Blizzard, Mythic+ NEEDS to be revamped

People play for story, and leveling back then too.

Can’t recreate “the lich king” with similar success.

Also, people would rage if leveling speed was slowed down by like 20x.

no, it would require better lore and storytelling. The two things they’ve absolutely been skimping on since they’ve been more worried about some endgame pillar that scales for gear. Think about the last truly great story in this game. Maybe mop? Or maybe it was wrath? Legion was fun, but the story was all over the place. Sure the gameplay may have been engaging but the story and the lore are what brought people to this game. If they would start focusing on those again, we might see bigger numbers, but they’re not gonna focus on that when they’re too busy building some treadmill for people who only wanna come here and complain about it.

WotLK had horrible lore and story telling.

TBC had horrible lore and story telling.

Let’s just remove any content someone says they can’t do.

Mythic raiding too hard, gone.
We failed our m+ key, deleted.
My rotation has too many buttons, pruned.
My heroic pug couldn’t kill Ovinax, removed.

Back to the good old days when gameplay could be perfected by a nodding bird and raids were nothing but a showcase of different coloured training dummies to ogle on a Friday night.

i’m not saying we reduce the leveling speed. I’m saying we increase the story. Let’s stop focusing on the treadmill and start focusing on the gymnasium that it sits in.

The story quality has no connection to the existence of m+.

The people that work on the story are not having their time taken up by the existence of m+.

I think it draws a perfect parallel. When mythic plus was only a challenge mode mop was a very popular expansion. And then when it stopped being a challenge mode and started being an endgame pillar all of a sudden the paradigm shifted. That’s not a coincidence.

Extremely slow leveling speed was of the reasons WOW had so many players.

Do you think the story writers and creative directors are now, instead, working on m+ design?

Do you feel, Metzen, for example…instead of working on the creative direction of WoW as the Executive Creative Director…is instead spending his time working on m+ boss mechanics?

Now I want to remind you.

WOTLK story was absolute rubbish.

people took their time leveling because the story was worth it. If they could make the story worth it again and pace it just right they could actually slow it down without anybody even noticing. The only problem is 20 years later or less we have an entire generation of individuals who have the attention span of a TikTok video and don’t have the patience to play all the way through a campaign. Then again, Blizz just sort of caved and kept going with it and keep doubling down on it hoping that at some point people will stop complaining about it.

When was it worth it?

When TBC destroyed the lore of big name characters? And gave us no over arching story?

When WotLK destroyed the Lich King? Turned him into a saturday morning cartoon villain?

No, people took their time leveling because it took an extremely long time to reach max level.

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It still is but the players like yourself refuse to socailize. I meet new people invite them to my discord and now i got groups to play with. so again its a you issue and thus im not reading anymore of your post as its a obvious inflamitory troll post trying to spark drama over a none issue. good bye hopfully you can stop trying to get attention and act like an adult.

They don’t see the connection, and the game in no way points out to a player that there is one.

This is just disingenuous. Content that is designed to be soloable is going to be a significantly different experience than content designed for 5 players including specific roles. It’s simply not possible to create the breadth of mechanical challenges in delves, even for groups who bring 5 players. For someone who wants a dungeon experience harder than M0, the only option that exists today is M+.

What would this even look like in modern WoW? Have you ever stopped to consider why Blizzard has only ever increased the number of difficulties that exist? How do you make a difficulty that’s engaging for players that are currently timing +20 keys that is even remotely approachable by a player who picked up the game a month ago who is finding the current heroic difficulty just right.

What you’re basically saying is that dungeon content should only be enjoyable for a small range of skill levels.

So just to be clear, the popularity of an entire expansion boils down to the structure of the highest level of dungeon content? The player that plays solo collecting pets and mounts will choose to unsub if the dungeon content they won’t even attempt to play is unpopular with those who do run it? Oh and we just ignore the most popular expansion had neither challenge mode nor M+, and players had to farm dungeons well beyond where the gear might be useful for badges?

death recap :stuck_out_tongue: i sware the game gives you all the tools to succeed just some people refuse to use them unless the game handholds them to it

Sure. If you know that this information exists, and where to look for it. Also, providing the name of the ability that killed you will be connected to that thing you did wrong. For instance, the ability that causes someone to die while standing in a green splotch may have a name that doesn’t reveal that the problem was they stood in a green splotch.

It names it hover over the ability in the death recap it tells you what it is. when you die a big button that says death recap is there. so again this is a pure you issue and refusal to use the tools obviously given to you.
So you are either very unaware of anything, lying and wanting to troll, or just that bad at the game.

I guess you didn’t play during Wrath to experience the forum complaints about Halls of Reflection.

Whats a dungeon experience?

Delves have an objective, mechanics, an end boss, a fail state, body count, scaling difficulties (2x)

Its a dungeon crawl experience with a death counter instead of a timer. Taking away the timer takes away 95% of the difficulty of m+ and pretty much negates the entire game mode. Which is the same thing that contributed to delves simplicity and ease.

People wanting to pull single packs or run 3 tanks and 2 healers are not the same people who: