Blizzard owes us an apology

Ya I mean at the end of the day there wouldn’t be an exploit or a bug or whatever you want to call it if blizzard didn’t specifically create this scenario for this to happen.


Optimizing your gear is part of the game always will be. If being naked is optimal players will do that. If wearing green gear and 480 azerite is optimal players will do that. How about we just have Blizzard remove this system instead! It isn’t complicated.

Using the system they put in place wisely will never be cheating. How can you fault players for being smart and Min/Maxing. That is just silly at best.


Have you been “smart” too?

Is that why you’re defending this?

See this is the problem. Nothing needs to be defended. No one is doing anything wrong :rofl:

Don’t hate the player hate the game. Blizzard designed this system and players are using the system to figure out what is optimal. How about maybe just maybe Blizzard shouldn’t have Naked players do 238% more damage. How about maybe just maybe they can remove scaling.


I assure you un-equipping Gear during an arena match isn’t being clever with the scaling system, it’s finding a bug and exploiting it. If this behavior was intended you would be able to swap your gear off/on during a match, but guess what you can’t swap weapons mid match and you can’t re-equip your gear.

So yeah… bug exploitation

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Explain to me how it is a bug if that is how it’s designed :thinking:

Oh wait you can’t. Blizzard 100% designed for naked players to do 238% more damage. This is common knowledge. That is how the system works. So it isn’t an exploit and you are being silly.

Going into Arena naked or swapping gear or trying to Min/Max something to do a lot of damage is not only part of the game but PART OF THE SCALING SYSTEM THEY DESIGNED.

Stop asking for players to not use the system in place to Min/Max optimal set ups. Ask for Blizzard to remove the failed system itself.

Seems like they purposely tried to keep the formulas behind scaling hidden so players wouldn’t be able to math out the holes in their approach rather than just building a robust system in the first place. I get that having a bunch of twitter armchair devs is annoying, but the amount of cheesy wins this system has led to throughout BfA has been absurd.

Really hope they stop trying to patch a sinking ship

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The game also should be free to play. They are basically using the players as their QA group that also pay THEM to test their crap (instead of being paid), it’s not even free ffs… Win-win situation for Blizzard.

Bingo this is a design problem that Blizzard created. The players are just playing the game with the system that is in place. This is a Blizzard problem!

Anyone denying this fact is just wrong. At the end of the day if 386 gear is the best with some trinket then that is just the way Blizzard designed it. If being naked 1 shots someone don’t blame the player blame Blizzard. We know how the system works or I should say how it doesn’t work.



Yeah you can. So by your logic, this is ok now

In fact, gear swapping weapons was a huge thing for SR back in the day in general

Maybe it’s different based on class and weapon type. But I can’t swap between bow/2hander on my hunter, and I can’t swap 2 handers on a Ret (because corruptions)

Meh, I could be wrong ofc. I just watched banwell unequip his current weapons mid combat, but didnt see if he equipped same or diff 1s.

In my opinion this is no more of a bug exploit than not using gems was (simply not using them-not even mentioning the adding them back in before arena) when it was found out they actually made you weaker. All that was doing was using the scaling system to your advantage in an obviously unintended way. This is the same thing albeit the results are greater.

This entire scaling system is a giant joke and insinuating anything is a “bug” with it and not an obvious and inevitable shortcoming of the system itself does nothing but give Blizzard more wiggle room for explaining away their faults and allowing this non-sense to continue. Scaling doesn’t have bugs. It’s just a garbage system that needs tossed in the dumpster.


Goddarn! …gladiator, here i come!!

Nah just confirmed it, am right. You can swap weapons freely.

The same way Blizzard didn’t intented to allow Balance Druids to use Innervate before the gates open and allow them to start the match with a gazillion more intellect (Lively Spirit trait)… Not much different than what this monk did. If this is now “abusing” the system, I know a BlizzCon team that should lost their tittle for the same reason, don’t you think?

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That would so not be the movement!

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Isn’t that the definition of an exploit?

Doing something unintended by the game developers to gain an advantage over others.

Its kind of a gray area, there are countless examples of doing this and not getting in trouble for it. Game designers can’t intend for half the stuff players do to be something that happens.

This is an extremely well put together paragraph.

No one wants this system to continue.