Blizzard needed a win so badly on MT and this is hilariously bad

I’m one of those people who quit, decided to come back for the MT. I completed the tank one on two characters early (when it was hard to overgear) and later 2 melee classes and 2 healer classes. Figured hey I’ll try to get the book mount in the next 2 weeks, figured I’d get sucked back into WOW and be a subscriber again. It was the decent plan from Blizz to get people like me with nostalgia and get us back into the fold.

Then they released it in the state its in. I’m not going to say its overtuned, it was hard when it first came out too. It took me dozens of attempts on my prot paladin and bear druid back in legion. The reason it’s so stupid to release it in this state is THEY NEEDED A WIN, THEY NEEDED SOMETHING TO GO WELL. This isn’t a win. They’ve pissed off a bunch of people who didn’t want such challenging content but are desperately looking for something to do in the game. And they made it easy for me to say forget this, this isn’t worth it, and re-quit within an hour of logging in today.

This is a silver lining though, this will be the nail in the coffin that helps remind me that Blizzard is not capable of doing things well anymore, they just cannot get out of their own way to avoid screwing things up.


this is what the ‘get gud’ crowd doesnt understand.


Is this Vogon poetry?


If it was up all the time it would be something to work toward. But nope it’s just you gotta do this in 2 weeks or try again 6 months later.


No doubt they will scale it so in 6 months it will be just as difficult in new gear.

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You…thought that they should have released MT as some sort of low-hanging appeasement fruit to make restless people happy? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


That’s kind of how they advertised it. You could link me to an ad that showed it was intended to be only for the top 2% of players and the version on the PTR was going to be drastically different from the one implemented.


I completed it as assassination, got to 30% on xylem as sub.

QQ more

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[Citation needed]

This content wasn’t designed with your fun in mind, just do what the rest of us do quit doing the crap content and when you run out of things YOU find worth paying for quit subscribing all together. The 6 month mount used to get the cash grab from me but now I’ll just sub 30 days at a time when I can see players complimenting something.

Your issue seems to be you’re a sword.

A pigtailed sword, even.

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MT was ment to get players to pay another sub, and boost log in metrics, and stop the bleeding…

You didn’t think it would have been properly tested, scaled and tuned did you?


It is being properly tested, by US the subscribing players. ./sheesh…

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(Facepalm) of course! See you in 2023 when they announce its been fixed

They are going to ‘get gud’ themselves right into even more people leaving. You would think now, of all times they would give out a good, fun, pleasurable gesture of good will.

Instead, they put in content that you have to put 100% effort into to have a chance at a relatively small reward.


Is more fun than just one doing all of them first try, we got the Tomb of Sargeras version instead of Argus one. Loving it.

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Would be better than what we got

You being incompetent doesn’t not equate to it being the wrong move. Most of the player base want challenges, not handouts.

This. Why in the world would they time restrict highly desired solo content?


i disagree. majority of the playerbase does lfr and farms old transmogs/mounts.

not even sure i responded. you’re first action was to attack my intelligence.