Blizzard is still here

The ban crew here tried to silence all my posts as the always do, and a GM unflagged it. I’ve never been so optimistic. I think they’re noticing the abuse and trying to fight it behind the scenes. I just hope those with high reporting number get investigated. If most of their reports ended up with nothing, they should be punished for wasting all our time.


I believe the community managers have said that simply flagging a post isn’t against the rules, but swapping to different characters just to flag it multiple times is.


I didn’t even think anyone would be so without time to do something like that. My bad for having a little faith in humanity I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe it’s pretty rare, but it has happened before and is definitely considered a form of trolling/harassment.


I want to appreciate the time and effort you put into these forums to keep them civil, on topic, and logical. And I’m sorry for and work I’ve made for you <3

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Surprised you can flag a post multiple times from the same account. Almost an attractive nuisance in allowing you to.

Think a more serious problem is people organizing brigades from outside of the game. Mostly see it in upvotes though. Controversial or off the wall post with 10-20 likes in as many minutes.


A few flags here and there, sure, it shouldn’t be against the rules.

Falsely flagging continuously against one user however should be treated as trolling, if not harassment.


True, there are limits to flagging in general I suppose. If you just flag a huge streak of posts in a row or flag 20 posts of a specific person, that would likely count as well.

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welcome to the WoW forums where ANYTHING is possible. lmao


Hey Akari, I don’t mean to be a pest but is there any chance that you or anyone else you know on the CC might be willing to address some of concerns regarding the lack of love and effort that went into the Troll Heritage set? Vast majority of people want to see this get fixed.

Not sure if you’ve had a chance to really take a look at it or if you’re familiar with any of the issues, but if this is up your ally we’d appreciate the help. On this post if you scrolled down to comment 298 you’ll see close up images of the mask from the side along with a breakdown of everything wrong with the set. There’s probably about a dozen other posts floating around with gripes about the set. If you have any questions let me know. Thank you for your consideration.

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I was asleep what happened?


If I remember correctly, I am pretty sure it is actually a CoC offense.

They’re just doing their job…

A blue also said they would be able to recognize a pattern and if such a group exists conducting the flagging to play moderator.

Continuing the discussion from Are coordinated reports harassment on the forum?:

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At this point why even try to moderate the internet. Just let people go at it with all the trolling and insults they want. As long as they’re not making threats then it shouldn’t matter what people say. No blocking, no ignore lists, no bans unless personal threats are made.

Words will never be violence.

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