Blizzard needs to create a new archery class with no pets

They should reward the hunters who agreed with Blizzard’s vision of a petless MM spec. Those hunters should be able to do 5% more damage when the pet is dismissed.

You mean, like a Lone Wolf build?

Yes, like the thing they are taking away.


They should have just made lone wolf an in-built standard for MM, and made the buffs a thing that the hunter can activate alone without a pet or bird. Everyone wins. People can use pets if they really want to and people can not worry about having to summon and unsummon pets for raid buffs when going lone wolf. But according to scores of people, I should be forced into some sort of pet because they want a pet. And yes, I count bird as a MANDATED pet.

No. The rework is still there.

It’s the main focus.

Adding a choice node somewhere down the tree does not negate the entire rework.

“Flip-flop” is an informal American English term that means a sudden and complete change in plans.

INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN to make an abrupt reversal of policy.

They did not make a complete change of their plans. They did not reverse their entire policy.

They are still going forward with the entire revamp of MM. It is still their main focus.

It’s there for utility cooldowns. Could they do it without the bird? Don’t know.

so a class that has broken or poorly defined aiming where you have spam the same button 10 times to hit something once that is if the aiming reticle doesnt jerk to the sides because its not free aim its actually aiming on a grid.

So a class where you get to drive a big, stompy, robot.

They should have just made lone wolf an in-built standard for MM, and made the buffs a thing that the hunter can activate alone without a pet or bird.

They did and are. Your “pet bird” will be something you will hardly ever notice. Trust me when I say, it is so small you can hardly even see it once it procs.

If I ever get a tinker class, I want it to be more like Gazlowe in heroes of the storm, W3 hero unit or how Rocket Racoon is like…or Crypto-138 in Destroy all Humans 2.

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No they aren’t. Lone wolf is gone. And I will notice.

Lone wolf is baked into the spec now. You don’t have the choice node because now it is just the norm. You now need to spec into getting a pet.

Now if you’re complaining about the falcon, that is a whole other issue. But they never truly wanted to get rid of pets, just pet AI. Mostly because pets is a central theme to Hunters. Just bite the bullet and cringe when you see a 5 pixel bird swoop in every 5 mins.

People keep calling me dumb and dense. It’s not baked into the spec. It’s gone. It’s no longer a thing or I wouldn’t be complaining.

Yeah, I can see why they’re calling you that now.

He’s right, lone wolf is gone. The eagle is baked into the spec now.

He’s just saying it in a really dumb way for some reason.

Tell me where they said it’s baked in.

I’m saying it in the most straight forward, easy to understand way imaginable.

Which is why everyone is misunderstanding you. :point_right::point_right:

There’s also a chance where the big stompy robot is a cooldown.

Because Lone Wolf is baked into the spec. All that damage it gave without a pet? That is the norm now. That is why they took it away, you don’t need it. Now being mad about the falcon is a different issue.