Blizzard, Mythic+ NEEDS to be revamped

I guarantee any player can go up at least 2 key levels in skill if they tried end game tanking and healing. Makes you so much more aware of everything and thats not me glazing the roles.

And yeah to piggyback on Fevis point. I play this game to play with people, not a single player experience, personally. So its almost endearing to see 1 dps in my group kinda tripping over themself if it means the rest of us can kinda be the heroes

They have millions of runs per month , I think they are fine


This…followed by 15 paragraphs…


Since the only way M+ changes as you go up in key level is mobs do more damage and have more health, that really gets in the way of this.

There actually is no difference between doing a 10 at 620 and an 11 at 630.

So to make actual progression being a thing (and not just mimicking it by effectively taking off gear to make the content ‘harder’), they need to completely rework the mode, greatly reduce scaling, and instead add new mechanics, or change existing mechanics to force you to do something different as you go up in key level.

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Well they’re enforcing leaving which means people are going to tighten it up a bit or even just do their thing with friends/guild/community so pool is more restrictive. The content is supposedly harder this season, though KSM is nearly 40% in NA, and that also means people are going to be more selective in higher keys I suppose.

On top of this when people say we don’t like affixes and Blizzard removes a lot of that difficulty they supplement it by upping the difficulty of the trash/boss mechanics. The difficulty has to go somewhere or it becomes a speedrun loot factory with 100% winrate.

The rest of this sounds like a community issue. This mentality of it’s everyone else’s fault but my own pervades League of Legends, Marvel Rivals, Overwatch, or any other team game I’m sure with an esports scene. Not to mention the variable skill levels you get in LFG.

You could have one player that’s a savant in mmo’s and plays like a god and knows everything inside and out and never messes up, and then you pair that person with average casual players with a fairly skilled tank it’s a huge skill range. A number from something like IO says very little in the end of the day about a persons skill level or team coordination.

In the end of the day, no matter how much vetting you do in LFG (especially with no coms) you’re gambling and trolling yourself. Unless you just know you have the skill level to carry no matter what, even then yeah.

This all said try testing things out in Undermine the testing goes until the 21st for M+ and give feedback on difficulty early!


OP plays with bad players and is shocked at bad experience.

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Mythic is fine just needs a massive rework, when you get meta, some classes just can perform to par with poor balencing, Blizz over complicating it. And vault RNG needs a rework this has been worst vault season ever. I know people who maxed vault and got 3 myhics worth keeping all season. Wasted time, affects standing. Then there is people who do one a week got lucky in vault and have 640gs. The ballence isnt there from the casual to hardcore players rng/luckseed. Why play or do mythic+ if your getting vault skunked weakly for an entire season when Billy Joe RC plays an hour a week and has max. Or maybe your class is horrible bottum tier with broken abilities the entire season and Blizz nerfs it even more. 3/4 of the classes are borderline undesirable to bring to a mythic+, a 1/4 dont even try you will spend hours in limbo, 5 max classes give or take are any good including tank and healer for ballance. The top over 1k grps are copy paste because other classes just dont compete. Seeing the same issue in pvp. Ran into a grp tonight other side was all pallys with 2 non pallys priests. Talk about unkillable thier avdrage healer did 500+ million healing, thier dps was about half that. Killed the fun. Had a mythic+ pug the other night all pallys and a resto shammy. When you make a class faceroll aoe dps by double most other classes for less gear requirements, less key pressing. Pretty much shamens, pallys master race occasionally a dk. When you get classses with 637gs pumping as much aoe as a 619 of a easier class with shorter rotations,.that also take significantly less damage why try.

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At this point, I hope Riot’s MMO is a wow-killer. Blizzard just doesn’t listen, and they deserve whatever happens.

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Just because you don’t like it does not mean there are none that do.

The game mode would have been faded out like many other game modes If it was as disliked as you claim it to be.

If you dont like it don’t do it.


And this is what addiction looks like. Requesting the game to sunset because you cant bring yourself to quit it on your own lol


Literally less than a minute as a warrior tank to join a pug

Content scaling is required so the game mode thats supposed to offer higher difficulty for reward feels… difficult. Not for w.e else idea you think it is.

Terrible players are terrible because they won’t learn from their mistakes.

How Is this blizzard fault xD

Lol oh god the usual “I’ve been playing for xx something years” like you deserve a badge of honor for sticking around. Get over it already.

All of that list at the bottom is pure bs.

You just want to complain and it is the weekend.

Alt post check

All anger and no body check

Does not offer any better solutions check

Infantile tantrum that is wishing something dies because you don’t like it or cant do it? Oh god check.

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I don’t look up MDI strats either. What even is this point?

I run DBM and OmniCD. Hardly 400 addons.

Common denominator. How can some people have very high success rates while others frequently have leavers?


i dont even know how anyone fails anything under a +10 at this point. besides not looking at their screens for 40 minutes straight.

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Riot is never going to release that thing.

Everything else seems pretty based.

The m+ changes from DF were cataclysmic,

pugging is terrible, don’t do it. if you don’t want to take the time to find a casual guild of just some regulars to run with the game isn’t worth playing cause the pug community is just the worst.

It’s a real bad time in M+ right now.

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Fantastic post. 100% accurate and on point.

M+ can not be fixed because a competitive PvE game does not belong in retail.

M+ should be removed from WoW entirely. PvP can take its place on the vault. M+ is a mini-game with nothing to do with the Lore and is responsible for turning group content into the worst experience World of Warcraft has to offer. Take it out of retail and make it a mobile game. M+ is not fun, Dungeons are not fun. Raids are not fun when tanks overpull trash like they are on a clock causing unnecessary wipes, frustration, and wasted time. The poison spread throughout all group content due to the timer, IO scoring, and the competitiveness it brings is immeasurable.

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looks like you already stated how to fix M+ without all the rest of the writing

play with your friends, not randoms


LOL believing that is on you, dude


This is the truth of it. Most people are terrible, join a curated community. If that’s a step too far, you shouldn’t be playing MMOs anyways, off to the sludge pool of the pug scene with you, the grease trap of the wow player base.


lol! that is hilariously written

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