Blizzard is so disappointed in us

They gave us these forums to discuss wow and all we do is talk politics. Every thread eventually devolves into people talking about religion, lgbt, politicians, news outlets, mental health, diversity, wokeness.

I’m guilty of it to. I can’t help myself.

Either the game is too woke or not woke enough. There’s either too many gay characters or not enough. Nobody wins. It’s just a self perpetuating cycle of victimization and finger pointing.

You know what political party you belong to. All of them are guilty.

I’m sick of right wingers complaining about wokeness. I’m tired of leftists complaining about racism and homophobia.

I’m just as bad. This forum brings the worst out in me and everyone else.

Left and right are equally as bad. Both are equally awful. Of course now, people from both side will say the other is worse because obviously.

And yeah, it’s been like this forever. But I haven’t been around here forever. I just never knew it was this bad.


And this company should make games that are fun… and not abuse their own people …
Oh wait dumb useless company did that already.

Honestly shows how bad they were
Still are??


if only they ever stopped in to help guide and focus our discussions…

I’ve said some mean things here in the past because of politics and I’m sorry.


Wait. You guys take stuff on here seriously?


What could you possibly mean by this

DOnt care what blizz thinks. They are a impersonal corporation that cares about making money so they dont matter.

As far as the division goes its been around for awhile and its not goona get better. Gonna get worse


It’s their own fault for getting rid of the Off-Topic part of the forum.


They may be but we are more disappointed in them


Blizzard is so disappointed in us

i have far more to be disappointed in them about.


Then they should stop adding real life issues into a fantasy game.

I come to Azeroth to escape this crap not find more of it.


They are misogynistic cube crawlers, you think i care that they’re disappointed?


Like what???

Why are you discussing politics on these forums?

Do you know that’s against the TOS? Reported and screenshotted.

It’s high time we rise up and police these forums ourselves from people like you.

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You should care that they are.

The WoW dev team are some of the most passionate game developers in the industry.

Dragonflight is a testament to that.

Bowls of Fruit. Centuars. Just to name 2


Blizzard puts it in the game. You can thank them for that.


/thread right here.

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I mean I don’t lose any sleep over it so, no.

I’m not here to give a mega company expectations.

You seem to have things backwards.

THEY’RE the ones offering content and a service. We are customers who they want to be paid by. They are the ones who need to play to the customer and not DISAPPOINT US.

Corporations are not your family,friends, buddy, etc. They eventually become large and forget who made them what they are and turn to shells of what they once were. Money is all that matters.

Their “disappointment” in us is as meaningful as glass in macaroni n cheese.