/eye roll…
Roar and freedom can still say… They can use the eagle animation, just like intimidate. Like I said in the OP.
Read, read ,read
/eye roll…
Roar and freedom can still say… They can use the eagle animation, just like intimidate. Like I said in the OP.
Read, read ,read
What im saying is theyre going for a theme. And that theme doesn’t have a pet.
I’m not sure your suggestions even fundamentally change anything, let alone fix anything.
Again I did read, you didnt mention them.
Still ignoring the tuning issues.
and further confirming you dont know what you are talking about.
The issue with LW was the lack of utility that pets have vs throughput
And I am simply saying this theme had options of being executed much better if it weren’t for end game loot distribution being the limiting factor on hunters being the only ranged physical class.
So we are getting a reduction in a class to suit a theme rather than an expansion in a class to do so. That’s about as well as I can explain it I guess.
I said that LW can increase auto shot and steady shot dmg.
This way both LW and a pet only effect single target…
The issue with MM is tuning around using a pet for a spec where a vast majority of players don’t use pet.
I think you think the problem that needs solving is just Lone Wolf. No, the problem is MM as a whole. They’re not trying to fix Lone Wolf, removing Lone Wolf is the fix to MM.
Oj well I have no dog in that hunt. I dont care or think about how loot is distributed. Cant comment.
… that what you said here is a complete revisionist take on history.
No, back during WoD Lone Wolf was the worse option when it released. Yet it was the most popular. Meaning that Blizzard upped its power by player’s requests so it would be on par with having a pet out but without the utility of a pet.
This is something that is indicative of player behaviour namely that MM players don’t care to have a pet. Which makes sense since both BM and Survival are both specializations that care about their pet and uses them as part of their rotation. Which led MM to be in a weird position where the real difference between Survival and MM was “One shoots big shots, and the other one has Wyvern Sting.”
Lone Wolf is picked because if you wanted to play with pets, you’d be playing BM or Survival - whether the WoD version of survival or the Legion rework of survival becoming a melee spec.
What ya’ll are misunderstanding is that no one is calling for the pet to be removed, but there’s plenty of people who don’t have a revisionist view of history trying to explain why it is not just fine but also (potentially) a good thing that MM doesn’t have Call Pet.
What the majority of people are saying though is… wait and see how it turns out. If it turns out to be bad, it can be changed back or to another version that works better. But currently what folks are reporting from the PTR is that it plays not just well but better than before.
My man you are clueless.
LW afffects all targets which is why the tuning is so poorly done.
I would seriously delete this thread if I were you.
Your OP is full of ramblings from someone without basic class knowledge.
Which I address in the OP by having LW increase auto shot and steady shot dmg, since the pet only contributed to a basic single target attack
Loot distribution is not the crux of my comment here.
It’s that other classes could have been expanded to suit this role rather than hunter being compressed to do so and that we are seeing compression rather than expansion. Warrior and Rogue could have provided this fantasy. Instead of additional specs we got equipment slots deleted.
End game, whether it be balance or loot distribution, is simply why any class changes happen.
If your class notes don’t involve the barber shop then they are basically being made because of end game.
That’s why I changed LW to increase auto and steady instead of a flat% increase like it is now…
Read, dude…
This way both LW and a pet only contributed to single target…
Look, you’re not getting it at all, so I’m gonna break protocol here and just tell you if you want to keep using a pet, switch to BM. They even have the option to use two pets! That’s double the fun for you.
I agree with more gun slingers. Im hoping Monk gets a Bard spec to resolve this.
I did read it. Its a terrible change.
Stop trying to justify your terrible ideas by saying people arent reading.
How is it a terrible change???
This essentially makes a pet and LW almost cosmetic difference only…
Lol Christ man
Well nothing you’ve said would indicate that you do in fact agree with more.
You literally anwser your ownquestion.
The spec isnt designed or supposed to have a pet.
Thats how we feel when people who dont have a clue make suggestions.