Blizzard needed a win so badly on MT and this is hilariously bad

The mage tower was one of most complained about aspects of Legion, yet people begged for it back in droves clearly not understanding what they were asking for.

This is history repeating itself.

You guys begged for this, so deal with it. We told you it was hard.

He is just an idiot lol .

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That’s not entirely fair. Many people enjoyed the tower later on in the expansion when it was a bit more forgiving with more gear. That’s a part of made it so popular - everyone ultimately had a realistic shot of beating it once they geared up later in the expansion. I think Blizzard misunderstood that aspect of its appeal. I think many people -myself included - were thinking that this would be a 7.3 equivalent since it’s a holiday event aimed at the entire WoW player population.


you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.

to be fair to your point, I wouldnt have mentioned the sold carries given how much has happened just lately to try and stop the “hackyouraccount dot fail” spam thats been obliterating the group finders. Sold carries is currently a bigger blight on the game, far more than easy content

Scored an upvote just for the HGTG/Vogon reference.

Now about that hyperspace bypass…

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the forumns the last 24 hours tell a very different story


The problem with the term challenging is it’s very subjective. To some heroic or even normal is challenging and to others mythic is challenging. Considering the circumstances and this is a holiday event that just gives cosmetics I think most players assumed by challenging they meant challenging to the lowest denominator.


It could be that they are trying to encourage us to get into some tougher content. That tracks because that’s where most of the development goes.

I dislike the design. It’s not mechanic oriented. The mechanics are straightforward. It’s that the HP pools are overtuned. I watch videos of people completing the challenges and they are doing MUCH more damage than I am. They aren’t doing anything different, but they are hitting much harder (seriously, Aff warlock in the MT cannot be more cookie cutter).

I think it’s tuned for TWing gear and gems a plenty


He has his towel and he’s throwing it in… “So long and thanks for all the fish” :dolphin:

The entire company of blizz hinges on people steamrolling through the mage tower apparently.

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We apologize for the inconvenience.

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You really should change your name to Dunning Krueger.

I haven’t had time yet to try the MT myself so am not going to comment on its difficulty.

However I agree with you that they need a win in the worst way.

for 24 hours… then it was last minute buffed, with no testing at all

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