagine “all 3 million players have MY ideas” but Blizzard knows better.

Blizzard GAVE you player housing in WoD – the garrison. And as soon as you say “but garrisons weren’t MY definition of player housing” you identify the problem:

No matter what Blizzard creates, at least 80% of players will say “THAT is not MY definition of player housing”.

That’s probably impossible. In any zone? With sharding, who would see your house? Will your house block players? Griefers will put houses over NPCs to interfere with other players. I see that every day: players block mailboxes or portals with ultra-large mounts.

The garrison was never a type of housing. It was your own capital city where you could do everything in a city in your own fortress.


Lets look at the definition of Garrison.

That’s what the WoD were. Our “troops” were stationed there.

Would you station troops in your house? I don’t think so.

Garrisons were not, are not, and will never be player housing.


No argument here. I love my garrison and my class halls as well.

Why are you treating the verb definition as a noun?

So to counter my argument you resort to attacking my Grammar? I mean, I know Grammar’s important, but I don’t think that’s the hill you want to die on when trying to defend that “garrisons” are player housing.

But 1/10, you got me to reply, so thanks!

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They don’t make money off of player housing, unless you want to cough up for it.

I like the way Albion online does player house.

Player housing with guild halls/guild revamp please!!

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they’d make money in the same way as they are with classic.

You don’t have to buy a game for classic and the sub is shared with the regular retail one. So the money they make is from people subbing, resubbing, or staying subbed because they want classic.

The same would be true of housing. They would make money from the people who resub or stay subbed because they want player housing.

Really that’s the case for any feature. They dont make money directly from raiding or dungeons or xmog or pet battles or anything else except cash shop items i suppose. They make money from the sub people pay to try/do one or more of the many features in wow.

And yes I assume classic will bring way more subs and resubs than housing would, however I also assume the cost of (re)creating classic would be more than implementing player housing. (Though obviously that nothing more than an assumption as I don’t know the cost of either.)

Yes, guilds are supposed to be about participation. Not every person in a guild does participate, but that’s the social purpose I guess.

My main concern is to see what happened when we had guild levelling and significant perks didn’t reoccur. Things like:

  • GM makes guild, gets lot of people in, has them all work on a guild hall till its fabulous.
  • GM then kicks everyone out and sells it for as much as possible.

Let’s face it, there are some souless people out there…

It seems like a lot of resources developed for something most people wouldn’t care about. If it’s instanced and only you can see it, it has no social value. People can see your transmog. …

All of my characters have garrisons. Some have farms, but all have garrisons. They’re all set up the same way, a bank, primary and secondary professions, trading post, other building that either assists with professions or hasn’t been used yet (so I can see what all the buildings do). Utilitarian sure, but I always have a home with all the amenities to return to. I can even invite people to visit sometimes!

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In a way yes and it’s why I enjoyed them if you exclude the professions part of them.

No… No, that’s… that’s not at all what I did.

Your garrison is your home, you’re welcome