Blizzard missed the point!

Classic is not a name referring to a specific era of the game, it’s a subtitle referring to the rerelease of a past expansion


Wrath was a steaming pile of dogs*** but sure


You need to stop speaking for people that you do NOT represent.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i still dont know which response was my fav but i love each and everyone of them
a masterpiece

lmao then u got good at the game? Being good at the game has nothing to do with what i stated. Morns like you don’t understand that. Please comprehend what you read, it will help in the future.

FYI, this game isnt hard to be good at.

Classic is not a name referring to a specific era of the game, it’s a subtitle referring to the rerelease of a past expansion

wow…wut? want to try that one again?


This is your subjective opinion, and you speak on behalf of nobody but yourself.
I am of the opinion that Wrath is extremely overrated and Cata is better. Just because you dont want something doesnt mean theres no way others would want it.


No, what you don’t understand is everything you’re complaining about is the dumbest things I’ve heard and all the bads keep regurgitating the same asinine bs.

The old world has not been relevant since TBC - fact

The talents are the same but condensed and no longer “wait till level 50 to get your core ability” nonsense.

Oh no hybrid are gone, something only bad players and role players care about. Rip the role players but I don’t care about your bad hybrid build that does nothing useful.

Once I got good at the game, keep in mind since you glossed past it, at 13, I no longer held these bad takes because I understood the game better instead of “wah my level 20 leveling zone noooooo” and “oh no my bad energy regen hybrid build that got nothing good in the deep parts of the tree because I decided to go half way down all 3 specializations”.


What, do I need to dumb it down for you?

Classic not name for specific era of game, it name for past expansion releasing again


The point was to make money and kill private servers, which they’ve done. From the state of the prepatch I’m guessing Cata classic is costing them approximately 0 dollars, so anything they make is gravy.

Saying Wrath was best is debatable. I think Cata was the best.

Classes in Wrath felt unfinished and lacking. Cata, MoP, and WoD is when the classes and gameplay felt best to me, and I’m happy that they released Cata.

If anything, I think they should release Era servers for Wrath. That way they could keep all the Wrath players happy and at the same time give me the best gaming years of my life in Cata.


What, do I need to dumb it down for you?

Classic not name for specific era of game, it name for past expansion releasing again

wow…wut? want to try that one again?

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Sorry I can’t dumb it down anymore. You’ll have to get your helper to take care of that


Sorry I can’t dumb it down anymore. You’ll have to get your helper to take care of that

Oh! Ok then!

This topic is perhaps the core of why world of warcraft has never been capable of player retention, why after 20 years of ongoing game development, wow is just as devoid of meaningful content as it has always been.

‘But wait, what about my [insert personal rose colored fav expac content here]?’ Everyone has their favorite version of wow and it’s never the current version. That’s just a fact of wow life at this point.

This is the side effect of poor game design, general design philosophy incompetence. It began in Vanilla, when the game wasn’t complete in many of the later game zones and the devs were faced with paying for the sudden growth the game went through.

Rather than spending the time and resources to complete world of warcraft, they shelved that content and dropped a new expansion, intentionally designed to displace any end-game interest in Azeroth.

This displacement serves to relegate 20 years of ongoing development to the dust bin without providing meaningful continuity within the world stories and game design. Every expansion leaves previous expansions truncated and largely unplayable, in the sense mmos are designed to played (with others).

This truncated design strips any possible continuity from content by not only failing to capitalize on preferred aspects of game design, but rendering those preferences obsolete regardless of concurrent numbers of players who wish to continue enjoying those features (garrisons?).

The biggest tragedy is the self serving nature of this design - its so atrocious, 20 years of design around it has failed to yield a meaningful direction for designers to follow (an obvious roadmap), forcing constant updates just to try and claw back some of the players who have lost interest.

What should be an obvious philosophy that drops grand slam after grand slam content addition, instead produces tiny spikes in concurrents as a boxes sell, but then the content doesnt continue the story in any meaningful way, characters are effectively reset, and the downward trend continues.

How can a game become progressively worse with regular content releases, despite cramming in new art, features, and mechanics into this aging behemoth of a game?

By improperly valuing previous content and player time spent. This time its Cata and The War Within. If you made it this far, the OP is correct. Blizzard has never been able to formulize their own success, let alone replicate it.

At best, all future content releases will be dropped with the intent of getting players to buy a box and resub, hoping they forget to pause that sub. But hey, Metzen is back!



This game is 20 years of self flaggelation over misunderstanding their own success. They accidentally made an awesome game, but rather than continue to make the game awesome, they kept making a new version of the game, trying to make each new version ‘more awesome.’

When that failed to make a meaningful impact on the player base, they panicked and doubled down. Here we are, with expansion number 11 around the corner, all they’ve managed to do with it is try to one-up themselves unsuccessfully.

I don’t even need to play it and I can promise it falls short. Can make this prediction 100% accurately every time they announce new content. And my entire post holds true.

Until they stop disrespecting players’ time, things aren’t going to change.


The problem with WoW is everyone experienced the game at a certain point in a certain way… Everyone says OH this verions is bad… that version is easy… That version is terrible… this version is perfect!!! etc etc etc.

What Blizzard shouldve done with all this data is just start World of Warcraft 2 from the ground up… taking the % base of each expansion they run through and creating that within the world.

Maybe have a portal that leads to a cloud database where people can visit their old character currently in retail to see all that they achieved… like their own hub etc.

but… its clear!!! this forest is absolutely beyond overgrown, and needs to be burned down to grow anew.

Or they could just focus on making the last 20 years worth of content perfect, and stop trying to stuff more things into the game.

The average player would probably happily pay a sub fee for that experience.

vanilla’s open world pvp
MoP’s Rare Mob and World bosses
WoTLK gearing system
Cataclysm RBG, Arena and Balance
Legions Weapon leveling system

then take the best raids and dungeons and slam into one expansion

I don’t mind them adding Cata Classic. I just would’ve liked it if they’d kept at least a few TBC Classic and Wrath Classic servers.

As it is, they’re just repeating the same mistake they made the first time around.

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Your definition of classic is subjective.

You’re also in the vocal minority, most people have no desire to play Vanilla-WOTLK on repeat.

Blizzard also has no plans on maintaining an era server for 50-100 people.

If you want Era go back to private servers.