Blizzard loot rules working?

Man whatever happened to mind your business? These people who lose a roll and then automatically go to inspect the winner to see if they “deserve” the loot are something else.

You lost. Get over it. Stop throwing a tantrum


You understand that even with PL that still occurred, the only difference is you might not have seen it happen.

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I think you can still role on things same ilvl because it may have a socket or extra stats on it. Even if it doesnt sadly they can still roll.

That is a horrible idea because ilvl doesn’t determine if an item is better or not. For example the LFR ring off the first boss is a lower ilvl then both my rings and yet is still like a 500 DPS upgrade.

Players seem to feel the sting of “the system working against them” when they actually see themselves lose a roll, versus just letting the system work for – or against – them behind the scenes.

Why do you feel so entitled? They participated in the fight just like you. Why are they not allowed to roll need for whatever their reasons may be? Get over it.


I hate rolling for items. I prefer asking people in chat if they need it.

That is a complete outlier as it is a “Very Rare” drop and has an effect on it.
In practically most cases ilvl does determine if it is an upgrade right now as primary stats weight higher than anything else.

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Plenty of content out there to get loot to progress. You lost a roll, whoopy. I went through the first 2 weeks of raiding without winning a drop, it happens

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It’s not just special drops. Hell the Manic Grieftorch from LFR sims better than my storm eater’s boom, even while being 10 ilvls lower. My point is saying that you shouldn’t be allowed to loot something lower ilvl would be a huge mistake and it would lead to people not looting something except for their BIS items.

Well that’s purely because boon isnt a ST damage trinket. You’re making some very weird comparisons. As far as trinkets are concerned I can agree to a certain point. Anything else is a big no.

It’s not weird, they are perfect example of ilvl not always meaning better.

lol. cheated. ok then.

you do realize that personal loot would still give a 389 wep to someone who has a 408 wep right?

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Exactly. Personal loot is invisible roll. If the item drops , system roll for you but you don’t see it. Group loot, instead of system you have to click roll for item if it drops.

Yea I am more for personal loot because I’m lazy. But its literary exact same thing

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Stop being like you got it!

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And then they have the balls to call other people rude and toxic.

Rolling on things you can after participating in the content vs. inspecting the winner of the roll and being the judge and jury of whether or not they ‘deserve it’. Yeah, one of these is toxic and rude…but they are very VERY confused on which one it is.

100%. Greed and envy are two of the deadliest sins. Look how miserable it makes small minds.

Calling somebody ‘rude’ and a ‘jerk’ is toxic behavior. Those are uncalled for comments and considered attacking them. Maybe you should rethink and edit your remark? Why do some people delight in toxic behavior just because they can hide behind the shield of anonymity.