Blizzard loot rules working?

So, if you already have the item like a trinket, and another drops that’s the same one, same item level as the one you have on, you can need it and win?

I ask since I watched another healer win a roll for the broodkeeps trinket while already having the same one on.

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What’s the issue? They helped kill the boss.

You arn’t even willing to take the 20 seconds to google the loot changes, they 100% deserved it more than you.


And you’re 110% sure the trinket did not have a tertiary stat?

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Know what’s even worse? When the healer rolls need on 389 weapon when they have a 408 equipped and it’s a major upgrade from your 343 staff. Then when asked why they rolled need they reply with " I need it for tmog". Personal loot rules need to be implemented so that people don’t get cheated out of gear they need to progress.


if he didnt have it in both slots, then technically there’s a slot he can get it in - if he could equip it.

short answer: no

Wow, totally uncalled for comment. Perhaps the loot rules should be made clear in the game so people don’t have to “google it”.

OP, I was able to roll need on a trinket that was clearly meant for a healer. I didn’t bother looking at what the trinket actually did when I rolled because I thought that since I could roll on it, the thing must have been for DPS and it was higher ilvl (by a lot) than what I was wearing. I then did a quick sim on it and found it simmed poorly so I took a closer look at it and found it was actually a healing trinket.

The healers were quite happy when I turned it over to the raid lead for him to give to someone else.

So who knows what is going on with their programming of this system.


His question sat unanswered for 100000000x the time I would have taken to google it.

Stop being lazy and entitled.

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Basically it’s just a very bad way to have loot rolls set up. If you are equipped with a much higher item then you should never be allowed to roll need.

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Yet another uncalled for comment Arrinity. Why are you being so rude to people?

Why are you accepting pure laziness and entitlement?


Calling someone entitled and lazy is actually considered attacking them so maybe you should rethink then edit your remark?

Applies to tier pieces I believe. Everything else is still the same

Look at this, still being rude. And people wonder why this community has such a bad reputation. Thank you very much again demonstrating this.

I disagree with this. There is some loot that provides better stats/abilities than what people might be wearing… even at lower ilvls.

Heck, for all of SL, I ran around with this low ring that I could never replace because it was so good. And in Legion, it was this trinket. Such a good trinket that simmed higher than anything else, even at 20 lvls lower.

Restricting loot like this doesn’t help people at all. It just begins to annoy them. And that is why personal loot is better.

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Wouldn’t have changed the outcome.

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If you are overly sensitive and thin skinned I guess.

Grow a spine.

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I’m guessing the trinket had a tertiary.

yet again being extremely rude. Why do some people seem to delight in behaving like jerks just because they can hide behind the shield of anonymity.

Really isn’t rude. You just like to be offended.

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I have a question for you. What is the difference if someone gets an item, back when personal loot was still current, and decides to keep it for tmog, versus someone who wins a roll and decides to keep it?

It’s just how it’s perceived. Nothing else is different.