Blizzard is making me nervous

Blizzard made a couple community posts, but the one that makes me the most nervous is the one talking about talent trees.

YES! The talent trees are broken due to yesterday’s update (August 22), BUT, there are many other things broken/bugged out. And before I get the usual “the add-on people will work out the bugs”, I’m not talking about that.

BLIZZARD, please, if you have any respect left for ERA, you will revert this patch until it can be worked on and fixed. This is the only course of action you can take to rectify this situation.

From the vast majority of personal friends, and posts I’ve seen, people are not happy with this update. Get more feedback, get more testing before you do this. You are going to inadvertently kill ERA.


they ain’t gonna revert nothin :expressionless: slowly finding and fixings bugs over the course of months is the best they can do

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Talent trees are already fixed, wanding is fixed if you uncheck the box, most addons are fixed with more on the way.

Sounds fixed to me.

No need to revert.

These are the comments that are very unhelpful. There are so many bugs caused by this update. Just a random one that I know about is your horse making random sounds when you switch stances while mounted. That’s just one weird bug that’s already happening. I’m sure there are tons more undiscovered.

More testing must be done before this patch sticks. Whether or not they do that, that’s a different story.

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OMG!! A horse makes a weird sound!!


Who the F cares. Theyll fix it when they fix it. You think they are gonna undo HC and PVP changes because your dumb horse makes a sound?

Imagine not having ZG raptor by phase 9 already smfh


So is most of the stuff fixed from yesterday? Or are there just the same workarounds as yesterday? Just curious.

Edit i mean did blizz do any hot fixing?

If that’s your take, i don’t think you understand the concept of ERA. All I’m going to say to you.


Most of it has been fixed with the server resets this morning. Talents have been reset across the board as well.

Okay cool the answer i was looking for thanks

It sounds like talent trees are fixed (functionally, not how they used to work), but I’m guessing many of the weird bugs are still in effect.

I don’t think you understand that classic wow has never been true classic, there have always been changes since day 1, and if you dont like it… as always. Vote with your wallet.

Have an issue, stop paying for it. If you keep paying for it then clearly you have zero concerns. There is a very simple fix here… and its on your end.

This attitude is why the western world is in shambles… Reminds me of Italy in the 90’s and early 2000’s when tons of the infrastructure of both national and private simply didn’t work because no one gave any care and no effort was made to upkeep things.

Low quality is ALWAYS the result of un-paid, unskilled or lazy people. These are the reasons why things don’t get done, and why stuff is breaking down.

Blizzard NEEDS to first communicate, apologies, and revert the patch until all bugs are eliminated. There is no reason to go live on era servers with half baked goods.


everyone here is addicted to the game and will keep their sub regardless of what they do.

The problem isnt with Blizzard… the problem is with us.

Stop paying for crap if you hate the direction its going in. By paying for it you support their decisions.

Stop passing the buck. Its 100% on you.


Could you elaborate?
What do you mean by this?

The talent trees used to show you how much talent points you’ve spent in them, now it sounds like that has been changed. It’s sort of a half-assed update, in my opinion.


So you’ve not been in game to see for yourself?

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The talent tree didnt bother me i had my spec im going to continue using, but the atrocious lag when going on fps, checking mail, using ah, and buying from vendors etc along with addons not working was my concern.

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I did hear a lot about the lag and such. I did hear people still had the lagging issue even after disabling add-ons. Yet another example

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You realise that is the growing sentiment now yes?

This again is a poor attitude, because the development team should care enough about the integrity of the game they upkeep to make sure its players are overall happy.

Putting the burden on the players to vote with their money should be the last and least desirable option, not actually sure how that is even a consideration, id like to make some real life and very “final” analogies here but the wrong think police and wimps will get offended somehow.

Point being made here is discussion, integrity, negotiation of details and Good faith efforts from all sides should be used befor the “F in chat” option.


There’s still plenty of bugs. My paladin doesn’t show her auras on the ground when she changes them anymore. Le sigh :expressionless: