Im on board bro. Gear is just an artificial number. But even back in classic it was less of skill based gearing and more of time commitment/organizing gearing.
I think we’d all love some form of overhaul to gearing. Afterall thats why we do this hard crap.
Gotta head to bed, ill take this back up tonight <3 stay safe all.
that’s quite the wall of text. Revamped? I think you mean removed. We need to just go back to heroic when endgame dungeons were actually fun and not constantly causing people to run to the forums and scream about them.
I used to love, running heroics and burning Crusade and wrath. I’d start out with the dungeons and then make my way into the raids. Now it just feels like you have to stay on some +25 hamster wheel to even be part of the end crowd.
how was that destroying the game? Heroics were the most popular thing to do in burning Crusade, wrath, cataclysm, and mop. It wasn’t until they made it its own mode and turned it into the endgame treadmill that people started having issues with it. There were no issues before it. So if anything, we would be restoring the game back to its former glory by removing the one thing that seems to piss everybody off
I did them for about a week or two at the start of every expansion then stopped. Had everything they could offer, and going through the motions in easy content was boring.
Ended up just pvping because I couldn’t raid at the time.
why are you always putting words in other people‘s mouths to drive assumptions. I don’t give a crap about other people‘s enjoyment. I thought I made that clear in the marksman thread. What I want is a game mode that doesn’t cause so much whining. heroics were endgame. Everybody was capable of reaching endgame. Now there’s a challenge mode that locks out the bottom 80% of players. So it turns 20% into elitists and at least 50% into whiners and then there’s the other 30% like me that just don’t even bother. However, the game was at it’s most popular when mythic plus didn’t even exist.
imagine that. 12 1/2 million people willing to login and do jousting and you can’t get 5 million people to login and do mythic plus. The math doesn’t lie.