Yeah the ticket system is garbage. And the real salt on the wound is that whenever you open one, a day or so later it is closed by the automated response and you have to tell it to reopen because the problem is not yet resolved. Because the automated response is always “Hey, have you tried asking about this on the forum, or checked wowhead?”
“I’d work harder if they paid me more” is one of the most common lies people tell themselves. With very few exceptions, people who work hard and care about doing a good job can’t turn it off. That is just who they are as people.
its because people were wasting customer service time with easily answerable questions with a google search or automated services or things they were already told they cannot be helped with.
Even if true, it is still poor customer service. This is not a F2P game. Customer support shouldn’t be hidden in a maze.
Of course they don’t have to, It’s called Goodwill and they used to care enough to give people that 40 cent credit.
They really don’t need you white knighting for them, you’re not going to receive an award or personal thank you from Bobby.
Then ask you for a survey.
You’re painting with the broad brush there because I did that very thing
I’m making enough that i’m afraid to lose my job. I always did a good job but I did half cheek it for menial jobs.
But conversely it’s not just about paying the lazier workers more. It’s about bringing in less lazy workers incentivized by the pay.
Cute. You think I’m a white knight and a simp for Bobby.
I must be the strangest simp in the world considering that I’ve been pretty damn critical regarding borrowed power and the abject failure and biggest waste of potential that was WoD.
An actual white knight would find zero fault with anything Blizzard has done. It doesn’t just mean “person with opinion different from me.”
Might want to remember that before tossing around the term in a haphazard manner. It gives less weight to any sort of point you’re trying (and failing) to make
It isn’t. This has been explained many times. I’d suggest reading my previous posts and Leilleath’s as well.
Except for the time I had mail that wouldn’t delete . . .
i’ve had a legitimate issue go unresolved in the past because i couldnt find a means of getting a description of the issue to properly align with what blizzard wants me to enter in order for the system to understand that i had an unresolved issue.
It would be nice to be able to just say “none of those work” and get sent to a webform where i can just type in whats happening, what i have tried and to seek help.
Constantly getting kicked back to the start of the circle because my issue doesnt fit one of ten predefined issues is frustrating. And what paying customer wants to feel frustrated and uncared for?
You seem very sensitive, must have hit a nerve. You were still white knighting. And Bobby still isn’t going to give you an award.
That’s when you come to the CS forum so that we can help.
Not with that attitude
Yeah, it is even difficult to report players AFK in BGs now. Used to be easy to find and a couple clicks, not sure why they changed it.
This is just your way of generating your own truth in blind support of blizzard. You posted the list I told you I found, of very specific ways a player could be stuck, but which did not include the way my character was stuck. So basically you fully agreed with me that there was a long list of very specific ways of players being stuck, which is exactly what I said. But which did not include how my character was stuck.
There aren’t “a bunch of different ways to get my issue solved” if each article deals with only one unique type of unsticking. There’s a maximum of one way for each covered issue.
I wish there were more report options like griefing for instance. I also don’t like how if you leave an instance, you lose the option to report a player for infractions that happened during that instance. I wanted to report someone for throwing a BG by running repeatedly into the enemy to cause my team to lose resources, but realized I couldn’t do it after the match ended I zoned out.
We pay for a game service. There needs to be support for that service. Making it so difficult for that service is a bad business model. When you are able to open a ticket the support you receive is pathetic.
This thread will go on deaf ears just like everything in this forum. Okay, let the elitist, trolls, and haters tear me up.
I’ve never had “pathetic” support… but I don’t open tickets for stuff which GMs can’t help with.
I’m curious, exactly what sort of issues have you experienced, where you were unable to get a satisfactory result?
If we’re being honest we have to admit that blizz pushes people to Google and Wowhead because it’s cheaper than paying customer support techs. Spending money on good customer service for most businesses died sometime in the early 2000’s.