The question I quoted above. You say they were a twink, they were helping their friends level, and I’m asking how they were able to avoid the experience eliminated debuff. Because unless you tell me they were using a level 20 on a “trial” account or a level 70 on an account that hasn’t purchased TWW, they were playing in a grey area by side stepping a debuff that Blizzard put in place for a reason (I don’t agree with the debuff as you can do basically the same thing with said level 20, level 70, or even a mega overgeared level 80, but it’s been there since BFA).
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Sorry why should I fix my fix my post? It was their implemented system. Why not fix their system but banning players instead without even any notice or warning but straight to account closure.
Do you read the TOS? They willfully exploit a mechanic, they are endangering their accounts. Especially researching some of the steps needed to do this, its VERY obvious they know EXACTLY what they are doing. Lets also add that most of these people are doing it for money. I have no sympathy, and neither should you.
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They were not on trial account, it was their alts on their main account.