Blizzard Logic

I’m not sure, but I think banned players can still access the CS forum. I wouldn’t bother trying to ask on his behalf, they’ll just tell you they won’t discuss account actions on other peoples accounts.

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I don’t believe your friend for a second.


I hope they can point out what he did wrong and clear his mind. They informed as using Unauthorized Third Party Hack/Cheat Software in the mail but I am sure he don’t have/use it since its his long time playing account.

Well there you go. Thats what it was. Nothing to do with twinking


Thanks for your time and suggestions, they’re very informative and helpful, really appreciate.

I’ve played since classic. Twinks have always been a thing. They have a pause EXP option in the game.

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Thanks for pointing out but I am sure he don’t use any cheat/ hack. We’ve been friends so long, create adventures in Azeroth and beside that this game has nothing worth cheating for.

Blizzard says differently and has a lot more resources to detect it other than “ive known him for 2 weeks! He’d mever do that!”

Is what it is man


was this around the time they decided that those keystrokes were also bannable since multiboxers were using something to make all the accounts cast at the same time.


With that much resources to detect still can’t provide the actual cause of violation? I’m amazed by that you still believing they doing their work as best. Thanks for your time but not very helpful.

They did though. You told us they told your friend the cause:

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That’s what they’re wrong about. They keep sending policies link via automated replies over and over again but with no prove. If they detected he was hacking/ cheating what are they detecting ? Playing Ashran BG during that time ?

They’re not gonna give a step by step breakdown of what was detected and how


So you just accept whatever they say? Like they never did any mistake?

They have an appeals process.


Thanks, we’re doing it <3

Exactly this.

Twinking has never been something Blizzard has considered bannable, and since Blizzard bans are handed out by humans (via their Risk Department, something confirmed by both current and former Blizzard employees), it’s likely the player mentioned in that community council thread was doing something else other than playing a twink character, and that is what got them banned, not the act of twinking.

Hell, the fact that you have the ability to turn experience off so you can never level with that character is proof that they support twinking. If it was bannable, that NPC wouldn’t exist.


I’m curious if this is still the stance blizz takes

“Obviously there’s a moral difference between getting lucky and feeding achievements, but we then can’t exactly police or put regulations strictly on a person’s morals unless they’re breaking the rules. It might border on shady, but minimizing gray areas is important in this regard and it isn’t crossing any lines.“

“I could with almost certainty say no, they’re probably mostly players who have found an outlet for them to remove most of the challenge from PvP and ensure their victory far more often. It’s a mentality that I think many of them will find they will grow out of, or when dealing with the cause of this type of need to feel superior, will move on and begin to enjoy the limitations and challenges games provide.“

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Tiwinks who used a macro to bypass the XP-Off queue got banned.


This is incorrect as well. No one has figured out exactly what the cause of the ban is yet.

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