My personal choice is to keep ground mounts as they are, but I do agree with you if there was a half wolf winged mythology creature added to the game that could fly.
On a side note why is it we don’t have more lions added to the game, would love to see an overhaul pretty much like the tigers on Pandaria, be it pets or mounts, there my 3 cents.
lol…you can tell that poster has never run thru the goblin starting zone lmao
if you want to see ‘stupid/silly’, its been in the game for a couple decades now. lol
mail armor rarely EVER actually LOOKS LIKE mail armor.
I know…I run hunter a lot. lol
There are a FEW sets that actually look like mail armor.
And no…its NOT just specific sets.
There are tons of individual sets and even pieces…“plate” chest / robes, for example, that look no more plate than cloth does.
Its not just specific sets and if you think it is you clearly HAVENT browsed thru wowhead armor pages.
You are linking me stoneage armor that was changed because the armor progression from leather to mail snd msil to plate was removed for all specs. Thats not an srgument.
Blizzard making event/trading post armor sets available to all armor types is whatever. But you wont get to mog cloth to plate from the games bulk of content snd even blizzard knows that
no son…Im PROVING to your uneducated sort that this HAS BEEN a thing since the classic era, yet you all PRETEND your precious ‘immersion’ has only recently been defiled lmao.
IF this issue was ACTUALLY a REAL issue to any of you THAT detail right there would have been something youd have been complaining about FOR YEARS now.
So we KNOW your reaction now is just hyperbolic nonsense.
youd dont REALLY care about appearances in this game and you all know it
so you say…and we’ll wait and see if they listen …just like they finally listened to all our screeching about bringing back the AH mount, lol.
I like it when your sort says something wont happen…youre the same ones who yelled for years in here that we were NEVER getting flight on day one without pathfinder ever and to stop talking about it lmao.
Well here we are…a new bruto AH mount and flight on day one.
Guess the demands worked after all
And we’ll continue them over the transmog and flying ground mounts too.
I for one don’t know why if they made Blanche fly… and Midnight can’t?.. Midnight is nicely done, much more work put in than Blanche… and never used. the updated version anyway.
Could quite literally show you armor from BFA to TWW that doesn’t look like what it’s supposed to, but something tells me your ego does not leave room for learning or personal growth.
The first cloth set that looks to be partially plate was from last expansion, so you look like an actual clown, sorry to say. Not sorry I said it, sorry it needed to be said to begin with.
lmao…sorry joker but AGAIN I linked a long list of examples…which Im moving here to keep you from whining about ‘spam’ like your sort does when you dont pay attention the first time and we have to repeat ourselves lmao
Heres a PRIEST CLOTH set, lol
Seriously NOT clothy looking to me
same cloth set, different color
More cloth that looks more plate than some plate sets do…lol
MAGE CLOTH…doesnt look like cloth to me…looks like a mage in PLATE
more cloth that doesnt look like cloth
HERE IS PLATE…that looks no more plate than any of the above.
AND HERES PLATE…that looks more like mail armor, lol
guess my immersion is busted. lol
NO ONE HERE is going around checking class versus mogs and every one here KNOWS it.
Stop with this ‘muh immersion’ crap…thanks
This is “plate”…lmao… the ‘immersion’ was broken back in classic, lol
Im not Einstein but those dont LOOK like PLATE to me. lol
paladin is one of the main offenders. lol.
“Plate” robes that look exactly like cloth lmao.
that kind cant ever be taken seriously.
Accusing me of emotionalism while they are literally arguing from nothing but rancid emotions instead of objective fact.
Nothing about a warrior charging into battle in the kirin tor set with two kirin tornstaves makes sense. Nothing about a male orc warrior wearing the valentines set into battle makes sense.
Though ground mounts are not useless since lots of content doesn’t allow flying, there should be some mount equipment that allows ground mounts to fly.