Blizzard is Free!

Bobby Kotick will be gone soon. Yes I know he is staying but it’s a high chance that it’s only for transition period.

Phil doesn’t like Kotick and was quite critical when the scandal came out

So, finally hoping for positive direction to come for both employees and us players

In Grom’s voice

Blizzard is free


Oops, accidentally read it in Sméagol’s voice.


Hope you enjoy the major micro transactions that will be coming soon


Knowing you hate this means that more people will like it.

Hopefully they kick Ion out next.


I think if anything it will finally put wow in a healthy development direction.

Like instead of milking us i hope its like " how do we improve wow for the future for years to come ".


Of course, we all have to remember that the guy saying “Draenor is Free” was also the guy oppressing Draenor.

And also, a few years later, we found out that Draenor was very much not free anyway.


I mean Microsoft is known for their micro transactions

I can see exclusives for WoW stuff on Xbox over PC

I don’t hate any of these changes but you might


How can anybody possibly think this? Blizz is now (edit: will be) owned by a corporation whose anticompetitive ruthlessness would make John Rockefeller cry in his oatmeal and scream for his mother.


We will see. I don’t think it’s gonna be THAT soon, considering it’s supposed to go into effect in 2023.

It will be interesting to see what direction WoW and OW go into, the two Blizzard games I am invested in. Can’t say whether it’s gonna be good or bad. I know that people have their opinions on Microsoft but the direction WoW has been going in, all on it’s own, hasn’t been that great in my eyes.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Clark is actually right and we see them amp up the cash shop. But boy, do I hope he is wrong. :wink:

Ugh, I hope not. Destiny 2 had console exclusive content in the form of dungeons and that sucked.

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I like it.

I like it very much.


Current ones are bad anyways dude. What worse it could get more now ?


They could gate keep xp with daily caps like a lot of mobile MMOs do. Then sell premium currency to unlock the leveling process.

Look at your transmog lol. You clearly have no problems buying microtransactions.


The only time to get concerned is when Gamigo buys a game :slight_smile:

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Me personally don’t bother me

I’m pointing out what you may not like

Bobbys contract is up march 2023
he is staying til then
microsoft doesnt want to have to pay out his golden parachute


Isn’t everything you’re happy about based on allegations and hearsay?

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Because unlike Activision Blizzard, Microsoft is actually a decent company to work for. They pay their employees properly, they don’t tolerate the types of behaviour that Activision Blizzard have been in the news for over the past year, and also unlike Activision Blizzard they give their studios all the time and money they need to make the games they want to make.

Halo Infinite, as an example, was supposed to launch at the tail end of 2020, as a launch title for the new Xbox console, but it wasn’t ready and rather than force it out because it ‘needed to be there at console launch’ they gave the team at 343 the time they needed to finish the game, which meant it didn’t launch until almost a year later.

Also unlike Activision Blizzard, Microsoft isn’t interested in churning out yearly hits for their franchises, the games are released when they’re ready, not when the shareholders want another paycheck.


They already said Bobby is staying. And either way, nothing would change anyway. Do you think Microsoft doesn’t want to make money? Do you think they don’t want to make their 68.7 billion dollars back, that they invested?

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You guys speak about Microsoft and microtransactions as if level boosts, WoW tokens, incessant mounts and cosmetics, character services, subscription incentives, and so forth don’t already exist on the WoW store.