Blizzard needs to make a dating site for gamers

Darn no treasures nothing dropped on this date . Gonna need to do a bonus roll for booty

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The thing you have to keep in mind is that even if they did add a dating site, that wouldnā€™t change how difficult dating has become these days in general.

I mean even 10 years ago, the culture was very, very differentā€¦but in recent years, I donā€™t know how to put my finger on it, but something has changed.

I think for women, there would perhaps be a lot more risk, as letā€™s call a spade a spade here, the western nations are politically divided, there are a large bunch of people that want things to go back to the old ways, how things were in the 1950s and whatnot, and while some women want that too, the #MeToo movement has played its part.

For men, it can be even harder as the reality is that a lot of women will say on their dating profiles ā€œmust be able to make me laugh!ā€ but thing is, we live in an age where everyone gets offended by every little thing, make the wrong joke, you could be charged for sexual harassment, even professional comedians are getting frustrated they canā€™t kid around like they used to.

I think OP what itā€™s really about though, is knowing yourself, like knowing your hobbies, what you like and donā€™t like, I mean thatā€™s the main way I find whether I test my compatibility with another person, like for me, the things I like, swimming, gaming, going out to the movies, and the occasional lavish lunch, I am carefully watching to see if a person clicks all these three criteria, thatā€™s how I determine their level of compatibility.

Also, other tests I use is to see how shallow/deep the person is, if they are someone that is incredibly shallow asking for 10+ photos, I will generally ignore them. If someone says they donā€™t judge a person for whatā€™s on the outside and show they actually mean it, they go to the top of my list of people to talk to and be around. I know I might not be the hottest tool in the shed, but I am fit enough to swim.

And as some of you might have guessed, deep philosophical discussions about the nature of the universe/reality are of great interest to me. You see, nothing is fairā€¦not lifeā€¦not deathā€¦

Okay Iā€™ll stop now.


They already did and it is called Wow, I know a couple of people who got married from connections made in this gameā€¦ I also know some who got divorced from connections in this gameā€¦


I thought that was the purpose of Overwatch. :thinking:

Pffft. No one on WoW wants to date me.

As is I really should be doing other things anyway.

Nobody likes the evil muscle man, thatā€™s why.

That would be pretty sweet to finally find a woman who could put up and even share in my unhealthy WoW addiction lol. Seven years is a long time to be single, I suppose. I wonder if she exists :wink:

big dps only

Pretty much every woman I encounter on WOW is married and usually has children.
Being a nerd girl is an extremely effective way of finding an SO. So much so that single ones are absurdly rare (or thereā€™s a very good reason they are still single), even if the number of gamers who are women has increased significantly.


Lol i havenā€™t the slightest idea. Looks like my flower from the event went away thoā€¦

100,000 - none

Just think of all the bugs on that app.

What if I want a big tank instead?

No. Donā€™t let that drama on here. I spent time on moonguard listening to the agony and heartbreak of guys getting two/three timed by the local floosy who wasnā€™t even single irl anyways, I donā€™t need any more of that.

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i meanā€¦ why would we need the forums then? i come here looking for love q-q

Nah Iā€™m good most men that play wow are in their late 30s and 40s and Iā€™m like 21 so yeah nah

No, the way the majority of guys treat girls is horrible on wow


spritzes breath freshener Iā€™m a perfect deer (dear) with charm :deer: :face_with_monocle:.

Nobody wants healer these days, itā€™s either the rich & arrogant tank or big deeps DPS :unamused:


Hey, as long as sheā€™s wearing big tough plate armor Iā€™m satisfied.
