Blizzard Just Refused to Review My Case

I didn’t see the the OP’s post as being a rant. A little shifty and a bit of partial story telling perhaps, but not a rant.

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It’s not up to us to discuss the particulars of this case.

Orlyia mentioned this much publicly as the OP also posted a lot of information, I think.


I think the answer to your question is

This was a very unique situation that normally should not have been able to happen anyway. Sometimes outliers are outside of a GM purview.

Orlyia may have done nothing personal other than look in, pass along, and respond. We just don’t know.


Except it wasn’t a compromise, really.

OP’s account should have already been locked, but it wasn’t. OP took advantage of that delay, knowingly or not, to transfer a character to a fresh account in order to continue playing through the penalty. Rather than just apply the penalty to both licenses, as the GM originally did, it appears Orlyia simply made sure the glitch was retroactively corrected by reversing (and refunding) the character transfer and unlocking the non-offending WoW license.

I don’t disagree, however, that Orlyia went above and beyond to make sure things were handled appropriately; it’s what she does. It’s what all our Support Forum blues do every day, all day.


Perhaps. But gold star for her anyway! :star2: