Blizzard needs a final decision on flight

It’s very close, but I wanted to also interject a reference to the fact that we’re paying for this.

To a certain degree I believe they’re abusing peoples loyalty to their brand.


You’re right and this does suck but it’s eventually a losing way of going about things for them.

I hope they change things up soon because otherwise, this game won’t grow and thrive.
It’ll become real hard to get new players to stay.

I think they did lose half their subs when they tried to take out flying as that was right around the time they stopped publishing their sub numbers.

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8.2 was released on June 25. I’ve been playing every day except one, since then.

Today I just now got flying. It takes quite awhile if you don’t have the added rep bonuses.

Just saying.

And because you have it now and I don’t I know you’ve spent more time playing than I have, at least since 8.2 (with the new terrain OP is whining about).

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Probably. It’s taken me 18 days to get it. I thought maybe I’m doing it wrong, Idk.

I did Naz first, even bought the contract which was way overpriced but wth, it’s only fake gold and when that was done I got the contract for Mechagon but only played with wm on a couple times as there was never any alliance around so couldn’t finish that one quest.

Either way, I spent a lot of time in both, still go to Naz too and it took me 18 days.

This isn’t a good system to me. I don’t mind PF1 & 2 but I do mind it taking so long to implement PF2.
It’s kind of insulting when I really think about it. I’m sure they think they have their reasons though. /sigh.

Because it’s a cumulative achievement, I’ve split progress over 3 different toons. my engineer is in mechagon, I did exploring in Nazjatar on my mining toon, and nazjatar questing is on this girl. ~5 days of playing and honoured with both factions :smiley:

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Blizzard really doesn’t ever make any final decisions. They can change their thinking at anytime.

To me a fair decision should be, once you hit max level and finish all the story lines, you then get a quest that will give you flying, that is it, seems fair. No rep required, it is just like Pathfinder 1, minus the revered requirement.

I don’t believe they are capable of doing either of those things. It may be a case of the purse strings being too tight, and not really the fault of the devs, IDK. Either way, I don’t see it happening. Honestly, it isn’t even necessary. Just put flight back like it was and let people have FUN. Shouts of joy would sound.

People spent a lot of time earning flying mounts. Some even paid cash for them. How they think they can take flight away completely without backlash, is just… insane.

No… no comprimises, no deals, no shenanigans none of that trash, Flying is either avail from the start or it’s a solid skip. The class mechanics outside of a few select instances (demon hunter for example) are entirely forgettable. Story is interesting but the dailies to unlock the questlines for them are mind numbing. I didn’t spend weeks grinding netherwing to get drakes just so they could waddle on the ground. I’ve enjoyed flying in every expansion It’s been enabled prior to WoD. FORCING me to collect treasures, run apexis dailies, stories and reps (all of which would of came naturally from playing except treasures) turned “I can’t wait to login” into “if I don’t login it’s just going to take that much longer”.

I dealt with no flying in legion for… about 3-4 months before I quit, came back when part 2 was unlocked and for the most part enjoyed the rest of the expansion. BfA could of been so much more… instead of enjoying myself I finished part one rather quickly then sat and waited… and waited… and waited and eventually quit till 8.2 was released. Not only was the wait highly excessive (2-3 months was long enough) but the dailies offered royally flipped my switch to “I’m done” mode. Now that flying is unlocked, there are even fewer dailies worth flying to? 9.0 and forward, as I’ve said a thousand times Pathfinder parts need to be avail from day one or the next epax is a hard skip.


My issues with pathfinder are:

  1. The rep grind. What does some random faction’s opinion of me have to do my characters ability to handle and ride a mount?

  2. The arbitrary time gate. Waiting a year to implement flying when players have already completed the achievement a month after launch completely voids the need and purpose of having the achievement.

I could live without flying. IF they actually removed flight completely. Everywhere. Which means making necessary tweaks to areas that require flight. Redesign the flying mounts (especially the ones they sold us for real money) to look and operate well on land and/or function as gliders. If they want to make game without flight, I’m fine with that. Leaving flight in certain areas only encourages people to ask for flying in all areas.

Either do it or don’t. These half measure, band aid efforts are irritating me. And give Blizzard the appearance of being petty. Like a pouting child.

Why not create a new faction? The Azeroth Aviation Society. As you complete the exploration and story achievements your standing with them goes up. By the time you complete the story/explore achievement you reach the necessary standing to earn your pilot license. Now comes the second part. You must complete 14 world quests, that appear one a day. They send you out to find an area that isn’t indicated by a minimap marker. You have to find the location and take a selfie of something in the area. Then you receive your pilot license endorsement for the expansion area. Repeat for new areas.

And none of this, you have to wait patch X.2 or .3. When the zone goes live you can earn it and fly.

final decision?

it’s been 3 xpacs now

It’s as simple as this. If this nuisance of grind fest is no minimized, I’m out.
Car analogy applies perfectly: Why would you buy a car that does not have a features you like/want?

I didn’t play the first week of 8.2 and it took me about two weeks only and that is without any rep bonus.

Pathfinder 2 is easy they just need to put it into the game a lot sooner.

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I just discovered that although I got flying on my horde toons, it crosses over to my alliance as well so PF2 only has to be done once.

That’s good because I saved alliance for last. Now I wish I hadn’t because I’d have been done sooner.

Ah well, still good news.

@Tinyblast, you’re right. I agree. Sooner would be better.

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Playing 2 hours per day (minimum) is NOT a casual.

Sorry to burst your bubble. This is a game, not a career.

What’s casual then?

Lots of people telling others what ISN’T casual, but what is an amount of time you can dedicate daily to the game and still be casual?

Playing for an hour or more, 7 days a week is not casual.

A casual is someone who might play 5 hours one week, 20 hours the next week, 2 hours the week after that…no set schedule or pattern, and doesn’t make this game their career.

Now, if you want to withhold 70% of the coolest mounts, the top 3-5 tiers of gear, 50% of the battle pets, and 70% of the character titles away from casuals…go right ahead! Casuals are casual. Most of that stuff is fluff, and lower tier gear is good enough for regular play.

But a basic part of gameplay like flight should not be withheld from anyone (same with allied races, but that’s a fight for another day).

They could have done without part 2. Or at least combine the 2 zones for rep. 2 factions to grind was too much.

Seems like an arbitrary definition, there’s nothing stopping a casual from having a consistent play schedule.

In either case, they’re not withholding flying from you. You might get it a bit later, but you will get it even if it’s a week or two later than people who can dedicate consistent time to it.